Pitocin is a biochemical weapon. It is designed to disrupt the natural birthing process and undermine the mother's ability to produce natural oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone of love and bonding. When this hormone (in its natural form) is absent during labor and birth, there will be a breakdown in mom's ability to love her child and she will likely have trouble breastfeeding.
In addition, Pitocin also stimulates extremely painful uterine contractions that are intense and unrelenting. These unnatural contractions often lead to fetal distress as the uterus is turned into a trash compactor and the baby's oxygen supply is choked off.
Pitocin can lead to uterine hyperstimulation and even uterine rupture. It is the main reason that at least 1/3 of all births in the U.S. end up with c-section and it is a major contributor to the neurological and behavioral issues we are seeing in children today.
Piticon is designed to cause trauma and brain damage in children. In fact, every hospital intervention during childbirth is designed to cause trauma and to attack the neurological integrity of the child as well as his/her psychological and spiritual development.
Hospitals are Luciferian temples of the occult. The rituals that take place within the walls of these evil places have wreaked havoc upon our species and caused an overwhelming breakdown in family love. This is intentional.
Below is an excerpt from my book, Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, followed by several articles of importance on this topic, including a long list of pitocin side effects.
"Pitocin is another drug that is used against label every day in the United States for the induction (and augmentation) of labor. Like Cytotec, Pitocin has not been approved by the FDA and, on the contrary, the FDA, along with the World Health Organization, and even The Physician’s Desk Reference warn against the use of Pitocin for the elective induction of labor...
The use of Pitocin to induce or augment labor can lead to a number of serious complications including uterine rupture, uterine hyperstimulation, postpartum hemorrhage, fetal distress, fetal asphyxia, fetal heart abnormalities, low APGAR scores, permanent central nervous system, brain damage, and death.
Despite the long list of serious complications caused by this drug, a 1992 University of Texas survey reveals that 81% of women in U.S. hospitals received Pitocin to induce or augment labor. “Pitocin inductions are a leading cause of C‑sections” and are one of the main reasons the U.S. has one of the highest C-section rates in the world.
“Pitocin is most often used to induce labor before it has begun naturally (its other use is to augment a labor that has already begun). When the body is not yet ready for the birthing process that it is being forced into, the result is often excessive maternal discomfort and fetal stress… Pitocin-induced contractions lack a slow build-up and are much stronger/harder, faster, and more frequent than normal. When uterine contractions are too hard and/or too long, uterine blood flow is reduced and the baby is deprived of oxygen. It’s important to remember that the baby experiences every contraction just as the mother does. Unnaturally strong and long contractions, produced by Pitocin, are quite difficult for the baby, not just painful for the mother. And while a mother opts for pain medication to numb her experience of the monster contractions, the baby does not experience pain relief. When the baby experiences the increased pain and decreases of optimal oxygen supply from these unnatural contractions, his heart rate is compromised, which prompts the diagnosis of “fetal distress,” and leads to the conclusion that a C‑section is “necessary” to “save” the baby. Of course, the OB is merely “saving” the baby from the unnecessary and dangerous complications that were caused by the administration of the induction drugs.”
Pitocin is artificial/synthetic oxytocin. Its use during labor tricks the mother’s brain and interferes with her ability to produce natural oxytocin. If natural oxytocin is not pumping through mom’s body during childbirth, her ability to bond with, breastfeed, and experience love for her baby is severely undermined. Not surprisingly, Pitocin use during labor disrupts bonding and breastfeeding and damages the newborn’s oxytocin receptor sites for life.
“Oxytocin is centrally related to our natural capacity to give birth. When we have a scheduled C-section, for example, there is no oxytocin release in the mother’s brain, and thus a severe interruption in the establishment of the postnatal oxytocin circuitry wiring in the newborn…
[A]fter just 3 or 4 generations of highly technological childbirth, it seems very possible that our human oxytocin system is weakening.”
What this means is that any infant born to a mother given this diabolical drug during the birth process can grow into a brain damaged adult that may become habitually depressed and have difficulty creating healthy relationships and/or experiencing human love throughout life. The use of this drug during labor is not only undermining the bonds of love between mother and child, but also the child’s potential to be happy later in life.
Furthermore, if we want to understand why so many people are becoming addicted to drugs like Oxycodone, we need only look to their damaged oxytocin receptor sites and recognize that these wounded souls are desperately trying to attain feelings of well‑being that should come naturally to them but do not because of the drugs they were exposed to early in life.
Incidentally, Pitocin and Oxycodone have very similar chemical formulas, with Oxycodone being made up of C18H21NO4 and Pitocin being made up of C43H66N12O12S2. It would be an interesting study to find out how many Oxycodone addicts were born to mothers who were given Pitocin or some other version of synthetic oxytocin during birth.
Pitocin induction is now being associated with an increased chance for autism in children – especially in boys.
It is well known that Pitocin use in labor causes fetal distress. The reasons for this are many, but a primary problem with the use of Pitocin is that it creates a persistent stream of very intense contractions that turn the uterus into a trash compactor instead of a birthing vessel. For the mom, the unrelenting contractions quickly become unbearable and an epidural or some other form of pain relief is requested. For the baby, whose protective padding (i.e., the amniotic sac) has likely been forcefully broken by medical staff (through amniotomy or the “breaking of the waters”) and who is also likely to have an internal fetal heart monitor literally SCREWED INTO ITS HEAD (which probe pulls and tugs at the baby’s head with every contraction), Pitocin contractions are not only unbearably painful, but can quickly become life-threatening."
Source Article by Elaine Stillerman, LMT
The Truth About Pitocin
"There is a little publicly known law in New York (Public Health Law, Section 2503), passed in 1978, that requires all physicians and midwives to fully disclose and require informed consent from laboring women regarding the use of all drugs during labor and delivery.
Unfortunately, many care providers fail to tell their patients about the potential side-effects and possible risks involved in administering one of the most common drugs used during labor, pitocin. Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin, the natural hormone that stimulates the onset of labor, promotes a sense of well-being and enhances maternal bonding, given to women to induce or augment labor. It's manufactured from the pituitary extract of various animals, and combined with acetic acid for pH adjustment and less than one percent of chloretone as a preservative.
The routine use of pitocin is not backed by any scientific data, and the side-effects of pitocin during labor (and sometimes during the third stage of labor to assist the expulsion of the placenta) rarely are discussed with the laboring woman. Regardless of how many labors are induced with pitocin, most of them are not medically necessary.
During the 1980s, Dr. Roberto Caldreyo-Barcia, a former president of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a renowned researcher into the effects of obstetrical interventions commented, "Pitocin is the most abused drug in the world today." He claimed its use was medically necessary in only about 3% of labors, yet estimates of its use range from 12% to 60%. Often, the drug is administered without the woman's knowledge and she never is told of its potential harmful risk factors.
The Physician's Desk Reference supports the use of pitocin only when medically necessary and advises to begin with a minimum dosage to see how the laboring mother tolerates it. The mother should receive oxygen and continuous electronic fetal monitoring, since fetal distress is more common with pitocin use and needs to be carefully watched.
The natural rhythm of labor is supported by the release of oxytocin in bursts as needed, whereas pitocin is administered as a constant IV drip that confines most women to bed. This decreases their ability to control the escalating pain caused by drug-induced uterine activity, and laboring women are more likely to require pain medication that slows labor. Think of the dichotomy: pitocin is administered to speed up labor, but the increased level of pain requires medication that slows it down. In addition, pitocin often has no effect on cervical dilation even though the contractions are much stronger.
Pitocin might cause a tumultuous, difficult labor and tetanic contractions, rupture of the uterus and dehiscence of a uterine scar, lacerations of the cervix, retained placenta or postpartum hemorrhage. Postpartum perineal and pelvic floor pain is increased as a result of augmented uterine contractions. Fetal complications might include fetal asphyxia and neonatal hypoxia, physical injury and neonatal jaundice. The use of pitocin also might be a factor in cerebral palsy from deprived oxygen and autism.
Dr. Eric Hollander of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York presented a theory at a 1996 annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association that linked autism with pitocin-induced labors. He put forward the idea that pitocin interferes with the newborn's oxytocin system that results in the social disabilities of autism. When he gave autistic children oxytocin, it made them four times more talkative and twice as happy, although some patients did not respond.
(Author's note: consider how the heightened, augmented uterine contractions might impact the soft fetal cranium and its possible injurious affect on the cranio-sacral system.)
Pitocin was first synthesized in 1953, and became available for use two years later. By 1974, it was an established medical fact that its failure rate was 40% to 50%. In 1978, an FDA advisory committee removed its approval of pitocin for the elective induction of labor. Interestingly, the drug never was approved by the FDA for use in augmenting labor.
While not all women and their babies are harmed by the use of pitocin, there are natural ways to coax labor that are rather effective and have no potential risks. Orgasms cause the release of oxytocin that might initiate the onset of labor in late pregnancy. Sex always has been a recognized method of starting labor. Sperm contains prostaglandins that encourage the cervix to ripen. Spicy foods, long walks, nipple stimulation, certain herbs such as blue cohosh (Excessive amounts of blue cohosh might raise maternal blood pressure to dangerous levels and might have an overdosing effect on the baby. A naturopath or herbalist should be consulted before recommending this or any herb to your pregnant clients), the use of castor oil, acupuncture, massage and general relaxation techniques might all be effective in initiating labor without the harmful side-effects of pitocin.
Labor is a complex physiological function that begins with the harmonious synchronicity of the fetus, mother and placenta. Any intervention of these essential participants offsets the balance and rhythm of labor. Babies, like fruit, ripen in their own time. The best way to promote a healthy pregnancy, labor and birth is to let the forces of nature work at their own pace.
ACOG, "Induction of Labor," ACOG Technical Bulletin 217, Dec. 1995.
AJOG, "Elective Induction v Spontaneous Labor: A Retrospective Study of Complications and Outcomes," 1992.
Goer, Henci, Obstetric Myths v Research Realities, Westport: CT, Bergin and Garvey, 1995.
Griffin, Nancy, "Let the Baby Decide: The Case Against Inducing Labor - Use of the Drug Pitocin is Questioned," Mothering Magazine, 2001.
ICEA, "Induction of Labor in Postterm Pregnancy," ICEA Review 12:1, 1988.
Inch, Sally, Birth Rights, New York: Pantheon, 1984.
JAMA Statistical Bulletin, January 21, 1998.
"Life in a Parallel World: A Bold New Approach to the Mystery of Autism" Newsweek, May 13, 1996.
Korte, Diana and Scaer, Roberta, A Good Birth, A Safe Birth, New York: Bantam, 1984."
Source Article:
Pitocin’s untold impact
Michel Odent, MD, founder of the Primal Health Research Centre, has spent decades studying the “primal period.” Odent defines the primal period—prenatal, birth, and the first year of life—as the time “when the basic adaptive systems—those involved in what we commonly call health—reach their maturity” (Source). Today’s Midwifery Today E-News shared a quote from Odent about synthetic oxytocin [Pitocin] and the potentially detrimental impact it can have on a fetus’s oxytocin receptors. Here’s an excerpt:
80% of the blood reaching the fetus via the umbilical vein goes directly to the inferior vena cava via the ductus venosus, bypassing the liver, and therefore immediately reaching the brain: it is all the more direct since the shunts (foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus) are not yet closed. . . . Furthermore, it appears that the permeability of the blood-brain barrier can increase in situations of oxidative stress—a situation that is common when drips of synthetic oxytocin are used during labor. We have, therefore, serious reasons to be concerned if we take into account the widely documented concept of “oxytocin-induced desensitization of the oxytocin receptors.” In other words, it is probable that, at a quasi-global level, we routinely interfere with the development of the oxytocin system of human beings at a critical phase for gene-environment interaction.
Oxytocin is the hormone of love and bonding and human connection. If the oxytocin system is damaged, or a child’s oxytocin receptors become desensitized, the ramifications are huge. As more and more scientists study oxytocin’s impact, we can see how crucial our body’s oxytocin systems can be for human life, love, and happiness.
Animal research suggests that oxytocin is one of our mind and body’s best defenses against stress, anxiety, and depression:
In a study presented at the 2007 Society for Neuroscience meeting, Grippo, Porges and Carter compared the stress reactions of female prairie voles living for four weeks either in isolation or with a female sibling and found greater levels of stress, behavioral anxiety and depression in those separated from their siblings. The team then gave the animals either oxytocin or saline every day during the last two weeks of the four-week period. The isolated animals treated with oxytocin no longer showed signs of depression, anxiety or cardiac stress. By contrast, oxytocin had no measurable effects on those paired with siblings, suggesting that “the effects of oxytocin are most apparent under stressful conditions,” Carter says. (Tori DeAngelis, “The two faces of oxytocin“)
If Michel Odent is right about prolonged Pitocin exposure desensitizing a fetus’s oxytocin receptors, then it’s possible that these children will grow up with impaired abilities to cope with stress, leading to higher rates of depression and anxiety.
Other research indicates that induction (and cesarean births) may lead to a higher incidence of autism:
A 2004 study out of Australia found that autistic children were twice as likely to have been born without natural labor, either by elective cesarean or induction. (Jennifer Block, Pushed, p. 139)
And that oxytocin administration benefits autistic individuals:
[P]sychiatrist Eric Hollander, MD, of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and colleagues found that adults diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s disorder who received oxytocin injections showed an improved ability to identify emotional content on a speech comprehension task, while those on a placebo did not. (Tori DeAngelis, “The two faces of oxytocin“)
There are implications for drug addiction as well:
In rats, intravenous self-administration of heroin was potently decreased by [oxytocin] treatment. . . . [Oxytocin] receptors in the [central nervous system]–mainly those located in limbic and basal forebrain structures–are responsible for mediating various effects of [oxytocin] in the opiate- and cocaine-addicted organism. (Kovacs GL, Sarnyai Z, Szabo G, Oxytocin and addiction: a review)
Someone close to me was on Prozac several years ago. He told me that, while it reduced his depression, it also reduced his ability to feel any and all emotions. He felt nothing. Empty. From what I understand, his experience is not uncommon. Perhaps it’s because Prozac (fluoxetine) seems to “inhibit the action of oxytocin” (Cantor JM, Binik YM, Pfaus JG, Chronic fluoxetine inhibits sexual behavior in the male rat: reversal with oxytocin). Could that empty emotional void be what it feels like to live as a child whose oxytocin receptors were damaged at birth?
And I haven’t even touched yet on the other potential negative effects of Pitocin. All this from a drug used daily to induce labor for doctor or patient convenience (a use for which it has not been approved by the FDA) and far too often for less-than-concrete “medical” reasons. Jennifer Block shared these eye-opening statements in Pushed:
A recent ACOG survey found that in 43% of malpractice suits involving neurologically impaired babies, Pitocin was to blame. (p. 137)
Even Williams Obstetrics offers a sobering history: “Oxytocin is a powerful drug, and it has killed or maimed mothers through rupture of the uterus and even more babies through hypoxia from markedly hypertonic uterine contractions.” (p. 138)
The truth is that we really don’t know all the ways synthetic oxytocin might be affecting our children (or ourselves as mothers). There are certainly situations where Pitocin use is warranted and acceptable, but those cases are far less common than current use would suggest. Without a doubt our society has a Pitocin abuse problem. How many women do you know who have been given Pitocin? How many of them do you think are aware of the potential problems associated with that drug? I have a feeling that future generations, after further inquiry and research, will end the rampant use of Pitocin (and the atrocious practice of “Pit to distress,” see here and here). But I fear what damage may be done in the meantime."
Source Article:
Pitocin Side Effects
As well as its needed effects, oxytocin (the active ingredient contained in Pitocin) may cause unwanted side effects that require medical attention.
If any of the following side effects occur while taking oxytocin, check with your doctor or nurse immediately:
convulsions (seizures)
difficulty in breathing
fast or irregular heartbeat
headache (continuing or severe)
pelvic or abdominal pain (severe)
skin rash or itching
vaginal bleeding (increased or continuing)
weight gain (rapid)
Incidence not known:
Abdominal pain or cramping
blood clotting problem that causes prolonged bleeding
chest pain or discomfort
difficulty swallowing
extra heartbeats
pounding or rapid pulse
puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
severe bleeding after giving birth
shortness of breath
tightness in the chest
unusual tiredness or weakness
If any of the following symptoms of overdose occur while taking oxytocin, get emergency help immediately:
Symptoms of overdose:
slow to respond
slurred speech
Severity: Minor
Some oxytocin side effects may not need any medical attention. As your body gets used to the medicine these side effects may disappear. Your health care professional may be able to help you prevent or reduce these side effects, but do check with them if any of the following side effects continue, or if you are concerned about them:
For Healthcare Professionals
Applies to oxytocin: compounding powder, injectable solution
Cardiovascular side effects have included hypertension, premature ventricular contractions, sinus tachycardia, and other cardiac arrhythmias. Neonatal bradycardia, premature ventricular contractions and other arrhythmias have been reported.[Ref]
Nervous system
Nervous system side effects have included mania-like disturbances and seizures. The seizures may have been related to water intoxication. Neonatal seizures and permanent CNS or brain damage has been reported.[Ref]
Metabolic side effects have included water intoxication resulting in coma and seizures.[Ref]
Hypersensitivity side effects have included anaphylactic reactions.[Ref]
Genitourinary side effects have included pelvic hematoma. Excessive doses have produced pelvic fracture, uterine hypertonicity, spasm, tetanic contraction and rupture.[Ref]
Hematologic side effects have included postpartum hemorrhage and fatal afibrinogenemia.[Ref]
Hepatic side effects have included neonatal jaundice.[Ref]
Gastrointestinal side effects have included nausea and vomiting.[Ref]
Respiratory side effects have included pulmonary edema.[Ref]
Renal side effects have included decreases in glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow. Doses of 40 milliunits per minute may produce significant decreases in urine output.[Ref]
Local side effects have included nasal irritation and rhinorrhea.[Ref]
Ocular side effects have included neonatal retinal hemorrhages.[Ref]
Psychiatric side effects have included memory impairment and mania in patients on high doses.[Ref]
General side effects have include low Apgar scores at 5 minutes. Fetal death has been reported.[Ref]
1. Evron S Ariely S Agasi M Eger G Bukovsky I Caspi E "Severe peripheral arteriospasm following oxytocin administration." Am J Obstet Gynecol 155 (1986): 657-8
2. Lazo JS, Sebti SM "Bleomycin." Cancer Chemother Biol Response Modif 15 (1994): 44-50
3. "Product Information. Syntocinon (oxytocin)." Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ.
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6. "Product Information. Pitocin (oxytocin)." Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group, New York, NY.
7. Plumer MH "Letter: Oxytocin-induced venous spasm?" Anesthesiology 44 (1976): 87-8
8. Dawood MY "Pharmacologic stimulation of uterine contraction." Semin Perinatol 19 (1995): 73-83
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10. Schwartz RH Jones RW "Transplacental hyponatraemia due to oxytocin." Br Med J 1 (1978): 152-3
11. Goodlin RC "Oxytocin may explain neonatal seizures" Am J Obstet Gynecol 161 (1989): 259
12. Pedlow PR "Syntocinon induced convulsion." J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 77 (1970): 1113-4
13. Muller FJ Van Zyl-Smit R "Oxytocin-induced water intoxication. A case report." S Afr Med J 68 (1985): 340-1
14. Mwambingu FT "Water intoxication and oxytocin." Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 290 (1985): 113
15. D'Souza SW Lieberman B Cadman J Richards B "Oxytocin induction of labour: hyponatraemia and neonatal jaundice." Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 22 (1986): 309-17
16. Jensen I Bruns BJ "Water intoxication after oxytocin-induced midtrimester abortion." N Z Med J 89 (1979): 300-2
17. Ansseau M Legros JJ Mormont C Cerfontaine JL Papart P Geenen V Adam F Franck G "Intranasal oxytocin in obsessive-compulsive disorder." Psychoneuroendocrinology 12 (1987): 231-6
18. Slater RM Bowles BJ Pumphrey RS "Anaphylactoid reaction to oxytocin in pregnancy." Anaesthesia 40 (1985): 655-6
19. Morriss WW, Lavies NG, Anderson SK, Southgate HJ "Acute respiratory distress during caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. A probable case of anaphylactoid reaction to Syntocinon." Anaesthesia 49 (1994): 41-3
20. Maycock EJ, Russell WC "Anaphylactoid reaction to Syntocinon." Anaesth Intensive Care 21 (1993): 211-2
21. Kawarabayashi T Narisawa Y Nakamura K Sugimori H Oda M Taniguchi Y "Anaphylactoid reaction to oxytocin during cesarean section." Gynecol Obstet Invest 25 (1988): 277-9
22. Spears FD, Liu DW "Anaphylactoid reaction to syntocinon?." Anaesthesia 49 (1994): 550-1
23. Taylor RW Taylor M "Misuse of oxytocin in labour" Lancet 1 (1988): 352
24. Wiener JJ Evans AS "Uterine rupture in midtrimester abortion. A complication of gemeprost vaginal pessaries and oxytocin. Case report" Br J Obstet Gynaecol 97 (1990): 1061-2
25. Sweeten KM, Graves WK, Athanassiou A "Spontaneous rupture of the unscarred uterus." Am J Obstet Gynecol 172 (1995): 1851-5;disc. 1855-6
26. Leventhal JM Reid DE "Oxytocin-induced water intoxication with grand mal convulsion." Am J Obstet Gynecol 102 (1968): 310-1
27. Robichaux WH, Perper JA "Massive perinatal hepatic necrosis from maternal oxytocin overdose." Pediatr Pathol 12 (1992): 761-5
28. Connor BH Seaton PG "Birth weight, and use of oxytocin and analgesic agents in labour in relation to neonatal jaundice." Med J Aust 2 (1982): 466-9
29. Dwyer N "Managing the third stage of labour. Nausea is a fair price for preventing haemorrhage." BMJ 308 (1994): 59
30. Munsick RA "Renal hemodynamic effects of oxytocin in antepartal and postpartal women." Am J Obstet Gynecol 108 (1970): 729-39
31. Kennett DJ Devlin MC Ferrier BM "Influence of oxytocin on human memory processes: validation by a control study." Life Sci 31 (1982): 273-5
32. Cordano A Kraus V "Clinical experience with oxytocin." Obstet Gynecol 39 (1972): 247-53
33. Beck LR Flowers CE Jr Blair WD "The effects of oxytocin on fetal scalp temperature." Obstet Gynecol 53 (1979): 200-2
It is possible that some side effects of Pitocin may not have been reported. These can be reported to the FDA here. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.