
Some very interesting statistics kindly supplied by Adrian Moss of  AnswerMyPhone.biztoday  As a small business can you afford to miss calls?

As a child we inevitably dream of our future occupations: footballer, stuntman, ballerina and astronaut all feature high on the list. Perhaps surprisingly, outsourced call answering executive doesn’t always make an appearance, but today is the day all that changes. For those of you who thought the world of telephone call answering was a bit dry, think again, because these 10 fascinating call answering facts are actually genuinely interesting. Prepare to be amazed…

1.    Did you know, people spend an average of 65 minutes a day on their mobile phones, compared to just 44 minutes a day reading books, magazines and newspapers?

2.    UK businesses lose an estimated £31.6 billion a year (how much!!) due to client calls which go answered.

3.    72 per cent of callers will not leave a voicemail message.

4.    And 69 per cent will never call back.

5.    98 per cent of people have formed a bad first impression of a company as a result of poor call handling.

6.    Despite the ubiquitous use of email, businesses still receive 80 per cent of their communications traffic via the telephone.

7.    93 per cent of businesses without a call answering service in place do miss calls;

8.    Companies that use a virtual receptionist service save an average of £12,000 a year;

9.    One of the world’s first telephone call answering services, Hello, Inc. was created in 1923 to help doctor’s never miss a call from their patients.

10.    If it wasn’t for Thomas Edison we’d be answering the telephone with ahoy, rather than hi, which I think is a bit of a shame. “Ahoy there friend, yes I will be joining you at the pub.”

There we go; I told you they were genuinely interesting; pretty enlightening too. It just goes to show the potential value of a missed call, particularly for smaller businesses. When you‘ve worked so hard to get your business off the ground and to a stage where people are actually calling you, can you afford to be missing their calls? No? Well get in touch with AnswerMyPhone.biz today. With a 2 week no obligation free trial, you can see whether our call answering service suits your business before making a commitment.

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