
Louvain Bionics Research Project Coordinator, 3 years fixed-term

Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium

Starting date: from March 1st, 2014

Mission: Louvain Bionics at the Université catholique de Louvain is a new interdisciplinary research platform integrating research teams and groups from the technology, human and clinical sciences in order to address major societal challenges, and create extensive and innovative scientific advances in medical robotics.

Although new, Louvain Bionics involves researchers with international scientific profiles and research programs already established and funded. The current research activities include:

• The design and modeling of robots for the rehabilitation of upper limb action

• The design and development of (robot assisted) prostheses for lower limb action

• The design and optimization of (robot) assisted surgical procedures

• The design and manufacture of custom instruments for surgery

• The development of visual space-object interfaces and virtual environments to support intensive rehabilitation of children and adults with brain damage or developmental problems

• The identification and analysis of ethical issues within the human-robot relationship

Function: In order to support the development of the research platform further, we are seeking a Research Project Coordinator. The tasks assigned to the coordinator will be multiple and will include:

• To identify the possible sharing or investment of research supportive resources;

• To identify new themes of interdisciplinary research activity that will foster UCL, Belgian and international collaborations;

• To seek and support substantial research funding;

• To support the organization of communicative activities (e.g., seminars, workshops and conferences), both with the researchers of the Louvain Bionics, and with Belgian and international collaborators;

• To facilitate the organization of multidisciplinary training activities crossing the technology, human and clinical sciences;

• To promote the visibility of Louvain Bionics through the management of the Louvain Bionics website, presentations of the Louvain Bionics project at information events or in the media (TV, newspapers, magazines etc.), and through attendance at networking meetings (for example held at the European Commission).

The Research Project Coordinator will work directly with the Louvain Bionics steering committee, and will communicate and justify activities to the Louvain Bionics advisory board and Louvain Bionics management committee. Support will be provided to the Research Project Coordinator from the different services of the Université catholique de Louvain.

Qualifications and skills required:

It is essential that the applicant has:

• A master’s qualification associated to the domains of technology, human or clinical sciences

• The ability and the confidence to communicate and write in French and English

It is preferred that the candidate has:

• Doctoral level research experience in medical robotics.

• Experience in coordinating interdisciplinary collaborative research activities

• Experience in writing applications for research funds.

• Have skills in creativity and interdisciplinary research innovation.

• Experience of working and leading a team of (interdisciplinary) researchers.

Contacts for further information:

• Prof. Martin Edwards (human sciences), martin.edwards@uclouvain.be

• Prof. Benoît Raucent (technology sciences), benoit.raucent@uclouvain.be

• Prof. Thierry Lejeune (clinical sciences), thierry.lejeune@uclouvain.be

To make an application: Please send to Prof. Martin Edwards (martin.edwards@uclouvain.be, subject: Louvain Bionics Research Project Coordinator):

• A Curriculum Vitae (maximum 5 pages)

• A one-page description of your experiences related to the qualifications and skills section (with specific examples)

• A one-page presentation of your motivation for the post

• Applications should be received for 16h on the 24 January 2014.

• In addition, please instruct two responsible persons to send letters of recommendation for your application to Prof. Martin Edwards (martin.edwards@uclouvain.be) for 16h on the 24 January 2014

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