My brother Jay (Jilted Royalty) visited Los Angeles from Birmingham England last week and he invited me (Mega) to shoot a lifestyle project that documented both brands in the streets of LA. We hooked up with Matt Plunkett in his creative downtown Los Angeles loft in the mix of little Mexico and dope fiend central. Jay supported Black Scale from the gate and we at Black Scale will forever support Jilted Royalty because it’s not everyday you meet loyal ill hearted dudes that you know have your back in this game. It’s very cutthroat and filled with people that will cock block your ass in a heartbeat so they can get one up on you but that is the business and that’s what makes the business a challenging game. Back to the shoot before I go off track and ramble about things you might not care about. So Jay hit up Matt to shoot and me knowing Matt made perfect sense because I already respected and loved both their work. It’s crazy how everything happens and how everyone is connected in a way, that this shoot became a day of hanging out with people you would want to hang out with all the time, but live in three different worlds, with three different ideas and blend them all together to create something cool and blog about it later which is now. Jay is going to be launching more Jilted Royalty product and he hasn’t even started to show the world his crazy ideas, so I’m very excited for Jilted Royalty’s future in this game. Jilted Royalty has a deep concentrated concept that stems from the wild man’s mind that protects it’s true beliefs for a very special consumer that will teach the youth what it really means. Once integrated into the new generation it will come out of being submersed to wilding out on the streets. Check both Jay’s website and Matt’s website