
My wordpress site (Version 4.3.1 running Dynamic News Lite) was hacked today by some Bangladeshi hacker named Sid Gifari.

Here is the message I get when I tried to access my site:hack2.jpg

However, WP Admin Panel is working just fine. I looked into WP files and found that they have replaced everything in index.php with this:


<html><title>[::] Hacked By Sid Gifari [::]</title><h1><strong><em>[!!] Hacked By Sid Gifari [!!]</em></strong></h1><strong>From Bangladesh Level Seven Hacker Team</strong>[::] We Are Muslim Hacker [::]

I can easily replace the files with original ones but that would be a temporary solution; if they could get into my file once, the can do it again. Does any one have any idea about this hack?


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