
James asks…

Is it okay to get shots for our puppy at a pet store?

She’s 11 weeks now and hasn’t gotten any of her shots yet. The pet store is called Pet Market. Every Sunday they have Pet Network Low Cost Pet Vaccination Services held at the store.

They have a handout with information and a site:


Also, what shots should she be getting at 11 weeks? Including what she should have gotten earlier. She’s a chow chow and golden retriever mix. Thank you!

barry0912 answers:

Seems kind of high to me in price.i get all my dogs shots for $36 each…

Chris asks…

I am looking for free or low cost pet care for my cat in the Los Angeles Ca. area,?

I am not able to work at this time and I need to get some medical care for my cat, he was a stray and has an eye problem and his ears are bothering him, he also needs to get his vaccinations, he had a broken leg when I got him and was very undernourished. I would really appreciate whatever help you may be able to give me. I am over 60 and alone and he is my companion, I love him very much. God Bless, and thank you.

barry0912 answers:

Hi Daisy…consider contacting some of the area shelters in LA and ask them who offers discounted veterinary care for senior citizens.

Here’s one for vaccinations: http://www.pets90210.org/petinfo_shelter.asp

Vaccinations – Low-cost vaccination clinics are offered year-round at locations throughout the City. Clinics provide inoculations against rabies and other dog and cat diseases. For 24-hour information, call (213) 89-8566.

American Animal Hospital Association


“The heartbreak happens all too often…a pet owner is unable to afford treatment and their sick or injured companion animal pays the price. If the owner is elderly, disabled or on a fixed income, the cost of care may be too much of a stretch for their pocketbook.

Perhaps they have been victimized by crime, property loss or a job layoff and are experiencing a temporary financial hardship…making it too difficult to afford pet care.

And some animals, brought to clinics by Good Samaritans, don’t have an owner to pay for treatment. Whatever the situation, the fact remains the same: When sick or injured animals are unable to receive veterinary care, they suffer. Through the AAHA Helping Pets Fund, veterinary care is possible for sick or injured pets even if they have been abandoned or if their owner is experiencing financial hardship.”

Angels 4 Animals


“Angels4Animals, a non-profit organization and a program of Inner Voice Community Services, has a mission to serve as the guardian angel of animals whose caretakers find themselves in difficult financial situations. At Angels4Animals we believe that animal owners should not have to say goodbye to the animals that they love. Our work is accomplished in conjunction with veterinary clinics across the country, eager to assist as many animals, and their owners, as possible. Our services range from financial aid to complete treatment to those pets and pet owners in need.”

Los Angeles area:

Actors and Others for Animals is a Southern California community-based organization serving the greater Los Angeles area. Among other services, the organization provides financial assistance for emergency medical procedures for those of limited income.


Special Needs cats

Cats in Crisis:


Cats – Heart and Thyroid

Cats in Crisis Stripes Fund


Cats – Neurological conditions and mobility impairments

Cats in Crisis Gillie Fund


United Animal Nations established the LifeLine fund in 1997 to aid companion animals in times of life-threatening emergencies when their caregivers, with low or no incomes, are unable to afford the entire cost of treatment.


United Animal Nations

P.O. Box 188890

Sacramento, California 95818

Telephone: (916) 429 2457 fax: (916) 429 2456

Help-A-Pet is a nonprofit organization which provides financial assistance for the medical care of pets whose owners are unable to afford the expense



P. O. Box 244

Hinsdale, Illinois 60521

telephone: (630) 986-9504 fax: (630) 986-9141

Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Programs provides financial assistance for emergency medical care for cats.



1641 Elizabeth Lane

Yuba City, CA 95993

Fax: 888-301-4264

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barry jennings
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