
You know Kylie Jenner reads her comments on Twitter and Instagram, so you can bet she’s perfectly aware of how her followers — particularly the Black ones — feel about her love of cornrows, boxer braids and Yaki extensions. So, we can only take the fact that she stepped out in public wearing an actual, honest-to-God du-rag as a middle finger to the entire community.

The teenage reality star attended Jonathan Simkhai’s Spring 2017 show in New York City on Saturday wearing a powder blue version of the head wrap that has been a staple of Black men’s style for decades (and also an accessory, like the hoodie, that inspires fear in the Zimmermans among us).

Twitter, rightfully and predictably, is not here for it:

Kylie Jenner got a du-rag on ……lol ok

— Choo Jackson (@GaptoofChoo) September 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner needs to take that do-rag off immediately.#StopWhiteGirls2k16

— Thelma Santos (@thelmeezzy) September 11, 2016

because blackness is a costume RT @ASAPcourt: ….. so why is Kylie Jenner wearing a du-rag? pic.twitter.com/E7BxAQlNkz

— unpforgettable pfire (@firefire100) September 10, 2016

Almost lost it when I seen Kylie Jenner in a du-rag. Sis pls have several seats. <img src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/72x72/1f486.png" alt="

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