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We already know some websites providing d-o-follow links.. Here, I share top 10 social media sites providing d-o-follow links...

1. YouTube

YouTube allows adding description where you can include a link to your site, however that’s actually a nofollow link.

Link can be added in the channel’s header and the social links that are added actually a d-o-follow!

Here, if you are prompting for a Tumblr blog or a Wordpress site, the link that are added will be d-o-follow.

On the other hand, the URL link of the blog should end in tumblr.com or wordpress.com, etc.

2. Hubpages

Many would have noticed that few “hubs” have d-o-follow links in the articles, rather than many nofollow links.

Either the Hubpages account needs a particular number of points (minimum 75) or the hub score needs to be minimum of 40, to provide d-o-follow links in the hubs.

It doesn’t let d-o-follow links to accommodate in the comments or profiles.

3. Google+

Ah..!!! Yeah… Google+ provide d-o-follow whereas not all the links that shares are d-o-follow.

The links in the comments and the links we get when sharing the textual content are nofollow.

However, In the “Share what`s new” section, when the link icon is clicked, the link we get is d-o-follow.

4. LinkedIn

In Linkedin feed, we might see some list of links to third party sites, that’s obviously d-o-follow.

However, the posts might not be found in Google search, as the search engine giant doesn’t have access to a huge part of LinkedIn content,

therefore these links are not taken into account for page ranking factors.

In ‘My publications’, some SEO value is passed with the links, where those links to the respective posts are d-o-follow.

But these posts are accessed only via redirection 302.

The ranking factor out of these links are likely based on how long the redirect has been around.

5. Pinterest

Pinterest bring the visual side of the brand into the spotlight.

Moreover, it links to our site from the profile, which is actually a d-o-follow.

Whereas links in the “Pinned from…” box are internal actually, which don’t lead directly to our site. Beware of that.

6. Wordpress

Wordpress blog- do it for free and takes only few minutes to set it up.

It looks await journey of the content marketing people or to the one who needs visitors attraction by publishing articles on third party platforms.

Wordpress nofollows profile and all comment links, to prevent spam.

However, the choice of making links are provided, either d-o-follow or nofollow- when creation of the post is done on a free- hosted Wordpress blog.

7. Reddit

A social bookmarking site, Reddit makes to bookmark any type of content.

All links that it provides for the post are d-o-follow- great part about Reddit, whereas exception of the links that comes via a redirect.

8. BizSugar

BizSugar- People love to create or share business tips and updates.

Hence, the content to the topic of entrepreneurship, Digital marketing, social, business are to be promoted- then the community helps us to post after registration.

The link that we get from the content is actually d-o-follow.

9. Tumblr

Tumblr, a popular blogging platform. Earlier, In case of re-blogging the Tumblr post, the link in the profile would become d-o-follow.

Magic???!!! Yup… Seems Droll… But made a statement.

Rightnow, Tumblr has caught up with that and changed…

Still, if we share a link to content on Tumblr just by pressing the green link button, the links will be d-o-follow.

10. Blogger

A Google owned, Blogger or Blogspot, which shares the posts get indexed first. Adding advantage is that, the links from Bloggers posts are d-o-follow.

Now if the comment to a Blogspot post is placed from a link- most probably the URL will never be converted to hyperlink by default.

Adding with this, I Like to add some social bookmarking sites that fetches you d-o-follow links...


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