Hi, Today i will share my website which i lanuched in Last January. I need to clear something about Google Policy and Want to that, my earn way is safe or not. Let me give you some information about my website
Web Site: quotespaper{dot com}/general/7190/14
Main Traffic: Facebook, Taboola
Alexa: 16KMost visitor: India, Netherlands, Bangladesh
CTR: Around 0.5-1%
My question is
1. I'm doing paid promotion for my content. I use Facebook, Taboola for Generating Relevant Traffic. My website bounce rate in Under 30% and also website spending time more them 3 min avg/person. Is that okay if i use Facebook and Taboola or others content marketing paid promotion?? My Visitor are happy with my content and engagement is very good. So is there any problem with google adsense policy?
2. Can you please give me a look about my Ads Placement?
3. I'm using others images. Those are not my own image. Is it required to put original image source link in my every image? I can't find original source sometime. So i can't put that. Is it okay for Google Adsense?
4. You know Image also called "Content" . I'm using only Image in page. There have no need to put text for this purpose. So is it okay if i use only image in my website?
That's it. I will be very grateful if you guys give me those answer. I'm not 100% confident on those point. That's why sometime i afraid about those. So please help me about this.
Thanks in Advance.