
Hello BHW's :)

First post here, long time reader, first time signing up.

I want to start making an income online, and the first thing that popped in my mind was Scrapebox.

I'm planning to open blogs, post articles and blast the site with different links in order to boost the site to the first results quickly, get some cash,

and after the site gets the penalty just replicate the success with a new site.

In order to do so I need some answers regarding Scrapebox and the whole proccess in general.

1. Proxies are a must? If yes, where do I get them and for what price?

2. A VPS is required? If yes, what kind am I looking for?

3. I see on the site that I can harvest .gov sites. But how can I comment and create a backlink to my site?

4. Any other tips, guides and info regarding this will be appriciated :)

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