Today we’re adding a new member-exclusive comic, “Another Boyfriend”! Watch what happens when future-world hair-Lucy CAN’T DECIDE. Will she break some hearts? Will Mike and Paulo duel for her love? I dunno. You’ll have to become a BCI member to find out!
Not to forget: you’ll also get a lot more with a BCI membership. Member-exclusive surprise gift mailouts, ad-free browsing, access to regular drawing requests, and the ability to read like 260 more pages of bonus BCB stuff! Go sign up.
Also: did you know we’re streaming this weekend?? Well we are!! Stick around for free drawing requests, Patreon-backer requests and a peek at a future BCB page!
It’s worth it when you have people submitting ideas like these:
We’re also adding to the BCB Patreon! The thing that is supporting these streams (and our groceries.) We’re announcing a new $12 tier for those of you who are busy on weekends and want automatic entry in all regular lotteries. That’s right! We’ll throw your name in the basket even if you’re not in the chat at the time. Just remember to message us with your desired request after you pledge. Please help us with your support if you can spare it!
Finally, we have one more con this month: Otakon, in Baltimore! Come see us in artists alley, table Y-06! As far away from the hentai as possible. THANKFULLY. Come meet us!