
Carol asks…

Did LGN Revolution merge with another online company this week and who was the other online marketing company?

I heard LGN Revolution a top online marketing company was making a major announcement today to its members as to it purchase or merger of another major online marketing company.

barry0912 answers:

The news today is that LGN Revolution a top online marketing company, that makes available one of the lowest entry level and best compensation plans in the industry has purchased another leading online marketing company, EDC Diamond.

LGN Revolution’s advantage over other online marketing companies is that for as little as $200.00 you can have a new state of the art, full functional website with autoresponder, weekly training meetings for new and experienced marketers, and much much more. With LGN Revolutions superb mentoring program and built in residual income stream, it makes the decision process to join LGN Revolution a no brainier. If your looking for a online marketing business to get involved with and make some serious money this is the opportunity to look at.

I like LGN Revolution because it has 3 different levels. It is growing with ongoing upgrades to the System without a change in price and the CEO, James Ward, is involved in the business and available if you have any questions or problem.

In this Time of Recession when people are desperate for extra-income, as well as a chance for Financial FREEDOM, yet very careful on their spending, I find that LGN REVOLUTION is the answer! It is affordable and right now much more attractive as a business. This new purchase by LGN Revolution will enhance its position in the making money online business market.

Complete details of the acquisition have not been revealed at this point according to James Ward CEO of LGN Revolution, he mentioned that details still needed to be worked out to make the change fair and equitable for both companies. In his communication with LGN Revolutions members during a live webinar Tuesday night he mentioned LGN Revolution would be utilizing most of the products from EDC Diamond.

EDC Diamond’s products now consist of hundreds of titles, worth thousands of dollars, delivered in the form of videos, CDs, books and software titles that are both inspirational and instructional. You’ll find the highest quality, most current and up-to-date, products by industry leaders exclusive to EDC Diamond.

Members have immediate access to the best Mindset, Skill-set & Training products bar-none.

This is a true e-commerce digital product business with 100% of the resale profits going directly to the marketer.

* Over $100,000 of Digital Downloadable Products

* Mind-Set Personal Development Products – how to become an Internet Entrepreneur

* Skill-Set Products – “how to” market & advertise your business

* NO ONE has the complete set like EDC

* Huge market demand (business to business & business to consumer)

* Fortune 500 Corporations and SMB Businesses use our products together with our Training


* Network Marketing meets the Corporate World

* Inclusive and an important part of your business success

* Our Products are directly correlated WITH our Product Training (6 day’s a week, live classes)

* Niche products to target specific markets

EDC’S collection consists of 100′s of individual products.

Marketing & Personal Development Products in the form of software,

videos, audios, e-books & podcasts. Offering you an exceptional value!

Members have immediate access to the best personal development

& training products bar-none.

The merger of these to companies into one LGN Revolution ,will greatly enhance and explode the online marketing industry. I’m sure both new marketers coming into the industry as well as old will find the benefits of the LGN Revolutions system of great value.

Linda asks…

Internet Website Marketing Ideas?

I own a small internet web maternity clothing shop. www.hautemamacouture.com I get almost no business to it at all. I tried paying for advertising with search engines but I had too small a budget (spent $100 on 4 different engines/month). I also have the same items in a store on eBay. That’s where I make 99% of my money. However, with their recent announcements of fee increases, they should just change their name to FeeBay and their changes to the feedback policy that will not allow a seller to leave negative when warranted, I can no longer afford to do business on there. I spend about $500-$1,000 in eBay fees a month but I make about $4,000 a month. How can I shift some of this around to promote my website. I am on a very limited budget and have no idea how to get people to go to this website and buy. Thanks!

barry0912 answers:

Getting traffic is a combination of a lot of things. The key to success is to create great content that visitors want to use, search engines will love and other websites will naturally link to. Of course, it’s easier said than done.

You can use pay per click advertising in the search engines to reach audiences looking for your products. You can use Google Adwords http://www.google.com/adwords or Yahoo http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com

Here are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible:

1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement – if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.

2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important — and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as cgiscripts.com and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more – that’s additional traffic that you get for FREE!

Recommend Site Scripts (various) http://php.resourceindex.com/Complete_Scripts/Website_Promotion/Recommend_Site/

Big Nose Bird Recommend this Site http://bignosebird.com/carchive/birdcast.shtml

CGI Resource Index http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Programs_and_Scripts/Perl/Website_Promotion/Recommend_Site/

Hostscripts http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Site_Recommendation/index.html

3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.

If you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of WebmasterWorld.com’s “Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day.” http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/2010.htm

4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News.













5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.

Here is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles http://answers.yahoo.com/question/;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481

6. Improve your conversion. Getting visitors is one thing; getting them to buy your products is a whole different story. Read the article ” How To Sell More on the Web: 30 Tips To Increase Conversion Rates For An Ecommerce Site ” http://www.powerhomebiz.com/092006/ecommerce.htm for tips on how to improve your conversion rates.

7. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:

Craigslist http://www.craigslist.com

Google Base http://base.google.com

Classifieds for Free http://www.classifiedsforfree.com/…

Text Link Exchange http://www.txtswap.com/

Recycler.com http://www.recycler.com/

Yahoo Classifieds http://classifieds.yahoo.com/

US Free Ads http://www.usfreeads.com/

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barry jennings
Also on Twitter http://twitter.com/barry0912

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