

Amazon S3 follows a ‘pay for what you use’ model where you only have to pay for the exact amount of storage and bandwidth that your website is consuming in a month.

Amazon S3 SLA guarantees a uptime of at least 99.9% which, I doubt, is offered by any shared or even VPS web hosting services. Once you have your website on S3, you will be comforted in knowing that Amazon's uptime and scalabilty is awesome - your site will (almost) always be available whether you have 1 or 10,000 visitors.


The only limitation is that Amazon S3 can only be used for hosting HTML websites and not dynamic sites like WordPress blogs. Hosting your website on Amazon S3 is almost as easy as uploading your files to an FTP server.

You do pay for usage, so make sure to check your account if you are expecting a lot of traffic.

Why use Amazon S3 for Private Blog Networks?

Amazon, doesn't have a fixed IP address like a web hosting companies. Each request made using the cloudfront.net domain name (or the CNAME you set-up) is routed to the edge location best suited to deliver the content with the highest performance.

You can Amazon S3 Server locations from the list below and also check the status.


It's unclear how Google will treat these S3-hosted properties (which are pure HTML sites) for SEO but S3 hosted PDFs do appear in the search results and with a little link building these sites start to rank & since the motive is private blog network links to our main money site, it does serves the purpose well.

Google also offers greater trust to Amazon-hosted components than a normal website.

Steps on How to Host your Websites with Amazon S3

1) Log in to your Amazon S3 console.

2) Create a bucket here and give it a name which is the same as your website. For instance, if you are planning to host your website mypaleodiet.com with Amazon, create an S3 bucket with same name.

3) Select the new bucket and click the Upload button to upload all the web pages, images, CSS and other static files from your desktop to your Amazon S3 bucket. Click ‘Set Permissions,’ select ‘Make Everything Public’ and start the upload process.

4) Now that your files have been uploaded, right-click the bucket name and choose Properties. Switch to the Websites tab, enable the websites feature and set your index.html file as the index document. Save the changes.

How to Map Amazon S3 to your own Web Domain

Your website is now hosted on Amazon S3 but it has a confusing and long web address which will look something like this:


We want people to find our site at mypaleodiet.com and not through the above address. That’s also simple – log in to your domain hosting service and create a new CNAME Record for your domain. Set the value of this CNAME record as the Endpoint provided by Amazon S3 and save your changes. The DNS changes might take a while to propagate across the web (usually 24 hrs).

Further Documentation:





Amazon S3 Alternative (1) : Host your PBN sites on DropBox

You can have a 5 page site for free but if you want to use your own domain or have a bigger site it is $15 a month which really does not make any sense as you can easily host your own domain for less than that. (but still it's an alternative to keep in mind). But again DropBox files are hosted on Amazon S3.

Source: h**p://www.quora.com/Amazon-S3/How-is-Dropbox-implemented-using-AWS-S3

Amazon S3 Alternative (2) : Host your PBN pages from EverBlog.us

EverBlog is the quickest and easiest way to start blogging straight from Evernote. Create an EverBlog account. You'll need one to add a notebook to Evernote and set up your blog. (h**p://everblog.us/)

Do let me know and Share if you have some more options for PBN's.


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