
Yes, if:

You want to progress in your Digital / Internet Marketing career

You want to see, hear and meet some of the best SEO’s on the planet

You are stagnant in your approaches and need proven, fresh, high level techniques to advance

You are an SEO working alone, or in a SME, a multi-million pound agency or for a recognised global brand

You are bored of seeing the same dull, censored speeches churned out by the same circuit-weary speakers

You want to get a fantastic ROI and take away immediately usable and actionable methods

You want to be part of a special event with great food, drinks and networking

You hate wasting your time at big generic card swapping events in soulless conference centers

You are sick of pitch fest, BS, lame conventional conferences wasting your time and money

You want to learn more and earn more

You want to spend 3 days with friends in one of the most energetic and exciting cities in the world.

No, if:

You don't like earning, learning and having fun. In fact if you don't like any of these we don't want you there anyway! ;)

Don't miss out on the lowest prices available during the Early Bird finishing Feb 9 http://www.eventbrite.com/e/ungagged...ets-8836168217

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