
Hi all,

For the past 2 years I have invested all my energy into making a business out of something that never really had any potential. I kind of got deluded that if I just kept working at it things would eventually start to turn around. Well now I have no money, and hardly no income, but do have some clarity to realise it's time to move on, this business was not to do with internet marketing.

I first saw the forums years ago , years and years ago, just read bits and pieces. Now I am back and pleased to see the forums are still an active community of people.

My Goals with my Internet Marketing journey are as follows (in order of difficulty I guess)...

1) Make a sale or generate some income (even if just .01c) from an online venture. I imagine it must be a good feeling the moment you generate your first profit online.

2) Make $100 profit from an online venture after all running costs etc are deducted.

3) Make $200 a day from an online venture for one month.

Point 3 is my main goal, but I am not stupid, I realise if internet marketing was easy, and a newcomer could just make $200 a day, then well, there would be no poor people in the world. So I do not think it is going to be easy but if I can achieve 3, then my work with IM would have been perhaps my proudest accomplishment in my life.

How am I going to do this

I have not identified my strategy yet, but to help with this I plan to spend a great deal of time reading the forums and investigating what others have said. There is a bit of a cynic in me by nature (such that I find myself doubting the claims of others etc.) and I think this will be a hurdle but one that should hopefully not be too hard to overcome, once I get to 'know' a few successful people in the community.

To help me with my goals of making money online now, I plan to update in this thread with a list of threads I have studied, and what I have learnt from them what my thinking is about them. I hope by doing this my own ideas will become clearer and also I will build a library I can refer to as I develop in my apprenticeship here, because I guess I am an apprentice now.

I could just post these in a personal blog, or a file off-line etc, but I hope by sharing my thoughts here, I will benefit from the exchange of ideas with other members etc.

What I know...

I have web design skills and have previously sold these services to others and had no complaints, so I think this will be useful.

I am familiar with twitter.

I know what clickbank is, (a database of affiliate programs etc).

I have read an article here about how to make money, by commenting on other web sites using googles search feature, and linking to your own review site, and am thinking this might be the method I try first of all. I will write a bit more about this, when I find the link to the article again, and re-read it, and will make this the first thread in my mini library I am starting to build of reference threads in this thread.

I also am aware that while not everyone will 'get rich' by Internet Marketing, for sure the people that will not with a certainty, are those that believe they are unable to, so I am going to work hard to dispel the notion that it's just too hard.

Thanks for reading all of this if you have. I look forward to sharing things as my journey progresses.

last updated 12.2.2016

I cant post link to this BHW article as the moderation is triggered when I try to link to another BHW thread, is there a way of linking to other BHW posts without breaking any rules?

For now I will just post the BHW location, without the link.

1) Making money from thousands of twitter accounts


The above thread belongs to forum member gashead. I was attracted to it recently because I have been exploring some basic twitter marketing strategies myself the past few months, but only with 1-2 accounts not 1900! This business model seems to focus on the power of scale. Gashead is using some software with the project, namely FollowLiker. This has been interesting to learn about as my main twitter process with my own account had been to simply use 'unfollowers' - recently rebranded to something else, I can't remember the name. To follow 1k accounts a day, and every day unfollow account that haven't followed me back in 2 days. Using the technique I got up to about 3.5k followers on my own account (but this my personal account so has my photo, although it is geared around a niche) I have been thinking of ways how I can monetize this a bit, and think I may come back to this as a possible idea for me to look at. Followliker seems quite powerful. I'm a little worried that if I start using it with my personal account that twitter might detect followerliker is being used and block my account, I know they can be a bit tetchy about marketing practices. But I will look into this more. Gashead also talks about VPS's (Virtual Private Servers) which I have heard of but never used. They seem to add a lot more power than conventional shared hosting plans. All my hosting experience has been with hostgators shared hosting plans to date. Gashead also talks about using many different proxies. I know that a proxy is a way of anonimizing the source of an internet activity, and my own experience with it has been to access blocked torrent sites in the UK, since the laws changed preventing which sites could and couldn't be accessed.

This was an interesting read, and opened my eyes up to the power of marketing over many different accounts, using automated practices on twitter. Questions I still have is whether it would be as profitable or more profitable to only have 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, accounts that you really work on building up in their own niches, instead of 1920 accounts that are kind of like little robots. Another question I have was prompted by a comment someone posted in the thread, they said instead of using mylikes (which from what I gather seems to be a website that pays you to get people to click on links or something similar) why don't you use your own site. My gut feeling at the moment is this would be a better route because for a day or two investigation into what links you want to promote etc and getting your site setup, you would minimise the risk of twitter blocking your account because they see it associated with a site like mylikes, so this is something I want to look at a bit more. Maybe I have this luxury with my web dev skillset though, and not everyone else does, so perhaps that's the reason others wouldn't choose to do this.

This was a useful article and opened my eyes up a bit to the power of twitter marketing in scale.

Actions to take forward:

- Investigate FollowLiker in more detail, figure out if it is 'safe' to use on an account you want to keep 'forever' and explore how it might be useful from a marketing perspective.

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