June 19, 2014 – June 25, 2014
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jason R. Franz, Ph.D.
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Calvo-Guirado JL, Satorres M, Negri B, Ramirez-Fernandez P, et al. Biomechanical and histological evaluation of four different titanium implant surface modifications: an experimental study in the rabbit tibia. Clinical Oral Investigations 2014; 18(5): 1495-1505.
Levchuk A, Zwahlen A, Weigt C, Lambers FM, et al. The Clinical Biomechanics Award 2012-Presented by the European Society of Biomechanics: Large scale simulations of trabecular bone adaptation to loading and treatment. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 355-362.
Lin CY, Chang YH, Sung LY, Chen CL, et al. Long-Term Tracking of Segmental Bone Healing Mediated by Genetically Engineered Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Focuses on Bone Remodeling and Potential Side Effects. Tissue Engineering Part A 2014; 20(9-10): 1392-1402.
Radu F, Valentin O, Adrian P, Mihaela CM, Mihai R. Properties and Behaviour of Distal Femur to Axial Loading in Osteochondral Autologous Transplantation. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 2014; 19(2): 9141-9147.
Brueggenwirth M, Fricke H, Knoche M. Biaxial tensile tests identify epidermis and hypodermis as the main structural elements of sweet cherry skin. Aob Plants 2014; 6.
Coutand C, Pot G, Badel E. Mechanosensing is involved in the regulation of autostress levels in tension wood. Trees-Structure and Function 2014; 28(3): 687-697.
Dyson RJ, Vizcay-Barrena G, Band LR, Fernandes AN, et al. Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending. New Phytologist 2014; 202(4): 1212-1222.
Gonzalez M, Rivera D, Marcelino A, Agront G, Rodriguez R, Castro M. The Effect of Silver Nanofibers on the Deformation Properties of Blood Vessels: Towards the Development of New Nanotechnologies to Prevent Rupture of Aneurysms. Journal of Nanomaterials 2014.
Ketout H, Gu J. Left Ventricular Endocardium Tracking by Fusion of Biomechanical and Deformable Models. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2014.
Sokolis DP, Iliopoulos DC. Impaired mechanics and matrix metalloproteinases/inhibitors expression in female ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2014; 34: 154-164.
Clark AG, Wartlick O, Salbreux G, Paluch EK. Stresses at the Cell Surface during Animal Cell Morphogenesis. Current Biology 2014; 24(10): R484-R494.
Mousavi SJ, Doweidar MH, Doblare M. Computational modelling and analysis of mechanical conditions on cell locomotion and cell-cell interaction. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2014; 17(6): 678-693.
Nguyen TD, Gu YT. Exploration of mechanisms underlying the strain-rate-dependent mechanical property of single chondrocytes. Applied Physics Letters 2014; 104(18).
Wang Z, Hao FT, Ding C, Yang ZQ, Shang P. Effects of Static Magnetic Field on Cell Biomechanical Property and Membrane Ultrastructure. Bioelectromagnetics 2014; 35(4): 251-261.
Bale R, Hao M, Bhalla APS, Patankar NA. Energy efficiency and allometry of movement of swimming and flying animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014; 111(21): 7517-7521.
Blanco MM, Patek SN. MUSCLE TRADE-OFFS IN A POWER-AMPLIFIED PREY CAPTURE SYSTEM. Evolution 2014; 68(5): 1399-1414.
Ekstrom LJ, Kajiura SM. Pelvic Girdle Shape Predicts Locomotion and Phylogeny in Batoids. Journal of Morphology 2014; 275(1): 100-110.
Fabrezi M, Manzano AS, Abdala V, Lobo F. Anuran Locomotion: Ontogeny and Morphological Variation of a Distinctive Set of Muscles. Evolutionary Biology 2014; 41(2): 308-326.
Tremblay I, Guderley HE. Scallops Show That Muscle Metabolic Capacities Reflect Locomotor Style and Morphology. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 2014; 87(2): 231-244.
Tubelli AA, Zosuls A, Ketten DR, Mountain DC. Elastic Modulus of Cetacean Auditory Ossicles. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2014; 297(5): 892-900.
Mendonca DA, Patel KB, Skolnick GB, Woo AS. Anatomical study of the effects of five surgical maneuvers on palate movement. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2014; 67(6): 764-769.
Van Schepdael A, De Bondt K, Geris L, Sloten JV. A visco-elastic model for the prediction of orthodontic tooth movement. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2014; 17(6): 581-590.
Zhao L, Shang HT, Chen X, Liu YP. Biomechanical Analysis of a Curvilinear Distractor Device for Correcting Mandibular Symphyseal Defects. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014; 72(6): 1158-1167.
Conte C, Ranavolo A, Serrao M, Silvett A, et al. Kinematic and electromyographic differences between mouse and touchpad use on laptop computers. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2014; 44(3): 413-420.
Joseph C, Beach TAC, Callaghan JP, Dickerson CR. The influence of precision requirements and cognitive challenges on upper extremity joint reaction forces, moments and muscle force estimates during prolonged repetitive lifting. Ergonomics 2014; 57(2): 236-246.
Kurowski A, Buchholz B, Punnett L, ProCare Res T. A Physical Workload Index to Evaluate a Safe Resident Handling Program for Nursing Home Personnel. Human Factors 2014; 56(4): 669-683.
Le P, Rose J, Knapik G, Marras WS. Objective classification of vehicle seat discomfort. Ergonomics 2014; 57(4): 536-544.
Mehta JP, Lavender SA, Jagacinski RJ. Physiological and biomechanical responses to a prolonged repetitive asymmetric lifting activity. Ergonomics 2014; 57(4): 575-588.
Pereira A, Hsieh CM, Laroche C, Rempel D. The Effect of Keyboard Key Spacing on Typing Speed, Error, Usability, and Biomechanics, Part 2: Vertical Spacing. Human Factors 2014; 56(4): 752-759.
Radwin RG, Chourasia AO, Howery RS, Fronczak FJ, et al. Factors Influencing Power Hand Tool Fastening Accuracy and Reaction Forces. Human Factors 2014; 56(4): 657-668.
van Niekerk SM, Louw QA, Grimmer-Sommers K. Frequency of postural changes during sitting whilst using a desktop computer - exploring an analytical methodology. Ergonomics 2014; 57(4): 545-554.
Lautenschlager S. Morphological and functional diversity in therizinosaur claws and the implications for theropod claw evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2014; 281(1785).
Nyakatura JA, Andrada E, Curth S, Fischer MS. Bridging "Romer's Gap": Limb Mechanics of an Extant Belly-Dragging Lizard Inform Debate on Tetrapod Locomotion During the Early Carboniferous. Evolutionary Biology 2014; 41(2): 175-190.
Brown TN, O'Donovan M, Hasselquist L, Corner BD, Schiffman JM. Body borne loads impact walk-to-run and running biomechanics. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 237-242.
Gomenuka NA, Bona RL, da Rosa RG, Peyre-Tartaruga LA. Adaptations to changing speed, load, and gradient in human walking: Cost of transport, optimal speed, and pendulum. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2014; 24(3): E165-E173.
Hackney AL, Ruymbeke N, Bryden PJ, Cinelli ME. Direction of single obstacle circumvention in middle-aged children. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 113-117.
Hoogkamer W, Meyns P, Duysens J. Steps Forward in Understanding Backward Gait: From Basic Circuits to Rehabilitation. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 2014; 42(1): 23-29.
Kline JE, Poggensee K, Ferris DP. Your brain on speed: cognitive performance of a spatial working memory task is not affected by walking speed. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014; 8.
Lenhart RL, Thelen DG, Wille CM, Chumanov ES, Heiderscheit BC. Increasing Running Step Rate Reduces Patellofemoral Joint Forces. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(3): 557-564.
Leung J, Smith R, Harvey LA, Moseley AM, Chapparo J. The impact of simulated ankle plantarflexion contracture on the knee joint during stance phase of gait: A within-subject study. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 423-428.
Mazaheri M, Roerdink M, Bood RJ, Duysens J, Beek PJ, Peper CE. Attentional costs of visually guided walking: Effects of age, executive function and stepping-task demands. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 182-186.
Pieruccini-Faria F, Jones JA, Almeida QJ. Motor planning in Parkinson's disease patients experiencing freezing of gait: The influence of cognitive load when approaching obstacles. Brain and Cognition 2014; 87: 76-85.
Segers V, Van Caekenberghe I, De Clercq D, Aerts P. Kinematics and Dynamics of Burst Transitions. Journal of Motor Behavior 2014; 46(4): 267-276.
Vitorio R, Lirani-Silva E, Baptista AM, Barbieri FA, et al. Disease severity affects obstacle crossing in people with Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 266-269.
Wallard L, Dietrich G, Kerlirzin Y, Bredin J. Balance control in gait children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 43-47.
Wannop JW, Worobets JT, Ruiz R, Stefanyshyn DJ. Footwear traction and three-dimensional kinematics of level, downhill, uphill and cross-slope walking. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 118-122.
Neumann JA, Leversedge FJ. Flexor Tendon Injuries in Athletes. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 2014; 22(1): 56-65.
Adachi N, Ochi M, Deie M, Nakamae A, et al. Implantation of tissue-engineered cartilage-like tissue for the treatment for full-thickness cartilage defects of the knee. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2014; 22(6): 1241-1248.
Allison MA, Kang YS, Bolte JH, Maltese MR, Arbogast KB. Validation of a Helmet-Based System to Measure Head Impact Biomechanics in Ice Hockey. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(1): 115-123.
Bell JS, Christmas J, Mansfield JC, Everson RM, Winlove CP. Micromechanical response of articular cartilage to tensile load measured using nonlinear microscopy. Acta Biomaterialia 2014; 10(6): 2574-2581.
Dai LH, He ZM, Zhang X, Hu XQ, et al. One-Step Repair for Cartilage Defects in a Rabbit Model A Technique Combining the Perforated Decalcified Cortical-Cancellous Bone Matrix Scaffold With Microfracture. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(3): 583-591.
Egea AJS, Valera M, Quiroga JMP, Proubasta I, Noailly J, Lacroix D. Impact of hip anatomical variations on the cartilage stress: A finite element analysis towards the biomechanical exploration of the factors that may explain primary hip arthritis in morphologically normal subjects. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 444-450.
Khan N, McMahon P, Obaid H. Bony morphology of the knee and non-traumatic meniscal tears: Is there a role for meniscal impingement? Skeletal Radiology 2014; 43(7): 955-962.
Pachowsky ML, Trattnig S, Wondrasch B, Apprich S, et al. In vivo evaluation of biomechanical properties in the patellofemoral joint after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation by means of quantitative T2 MRI. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2014; 22(6): 1360-1369.
Snow BJ, Javidan P, Itamura JM, Lee TQ. The Effects of Varus or Valgus Malalignment of Proximal Ulnar Fractures on Forearm Rotation. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(3): 143-147.
Bonnechere B, Sholukha V, Jansen B, Omelina L, Rooze M, Jan SV. Determination of Repeatability of Kinect Sensor. Telemedicine and E-Health 2014; 20(5): 451-453.
Dingenen B, Malfait B, Vanrenterghem J, Verschueren SMP, Staes FF. The reliability and validity of the measurement of lateral trunk motion in two-dimensional video analysis during unipodal functional screening tests in elite female athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport 2014; 15(2): 117-123.
Ferreira A, Gentil F, Tavares J. Segmentation algorithms for ear image data towards biomechanical studies. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2014; 17(8): 888-904.
John D, Sasaki J, Hickey A, Mavilia M, Freedson PS. ActiGraph (TM) Activity Monitors: "The Firmware Effect''. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(4): 834-839.
Leigh RJ, Pohl MB, Ferber R. Does tester experience influence the reliability with which 3D gait kinematics are collected in healthy adults? Physical Therapy in Sport 2014; 15(2): 112-116.
Pinilla L, Burd HJ, Montenegro GA, Mikielewicz M, Barraquer RI, Michael R. Comparison of different techniques to evaluate the biomechanics of the accommodative apparatus in human eyes. Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91.
Sinclair J, Hebron J, Taylor PJ. Does tester experience affect the reliability of multi-segment foot kinematics? International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 2014; 14(1): 208-216.
Soufivand AA, Navidbakhsh M, Soleimani M. Is it appropriate to apply Hertz model to describe cardiac myocytes' mechanical properties by atomic force microscopy nanoindentation? Micro & Nano Letters 2014; 9(3): 153-156.
Beyer B, Sholukha V, Dugailly PM, Rooze M, et al. In vivo thorax 3D modelling from costovertebral joint complex kinematics. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 434-438.
Bohme J, Lingslebe U, Steinke H, Werner M, et al. The Extent of Ligament Injury and Its Influence on Pelvic Stability Following Type II Anteroposterior Compression Pelvic Injuries-A Computer Study to Gain Insight into Open Book Trauma. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2014; 32(7): 873-879.
Freutel M, Schmidt H, Durselen L, Ignatius A, Galbusera F. Finite element modeling of soft tissues: Material models, tissue interaction and challenges. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 363-372.
Steiner M, Claes L, Ignatius A, Simon U, Wehner T. Disadvantages of Interfragmentary Shear on Fracture Healing-Mechanical Insights through Numerical Simulation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2014; 32(7): 865-872.
Li F, Laville A, Bonneau D, Laporte S, Skalli W. Study on Cervical Muscle Volume by Means of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2014; 39(6): 1411-1416.
Vavourakis V, Kazakidi A, Tsakiris DP, Ekaterinaris JA. A nonlinear dynamic finite element approach for simulating muscular hydrostats. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2014; 17(8): 917-931.
Angeli CA, Edgerton VR, Gerasimenko YP, Harkema SJ. Altering spinal cord excitability enables voluntary movements after chronic complete paralysis in humans. Brain 2014; 137: 1394-1409.
Barter JW, Castro S, Sukharnikova T, Rossi MA, Yin HH. The role of the substantia nigra in posture control. European Journal of Neuroscience 2014; 39(9): 1465-1473.
Rosso G, Liashkovich I, Young P, Gess B, Shahin V. Exceptional biomechanical properties of peripheral myelinated nerve fibers: Implications for neuropathies. Acta Physiologica 2014; 210: 112-114.
Fleischer GD, Hart D, Ferrara LA, Freeman AL, Avidano EE. Biomechanical Effect of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Axial Interbody Threaded Rod on Range of Motion and S1 Screw Loading in a Destabilized L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis Model. Spine 2014; 39(2): E82-E88.
Fry RW, Alamin TF, Voronov LI, Fielding LC, et al. Compressive Preload Reduces Segmental Flexion Instability After Progressive Destabilization of the Lumbar Spine. Spine 2014; 39(2): E74-E81.
Healy AT, Lubelski D, Mageswaran P, Bhowmick DA, et al. Biomechanical analysis of the upper thoracic spine after decompressive procedures. Spine Journal 2014; 14(6): 1010-1016.
Jackman TM, Hussein AI, Adams AM, Makhnejia KK, Morgan EF. Endplate Deflection Is a Defining Feature of Vertebral Fracture and Is Associated With Properties of the Underlying Trabecular Bone. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2014; 32(7): 880-886.
Kwon YK, Jang JH, Lee CD, Lee SH. Fracture of the L-4 vertebral body after use of a stand-alone interbody fusion device in degenerative spondylolisthesis for anterior L3-4 fixation. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2014; 20(6): 653-656.
Lin SL, Xia DD, Chen W, Li Y, et al. Computed Tomographic Morphometric Analysis of the Pediatric Occipital Condyle for Occipital Condyle Screw Placement. Spine 2014; 39(3): E147-E152.
Miao JH, Yu FB, Shen Y, He NY, et al. Clinical and radiographic outcomes of cervical disc replacement with a new prosthesis. Spine Journal 2014; 14(6): 878-883.
Molina C, Kretzer RM, Hu NB, Umekoji H, Cunningham BW, Serhan H. Comparative In Vitro Biomechanical Analysis of a Novel Posterior Cervical Fixation Technique Versus Conventional Posterior-based Constructs. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 2014; 27(1): 40-47.
Saigal R, Lau D, Wadhwa R, Le H, et al. Unilateral versus bilateral iliac screws for spinopelvic fixation: are two screws better than one? Neurosurgical Focus 2014; 36(5).
Shakil H, Iqbal ZA, Al-Ghadir AH. Scoliosis: Review of types of curves, etiological theories and conservative treatment. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2014; 27(2): 111-115.
Su BW, Shimer AL, Chinthakunta S, Salloum K, et al. Comparison of Fatigue Strength of C2 Pedicle Screws, C2 Pars Screws, and a Hybrid Construct in C1-C2 Fixation. Spine 2014; 39(1): E12-E19.
Yilmaz G, Hwang S, Oto M, Kruse R, et al. Surgical Treatment of Scoliosis in Osteogenesis Imperfecta With Cement-augmented Pedicle Screw Instrumentation. Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 2014; 27(3): 174-180.
Beason DP, Tucker JJ, Lee CS, Edelstein L, Abboud JA, Soslowsky LJ. Rat rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing properties are adversely affected by hypercholesterolemia. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2014; 23(6): 867-872.
Bottlang M, Fitzpatrick DC, Sheerin D, Kubiak E, et al. Dynamic Fixation of Distal Femur Fractures Using Far Cortical Locking Screws: A Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(4): 181-188.
Boulton CL, Kim H, Shah SB, Ryan SP, et al. Do Locking Screws Work in Plates Bent at Holes? Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(4): 189-194.
Brown CA, Hurwit D, Behn A, Hunt KJ. Biomechanical Comparison of an All-Soft Suture Anchor With a Modified Brostrom-Gould Suture Repair for Lateral Ligament Reconstruction. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(2): 417-422.
Burkhart SS, Denard PJ, Konicek J, Hanypsiak BT. Biomechanical Validation of Load-Sharing Rip-Stop Fixation for the Repair of Tissue-Deficient Rotator Cuff Tears. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(2): 457-462.
Caravaggi P, Laratta JL, Yoon RS, De Biasio J, et al. Internal Fixation of the Distal Humerus: A Comprehensive Biomechanical Study Evaluating Current Fixation Techniques. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(4): 222-226.
Cho NS, Cha SW, Rhee YG. Funnel Tenotomy Versus Intracuff Tenodesis for Lesions of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon Associated With Rotator Cuff Tears. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(5): 1161-1168.
Clanton TO, Viens NA, Campbell KJ, LaPrade RF, Wijdicks CA. Anterior Talofibular Ligament Ruptures, Part 2 Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Talofibular Ligament Reconstruction Using Semitendinosus Allografts With the Intact Ligament. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(2): 412-416.
Frank RM, Mall NA, Gupta D, Shewman E, et al. Inferior Suture Anchor Placement During Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Influence of Portal Placement and Curved Drill Guide. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(5): 1182-1189.
Hungerer S, Wipf F, von Oldenburg G, Augat P, Penzkofer R. Complex Distal Humerus Fractures-Comparison of Polyaxial Locking and Nonlocking Screw Configurations-A Preliminary Biomechanical Study. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(3): 130-136.
Jones TB, Karenz AR, Weinhold PS, Dahners LE. Transcortical Screw Fixation of the Olecranon Shows Equivalent Strength and Improved Stability Compared With Tension Band Fixation. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(3): 137-142.
Kim JG, Kim HJ, Kim SE, Bae JH, Ko YJ, Park JH. Enhancement of tendon-bone healing with the use of bone morphogenetic protein-2 inserted into the suture anchor hole in a rabbit patellar tendon model. Cytotherapy 2014; 16(6): 857-867.
Liu P, Wang JQ, Zhao F, Xu Y, Ao YF. Anatomic, Arthroscopically Assisted, Mini-Open Fibular Collateral Ligament Reconstruction An In Vitro Biomechanical Study. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(2): 373-381.
Malenfant RC, Sod GA. In Vitro Biomechanical Comparison of 3.5 String of Pearl Plate Fixation to 3.5 Locking Compression Plate Fixation in a Canine Fracture Gap Model. Veterinary Surgery 2014; 43(4): 465-470.
Mantovani M, Baudi P, Paladini P, Pellegrini A, et al. Gap formation in a transosseous rotator cuff repair as a function of bone quality. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 429-433.
Nyland J, Lee YHD, McGinnis M, Kibbe S, Kocabey Y, Caborn DNM. ACL double bundle linked cortical-aperture tibial fixation: a technical note. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2014; 134(6): 835-842.
Padalecki JR, Jansson KS, Smith SD, Dornan GJ, et al. Biomechanical Consequences of a Complete Radial Tear Adjacent to the Medial Meniscus Posterior Root Attachment Site In Situ Pull-out Repair Restores Derangement of Joint Mechanics. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(3): 699-707.
Stenlund P, Murase K, Stalhandske C, Lausmaa J, Palmquist A. Understanding mechanisms and factors related to implant fixation; a model study of removal torque. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2014; 34: 83-92.
Thakkar SC, Langdale ER, Mears SC, Belkoff SM. Can the "Turn-of-the-Nut" Method Improve Cortical Screw Fixation? Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(4): 195-199.
Verim O, Er MS, Altinel L, Tasgetiren S. Biomechanical Evaluation of Syndesmotic Screw Position: A Finite-Element Analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2014; 28(4): 210-215.
Viens NA, Wijdicks CA, Campbell KJ, LaPrade RF, Clanton TO. Anterior Talofibular Ligament Ruptures, Part 1 Biomechanical Comparison of Augmented Brostrom Repair Techniques With the Intact Anterior Talofibular Ligament. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(2): 405-411.
Yoo JC, McGarry MH, Jun BJ, Scott J, Lee TQ. The influence of partial subscapularis tendon tears combined with supraspinatus tendon tears. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2014; 23(6): 902-908.
Zaffagnini S, Muccioli GMM, Signorelli C, Lopomo N, et al. Anatomic and Nonanatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction An In Vivo Kinematic Analysis. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(3): 708-715.
Chang JO, Levy SS, Seay SW, Goble DJ. An Alternative to the Balance Error Scoring System: Using a Low-Cost Balance Board to Improve the Validity/Reliability of Sports-Related Concussion Balance Testing. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2014; 24(3): 256-262.
Doherty C, Bleakley C, Hertel J, Caulfield B, Ryan J, Delahunt E. Balance failure in single limb stance due to ankle sprain injury: An analysis of center of pressure using the fractal dimension method. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 172-176.
Wright AD, Heckman GA, McIlroy WE, Laing AC. Novel safety floors do not influence early compensatory balance reactions in older adults. Gait & Posture 2014; 40(1): 160-165.
Pillet H, Drevelle X, Bonnet X, Villa C, et al. APSIC: Training and fitting amputees during situations of daily living. Irbm 2014; 35(2): 60-65.
Inouye JM, Valero-Cuevas FJ. Anthropomorphic tendon-driven robotic hands can exceed human grasping capabilities following optimization. International Journal of Robotics Research 2014; 33(5): 694-705.
Iqbal S, Zang XZ, Zhu YH, Zhao J. Bifurcations and chaos in passive dynamic walking: A review. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2014; 62(6): 889-909.
Shirafuji S, Ikemoto S, Hosoda K. Development of a tendon-driven robotic finger for an anthropomorphic robotic hand. International Journal of Robotics Research 2014; 33(5): 677-693.
Ugurlu B, Saglia JA, Tsagarakis NG, Morfey S, Caldwell DG. Bipedal Hopping Pattern Generation for Passively Compliant Humanoids: Exploiting the Resonance. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014; 61(10): 5431-5443.
Wang JH, Wen JT, Chen WH, Yue HS, Liu D. A gait generating algorithm with smooth speed transition for the locomotion of legged robots. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 2014; 36(2): 260-275.
Fenuta AM, Hicks AL. Metabolic Demand and Muscle Activation during Different Forms of Bodyweight Supported Locomotion in Men with Incomplete SCI. Biomed Research International 2014.
Fusco A, Assenza F, Iosa M, Izzo S, et al. The Ineffective Role of Cathodal tDCS in Enhancing the Functional Motor Outcomes in Early Phase of Stroke Rehabilitation: An Experimental Trial. Biomed Research International 2014.
Nadeau SE, Lu XM, Dobkin B, Wu SS, et al. A prospective test of the late effects of potentially antineuroplastic drugs in a stroke rehabilitation study. International Journal of Stroke 2014; 9(4): 449-456.
Richardson M. Deep Brain Stimulation for Locomotor Recovery Following Spinal Cord Injury. Neurosurgery 2014; 74(2): N18-N19.
Andersson E, Stoggl T, Pellegrini B, Sandbakk O, Ettema G, Holmberg HC. Biomechanical analysis of the herringbone technique as employed by elite cross-country skiers. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2014; 24(3): 542-552.
Beynnon BD, Hall JS, Sturnick DR, DeSarno MJ, et al. Increased Slope of the Lateral Tibial Plateau Subchondral Bone Is Associated With Greater Risk of Noncontact ACL Injury in Females but Not in Males A Prospective Cohort Study With a Nested, Matched Case-Control Analysis. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(5): 1039-1048.
Boudreaux RD, Swift JM, Gasier HG, Wiggs MP, et al. Increased Resistance during Jump Exercise Does Not Enhance Cortical Bone Formation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(5): 982-989.
Crotin RL, Kozlowski K, Horvath P, Ramsey DK. Altered Stride Length in Response to Increasing Exertion among Baseball Pitchers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(3): 565-571.
Dempsey PC, Handcock PJ, Rehrer NJ. Body armour: the effect of load, exercise and distraction on landing forces. Journal of Sports Sciences 2014; 32(4): 301-306.
Federolf P, Reid R, Gilgien M, Haugen P, Smith G. The application of principal component analysis to quantify technique in sports. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2014; 24(3): 491-499.
Gilgien M, Sporri J, Kroll J, Crivelli P, Muller E. Mechanics of turning and jumping and skier speed are associated with injury risk in men's World Cup alpine skiing: a comparison between the competition disciplines. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 48(9): 742-747.
Hollman JH, Galardi CM, Lin IH, Voth BC, Whitmarsh CL. Frontal and transverse plane hip kinematics and gluteus maximus recruitment correlate with frontal plane knee kinematics during single-leg squat tests in women. Clinical Biomechanics 2014; 29(4): 468-474.
Kristianslund E, Faul O, Bahr R, Myklebust G, Krosshaug T. Sidestep cutting technique and knee abduction loading: implications for ACL prevention exercises. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 48(9): 779-783.
Liederbach M, Kremenic IJ, Orishimo KF, Pappas E, Hagins M. Comparison of Landing Biomechanics Between Male and Female Dancers and Athletes, Part 2 Influence of Fatigue and Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014; 42(5): 1089-1095.
Malfait B, Sankey S, Azidin R, Deschamps K, et al. How Reliable Are Lower-Limb Kinematics and Kinetics during a Drop Vertical Jump? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2014; 46(4): 678-685.
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