
The City of San Jose proposes that voters who cast a ballot in their municipal election on Tuesday could receive free marijuana from the city’s medical marijuana dispensaries, according to a report by NBC.

But its not because there is anything marijuana-related on the ballot.

San Jose residents will be electing a new mayor and half of the ten seats on the City Council. We can pretty much assume this generous offer is due to a proposal the council is still debating that would effectively zone dispensaries out of business, according to supporters. So dispensary owners are offering discounted (and in some cases) free marijuana to residents with medical cannabis cards on Tuesday.

They are hopeful that this generosity will help put the right people in office.

All you would have to do – besides be a resident of the city, of course, is present your “I Voted” sticker or a ballot stub to participating dispensaries.

“We have a huge opportunity to make a large impact on who runs San Jose,” said John Lee, Director of the Silicon Valley Cannabis Coalition, in a statement. “Although we may not have regulations on the June ballot, insuring the right politicians are elected is even more important.”

Of course such a “giveaway” could pose a real problem with the U.S. election code. After all, its a violation to give something away in exchange for voting; but there are no specific items on the ballot that refer to marijuana.

Voters will choose between Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) and Ro Khanna, a former U.S. Commerce Department official.

“There may be federal issues, but there’s also federal issues providing cannabis,” said Dave Hodges, founder of the All American Cannabis Club and member of the SVCC, told NBC. “It’s one of those gray areas.”

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(Photo Source: Thinkstock)

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