I am building up my web 2.0 network for my latest project, so I am sharing my plan to build some Super Web 2.0s as my way to pay back to blackhat world, my plan is a bit different than some of the others shared here.
This serves as a manual Tier 1, you could automate this, but part of this plan is the slow build and manual process.
The network is built up of a mixture of expired Web 2.0s, about 30%, and then new build web 2.0s, mix of 30% being built in the months before the site launches, then the rest built up after the site launches. I aim for a medium comp keyword, so I plan to build around 100 2.0s.
For the sake of clarity, let’s say my new $ site is all about Starting a Small Business
Let’s start by talking about what I am calling a web 2.0:
Web 2.0s
and some others you can find here:
Each Web 2.0 is registered, if I am making multiples on a domain, I run them through proxies and use different email address, then record which account got which proxy, so I don’t have log-in inconsistencies. I don’t fret about using the same email address across different properties, as unless you are using blogger, Google has no idea what your login credentials are.
NEVER forget to verify your email address for a site, as that is the quickest way to lose your property, I also check my emails periodically, as you can get warnings about your site and if you miss them, you might lose your roperty.
Web 2.0 Blog build-up
About me
Contact me page
Logo or personal picture
Not every site gets an About me and/or a contact me page, I mix it up to reduce any standard set-up.
Every site gets a logo or personal picture of the author, once again to reduce footprint/patterns, some sites are built up as a personal blog/journal(say about my work as a manager, and the struggles I have had dealing with employees and customers), or it might be a site designed to look like a business consulting website, or it might be designed as a failed business reselling used office furniture with a blog. As you can see, it is wise to mix up the style of the site, never have a uniform appearance or style.
Other pages I may add, depending upon the style of blog I am building up:
Physical Location Page
Personal Stories Page
Shopping cart page
Privacy policy
Gallery Page
Video page
I change the theme of each site(NEVER use the default theme), I change colors of the text, layout, anything and everything I can, never leave a pattern in the build, never leave anything completely default.
Get creative when you are building yours, never build cookie-cutter sites, never leave things completely standard.
Now before I start posting, I do a bit of keyword research. Yes, I do keyword research for my Web 2.0s. If I am targeting my $ site to keywords around Small Business Advice, I will build my Web 2.0s around 2 types of keywords:
Site Target Keywords: these are keywords I may be targeting, like for example, “how to market your small business”, “How to manage your online brand”, “Business Cards for the Small Business Owner”, or “How to manage employees”.
Low Search Related Keywords: these keywords I may target here will be low search, like: “best business advice”(10 searches monthly, low comp), “setting up a small business”(15 searches a month, low comp), or “Steps for setting up an office”(25 searches monthly, low comp). By targeting these low comp, low search phrases, my Web 2.0 has a chance to rank high, which will not only help pass some power to my $ site, but also potentially some real referral traffic.
Just because this is a Web 2.0 property, don’t neglect your sites structure, build it as would be natural to the style in which fits the site you are building.
Site Structure:
Silo style
Unstructured; like many personal journals are.
Post-wheeled: build the site into a link wheel, with a center hub post(no link yet).
Pyramid style: hub post(no link added yet), with 2 posts built out to support it, then 2 to each of those, as big as you want.
I will mix my site structure plans up, basing it upon what style site I am planning to build there. A personal journal styled 2.0 would look unnatural being built with a strong SEO style build. I don’t worry about Google identifying these properties, so much as a competitor finding them and reporting them.
So, now we have our site(s) setup, we know what keyword each property will be targeting, now it is time to manage the content.
Delete the “Hello World” post, set your permalinks correctly, set your time zone to the area you are basing your Web 2.0 in, and post your first filler article(I manually write this article, make it specific to the keyword and style I am building my property around). Once you have posted your first post, let the site sit and age a bit, let it be indexed naturally.
My workflow is to do all of the above as I register the Web 2.0 property, then once I have a nice library of sites built up(say around 25), I stop creating them for a bit and instead I will go back and start working on my filler content.
Filler Posts/Content:
PLR articles: I will manually spin/rewrite these, using the PLR article as a guide.
PLR e-books: each chapter is posted as a post, then I manually spin/rewrite them.
Out of copyright material: take books, on topic, that are so old they have fallen out of copyright. Say take a book from the early 1900's about business attire and post it slowly as articles(no spinning), make the site about how things have changed from the business suit and tie days for everyone; great silo site design.
Original content: I usually dictate out my posts while commuting to the day job, then upload later.
Case Studies: I will look at niche relevant things and break them down, for example: take a local business and examine the way it has succeeded in it’s viral marketing, or in it’s brand growth. Talk about major chain businesses effects on small local businesses.
I like to aim for posts around 1,000 words each, but have gone up to 10,000 words and as low as 250words, just use whatever feels natural for the style of the property you are building. I mix it up, one post on a property may be 1,200 words, the next post on the same property may be 400 words.
Each site will have a total number of filler posts ranging from 10 to 250, I like to vary up the amount of posts a property has, as again this mixes up any potential footprint.
As I am posting content, I will mix in pictures, and videos that are relevant, some properties may have no videos, some will have one on every post, sometimes just a picture/video as post. Notice the theme here, again I do this to reduce my pattern(footprint) and look as natural as possible.
I will pepper in links to other websites that are authority sites not in direct competition, say the SBA, a local business commerce chapter, or maybe another blog about franchising a business.
All of this is done before I have ever put a single backlink into my Web 2.0 property to my $ site.
Posts will be scheduled on sites at a different schedule, some couple times a week, some once weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, random mix; again, anything to reduce a pattern/footprint.
So there you have it, now that multiple blogs have been built up, each with posts scheduled, sometimes for up to a year before it links to my $ site. But without any authority, it won’t be a helpful link for my $ site.
What follows is my plan to build the power of my web 2.0s, making them super web 2.0s.
Authority build plan
As I open each profile, for each property, I take care, to fill out the profile fully for the site, I add matching profile pictures, I make it appear completely in synce with the Web 2.0 property it will be a part of.
E-books: I take related topic PLR e-books, add my link to the Web 2.0 blog, then share those at various document sharing sites;
Free ebooks
I them take relevant PLR articles, and make a slideshow, adding the link to my Web 2.0 blog and share;
I convert the slideshow to video, making sure the link is clickable, maybe make a few more videos in the same manner, and share;
yahoo video
google video
Each site will get a mixture of these, some linking to the feeder posts(top of silo, to a part of the post-wheel), some just linking to the homepage, or to the hub post.
Between 3-40 of these will be linking back in some way to the sites.
Social Profiles:
I add a mix of social profiles, anywhere from just 1 or upwards of 15 different profiles. Some are active with auto posts, some with scheduled posts from something like hootsuite, to some being abandoned. Again, keep it natural.
Here is a list of social networking sites, if you are interested in getting creative with places to share or places to add that help your site appear natural/normal:
Backlink Build to Super Web 2.0s
I start with the PDFs, Slideshows, and videos:
Start with a blast of single page web 2.0s automatically built, from a service like SEOmni(not linking so you don’t think I am affiliated, but they are available in the marketplace)
Then blast those with around 500 contextual links each
Then blast those with around 1500 blog comments each
Rinse, repeat.
Rinse, repeat.
I then build backlinks to the Super web 2.0s in the same style, using single page 2.0s, contextual blasts, blog comments.
I will also mix in 301 URL shorteners for a tier 2 to my Web 2.0 properties and toss the kitchen sink at those.
Mix up your anchors, use the ones relevant to your Web 2.0 property, use the ones relevant to your broader $ site keywords, and never forget the LSI variants. Just like any good keyword peppering, don’t forget generics and naked urls.
*regularly check your SUPER Web 2.0s, to make sure they haven't been deleted, especially before sending any backlinks to them*
Backlink to $ Site plan
I slowly start making my hub posts, always 100% unique, self-written content that links back to my website, I try to write around 1,200 words for this post, if the site includes pictures/videos on many posts, I include pictures and videos. I have even made Hub posts that are link round-ups, sharing several websites that readers may find valuable(just make sure yours is first).
Whenever you link back to your site, make sure to send out a round of social signals to help them index faster. I am not talking the auto blast junk, but rather real social shares; you can buy those from multiple places, such as Fiverr or the marketplace here.
If I plan on keeping my Web 2.0 active, I will put more than one linking post, so as to keep my link on the front page. Just remember, if you are going to do this, you need to pepper in plenty of other authority links so as to keep the site looking natural.
I mentioned aiming originally for around 100 Super Web 2.0s, BUT that isn’t a hard fast number, rather the amount I aim for when going after a medium comp keyword. If you are aiming for a low comp keyword, you can use less, and double or even triple it for a high comp keyword.
I created these properties specifically to highlight a good setup, as well as to highlight a few poor examples. The only thing here is I just used base PLR content, not unique, because I like you all, just not THAT much to invest a TON of time.