Hello everyone! I have been reading a lot of journeys lately, and I must say, I felt compelled to contribute my own story. I held off for a while because I felt I had nothing to share. When I was talking to some fellow CPA-ers, I was telling them things, and they were amazed at some of them. I thought most of it was just common sense, but I guess not. This journey will consist of my attempts, the results of those attempts, and what I plan on doing next. I am going to keep this as professional and possible, and make sure everything is grammatically correct (I am a grammar-freak).
I may or may not reveal niche information or things of the sort.
So without further ado, here we go!
I am a 23 year old male, who lives in the USA. I have a 4 ½ year old daughter (yes, I started young :P ). I live in an apartment with my girlfriend, daughter, and our puppy. I work a full-time job at my family’s company, and do not have a college degree. I have been programming windows applications since I was approximately 8 years old, and have never looked back. I tried to do the college thing, but it just wasn’t for me.
My current forms of income are as follows:
Full-time work
Selling items on Amazon (not affiliate).
My current method for getting leads for CPA is as follows currently (in tree form):
YouTube (Niches, and Micro Niches)
Was using MVB to mass upload videos with my link in them. YouTube started mass-banning mass accounts within the last couple days and I have lost all of my accounts (over 650).
Now I am using a more manual method, which I will show you guys in a little bit.
Settings up videos on each manual account, and using TubeRank Jeet to find out popular keywords, and long tail keywords being used/searched for currently.
If it’s a very saturated niche, I will boost them with Likes,Views(Ret. And Non-Ret.), and Subs.
Creating Websites for Gaming Niches and Ranking Them on Bing/Yahoo/Google
Currently have one website up. SEO is done for it, just building backlinks now
I currently have one website up, and have finished on-site SEO, and am now working on off-site SEO.
It is currently ranked on the following engine:
Google: #57
Bing: #4
Yahoo!: #4
What I did to create it (in order)
Used Market Samurai to find a micro-niche keyword in the gaming realm.
Purchased domain, and hosting
Installed WordPress on the website.
Installed plugins, found a theme, and got to work writing content.
I made a total of 3 pages with the following titles all centered around the name keyword(s)
“What’s It Do?”
Consists of a hand written (approx. 375 words) explanation of what the tool does.
Another brief overview of what the tool does, but 100% different from the “What’s It Do?” page.
Added a YouTube video of the tool in action on the page (I made the video)
Designed Download buttons to make it look cool.
Put a viral locker on the page which requires the users to “Like” and “Share” the website on Facebook before being able to even see the survey.
Obvious… Isn’t it? :P
“Privacy Policy”
Used a free generated copy from FreePrivacyPolicy.com (I think that’s the site).
Drive traffic to the website via YouTube videos.
Currently my earnings are not where I would like them to be. I am making anywhere from $5 - $80 a day. A snapshot of my earnings from the last couple days can be seen below. I recently switched back to CPAGrip from CPALead. I was getting better conversions on CPAGrip, but that doesn’t mean you should take my word for it. I’m very big on split testing, I am a “stats-nerd”, I guess you could call it.
I will be posting updates here on a (hopefully) daily basis. Thank you for reading and I hope to help some people, while helping myself! :)
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