
It's not uncommon to face the need of 2-6 months internships during the course of one's graduation/degree program. Every B.Tech student is supposed to go for a 2 months training period at the end of second year; and a 6 months major project in the last semester in most of the universities in India. Whereas, the Indian "Educational Market" is full of private institutes and companies that offer "Paid" (Where you need to pay) training programs, it doesn't suit the pocket of many students, who belong to financially weak families. Apart from the money matter, the value and authenticity of such paid trainings isn't considered high, but rather reflects an inability on the part of a student to procure a standard training from an institute/research center of high repute. So, this article is aimed at easing this very problem of the students. I'll be enlisting the names of those institutes/universities/research centers in India that offer summer internships every year, through a structured selection process (and obviously, at most institutes, the internships are Free of Cost, and rather they pay you!).

1. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Summer Research Fellowship

I don't think IITs need any introduction to any student in India/Abroad. And IIT Delhi, which is Ranked 1 in India, offers a summer research fellowship program to the students who have completed atleast 2 years of their engineering course. The program is stipend based (Rs 500 per week!) and is open to only those students who rank among top 10 in their class in their respective institutes/universities in India/Abroad.

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

Training Period: May-July

Click here for Internship Details

2. Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) Summer Research Fellowship

On the same lines as IIT Delhi, IIT Madras also offers Summer Research Fellowship to Biotech Students. A separate announcement can be seen in the departmental web-page of IIT Madras every year (which is removed after selection is complete). I have attached a cached copy of the list of students selected in this year's SRF program. Also there's a link to the departmental webpage. The stipend paid by IIT Madras is Rs 6500/- for 2 months and the training is open to students who have completed 2 years of B.Tech/BSc or are in 1st year of M.Tech/MSc.

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

Training Period: May-July

IIT Madras Department of Biotech Webpage

List of Selected Students for 2013

3. Indian Institute of Technology, Bomabay (IIT Bombay) Project Work Training to Indian Students

IIT Bombay has a unique and highly structured selection program for summer trainees as well as 6 month project trainees. Stipend given to Summer Trainees is Rs 6000/- for 2 months while to the 6 months project trainees is Rs 15000/- for 6 months! The link to detailed procedure for applying for the internship program(s) is mentioned below:

Detailed Procedure for Application

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

4. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) Summer Research Fellowship

IIT Guwahati's Department of Biotechnology offers a paid training program (you have to pay Rs 5000/-) to the Indian students to work for 2 months on a project under any of the following domains:

Protein structure, dynamics & aggregation

Molecular biophysics

Protein engineering & protein function

Structural-function-folding relationship

Enzyme and Microbial Technology

Biocatalysis, Biosensor & Biofuel cell

Plant Cell and Tissue Culture

Plant Genetic Engineering

Gene Therapy for Viral and Metabolic Diseases

Biological Control of Insect Pests

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Carbohydrate Enzymes

Fungal Biotechnology and Bio-pesticides

Molecular Fingerprinting and Expression Systems in Food Grade bacteria

Environmental bioremediation, Bioprocess development (upstream to downstream)

Metabolic Engineering

Stem Cell Biology

Hormone regulated Gene Expression

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

Training Period: May-July

Details of Training Program

5. Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IIT Gandhinagar) Student Summer Research Internhips (SRIP)

A recently established IIT, IIT Gandhinagar offers large number of internship opportunities with a healthy stipend of Rs 1000/- per week!

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

Training Period: May-July

Details of SRIP

6. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Summer Internships

Founded by coveted Indian Scientist Dr. Homi Bhabha with support of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, TIFR is a world renowned research centre! It offers summer training to the students by the name of Visiting Students' Research Programme (VSRP) every year, with a monthly stipend of Rs 7000/-! Sleeper class return railway fare and are provided with shared hostel accommodation too!

Application starts: Sep-November

Deadline: January-February

Result of selected candidates: March-April

Training period: May-July

Details of VSRP

7. Tezpur University Summer Internship Program

Tezpur University Assam offers a four week summer internship program to students of indian universities/institutes. It is a stipend based progrm in which students are paid Rs 2000/- for the training.

Application starts: Februay-march

Deadline: May

Result of selected candidates: May

Training period: June-July

Tezpur Summer Training Program

8. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) Kerala, Training Program(s)

RGCB is a world class research centre in Trivendrum (Kerala) and offers high class trainings (but paid, application fees are very high, starting from Rs 10,000 for 2 month training).

Applications are open throughout the year and have to be made after prior consent of the scientist.

RGCB Training Program Details

9. University of Mumbai, Department of Biotech, Short term/Summer Trainings

Department of Biotech of University of Mumbai is well reputed in India and it's training is worthy of mentioning in your resume! They charge a fee of Rs 2000/- for the registration/

University of Mumbai Short Term Training

10. National Institute of Technology Rourkela (NIT Rourkela) Summer Internship Program (SIP)

NIT Rourkela a renowned NIT in India, offers a stipend based training program to the students, paying Rs 3500/- for a period of two months. B.Tech. as well as B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of different Institutes in India are selected.

Application Starts: Dec-January

Deadline: March

Result of Selected Candidates: April

Training Period: May-July

NIT Rourkela SIP

This was the list of popular internship opportunities every year for the students, about which most of the students stand unaware. Apart from these, following is the list of some coveted Biotechnology research centres in India, which offer "Request/Recommendation" based training/projects. The list is obtained from the publically available information at GNDU's Department of Biotechnology web-page:

Mr. Akhilesh K. Aggarwal,

Administrative Officer,

National Institute of Immunology,

Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,

New Delhi – 110 067.

Prof. Y. D. Sharma,

Professor & Head,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

Department of Anatomy,

New Delhi – 110 029.

Dr. K. B. Sainis,

Head Cell Biology Division,

Modular Labs,

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,

Trombay, Mumbai – 400 085.

Dr. Girish Sahni,


Institute of Microbial Technology,

Sector – 39-A,


Dr. B. D. Bhattacharji,

Scientist RPBD,

Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC),

Mahatama Gandhi Marg,

P. O. Box No.80,

Lucknow – 226 001.

Prof. G. N. Qazi,


Indian Institute of Integrated Medicine,

(Regional Research Laboratory),

Canal Road, Jammu Tawi – 180 001.

Prof. J. P. Khurana,

Department of Plant Molecular Biology,

University of Delhi, South Campus,

Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi.

Prof. Santosh K. Kar,

Centre for Biotechnology,

Jawaharlal Nehru University,

New Delhi.

Dr. Manoj K. Dhar,

Department of Biotechnology,

University of Jammu,


Dr. S. P. S. Khanuja,


Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,

Kukrail Picnic Spot Road,

P.O. CIMAP, Lucknow – 226 015.

Dr. D. D. Sharma,

Incharge, PME Division,

Centre for Biochemical Technology,

Mall Road, Near Jubilee Hall,

Delhi – 110 007

Dr. K. R. Koundal,

Professor & Head,

Indian Agricultural Research Institute,

Pusa Campus, New Delhi.

Prof. S.S. Gosal,

Department of Plant Breeding

Genetics and Biotechnology,

Punjab Agricultural University,


The Head,

Department of Biotechnology,

Central Drug Research Institute,

Chatter Manzil Palace,

Post Box No.173, Lucknow – 226 001.

The Head,

Human Resource,

Ranbaxy Research Lab.,


The Manager,

Geno Biosciences Pvt. Ltd.,

A-59, Sector # 57,

Noida – 201 301.

Dr. S. Sinha,

Department of Biochemistry,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.

Dr. Y. D. Sharma,

Prof. & Head,

Department of Biotechnology,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences,

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.

Dr. (Mrs.) Paramjit Khurana,

Department of Plant Molecular Biology,

South Campus, University of Delhi,


Dr. Sita Naik,

Department of Immunology,

SGPGIMS, Raibraily Road,


The Director,

Rajendra Memorial Research Institute,

Patna – 800 007.

Prof. G. N. Qazi,


Regional Research Laboratories,

Canal Road. Jammu.


Department of Biotechnology,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 29.

Dr. R.C. Tripathi,

Sr. Assistant Director,

Central Drug Research Institute,

Chattar Manzil, P.O. Box.173,

Lucknow – 226 001

Dr. S. Srivastava,

Senior Research Officer,

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,

Raebareli Road, Lucknow – 226 014.

Dr. A. K. Mathur,

Scientist –F/Plant Tissue Culture,



Dr. Aparna Mitra Pati,

Scientist & Incharge,

Planning, Project Monitoring & Evaluation,

Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology,

Palampur-176 061.

Prof. Indranil Dasgupta,

Department of Plant Molecular Biology,

University of Delhi South Campus,

New Delhi – 110 021.

Prof. S. S. Gosal,

Department of Plant Breeding,

Genetics and Biotechnology,

Punjab Agricultural University,

Ludhiana – 141 004.

Dr. K. P. Mohan Kumar,

Deputy Director,

Division of Neurosciecnes,

Indian Institute of Chemical Biology,

4, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur

Kolkata -700 032.

Prof. Santosh Kar,

School of Biotechnology,

JNU, New Delhi.

Dr. K. P. Mohan Kumar,

Deputy Director,

Division of Neurosciecnes,

Indian Institute of Chemical Biology,

4, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur

Kolkata -700 032.

The Director,

National Centre for Biological Sciences

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

GKVK, Bellary Road,

Bangalore 560065

The Director,

Central Research Institute,


Distt-Solan-173 204.

The Director,

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for

Biomedical Research,

University of Delhi,

Delhi - 110 007 INDIA

Hope this information helps. I'll keep you all updated whenever/whatever new information I receive.


All the Best!

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