July 11, 2013 – July 17, 2013
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Jason R. Franz, Ph.D.
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Leung KS, Tang N, Griffith J, Choy TK, Hung VWY, Mok HW, et al. Structural, densitometric and biomechanical evaluations of chinese patients with long-term bisphosphonate treatment. Chinese Medical Journal 2013;126(1):27-33.
Tang XL, Qin L, Kwok AW, Zhu TY, Kun EW, Hung VW, et al. Alterations of bone geometry, density, microarchitecture, and biomechanical properties in systemic lupus erythematosus on long-term glucocorticoid: A case-control study using hr-pqct. Osteoporosis International 2013;24(6):1817-26.
Verim O, Tasgetiren S, Er MS, Timur M and Yuran AF. Anatomical comparison and evaluation of human proximal femurs modeling via different devices and fem analysis. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 2013;9(2):e19-e24.
Wang FS, Chung PC, Lin CL, Chen MW, Ke HJ, Chang YH, et al. Microrna-29a protects against glucocorticoid-induced bone loss and fragility in rats by orchestrating bone acquisition and resorption. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013;65(6):1530-40.
Nezhad AS, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Bhat R and Geitmann A. Quantification of the young's modulus of the primary plant cell wall using bending-lab-on-chip (bloc). Lab on a Chip 2013;13(13):2599-608.
Tuna BG, Bakker EN and VanBavel E. Relation between active and passive biomechanics of small mesenteric arteries during remodeling. Journal of Biomechanics 2013;46(8):1420-6.
Nezhad AS, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Bhat R and Geitmann A. Quantification of cellular penetrative forces using lab-on-a-chip technology and finite element modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013;110(20):8093-8.
Abdel-Aal HA. On surface structure and friction regulation in reptilian limbless locomotion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2013;22:115-35.
Baier DB, Gatesy SM and Dial KP. Three-dimensional, high-resolution skeletal kinematics of the avian wing and shoulder during ascending flapping flight and uphill flap-running. Plos One 2013;8(5).
Fowler-Finn KD, Rosenthal MF and Hebets EA. Locomotor performance varies with adult phenotype in ornamented/non-ornamented wolf spiders. Ethology 2013;119(7):570-80.
Manniste M, Sepp T and Horak P. Locomotor activity of captive greenfinches involves two different behavioural traits. Ethology 2013;119(7):581-91.
Wilson AM, Lowe JC, Roskilly K, Hudson PE, Golabek KA and McNutt JW. Locomotion dynamics of hunting in wild cheetahs. Nature 2013;498(7453):185-U75.
Markovic A, Calvo-Guirado JL, Lazic Z, Gomez-Moreno G, Calasan D, Guardia J, et al. Evaluation of primary stability of self-tapping and non-self-tapping dental implants. A 12-week clinical study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2013;15(3):341-9.
Yin XL, Zhang CP, Hze-Khoong EP, Shen SK and Xu LQ. Influence of periosteal coverage on the osteointegration and stability of dental implant distractors. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2013;24(7):826-30.
Arjmand N, Ekrami O, Shirazi-Adl A, Plamondon A and Parnianpour M. Relative performances of artificial neural network and regression mapping tools in evaluation of spinal loads and muscle forces during static lifting. Journal of Biomechanics 2013;46(8):1454-62.
Allen V, Bates KT, Li ZH and Hutchinson JR. Linking the evolution of body shape and locomotor biomechanics in bird-line archosaurs. Nature 2013;497(7447):104-7.
Casanovas-Vilar I and van Dam J. Conservatism and adaptability during squirrel radiation: What is mandible shape telling us? Plos One 2013;8(4).
Cuff AR and Rayfield EJ. Feeding mechanics in spinosaurid theropods and extant crocodilians. Plos One 2013;8(5).
Pittman M, Gatesy SM, Upchurch P, Goswami A and Hutchinson JR. Shake a tail feather: The evolution of the theropod tail into a stiff aerodynamic surface. Plos One 2013;8(5).
Donoghue OA, Cronin H, Savva GM, O'Regan C and Kenny RA. Effects of fear of falling and activity restriction on normal and dual task walking in community dwelling older adults. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):120-4.
Hendry GJ, Rafferty D, Barn R, Gardner-Medwin J, Turner DE and Woodburn J. Foot function is well preserved in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis who are optimally managed. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):30-6.
Keizer A, Smeets MAM, Dijkerman HC, Uzunbajakau SA, van Elburg A and Postma A. Too fat to fit through the door: First evidence for disturbed body-scaled action in anorexia nervosa during locomotion. Plos One 2013;8(5).
Levinger P, Menz HB, Morrow AD, Feller JA, Bartlett JR and Bergman NR. Lower limb biomechanics in individuals with knee osteoarthritis before and after total knee arthroplasty surgery. Journal of Arthroplasty 2013;28(6):994-9.
Li K, Ackland DC, McClelland JA, Webster KE, Feller JA, de Steiger R, et al. Trunk muscle action compensates for reduced quadriceps force during walking after total knee arthroplasty. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):79-85.
MacLellan MJ, Richards CL, Fung J and McFadyen BJ. Use of segmental coordin wtion analysis of nonparetic and pcretic limbs during obstacle clearance in community-dwelling persons after stroke. Pm&R 2013;5(5):381-91.
Monaghan GM, Lewis CL, Hsu WH, Saltzman E, Hamill J and Holt KG. Forefoot angle determines duration and amplitude of pronation during walking. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):8-13.
Pogorelc B and Gams M. Detecting gait-related health problems of the elderly using multidimensional dynamic time warping approach with semantic attributes. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2013;66(1):95-114.
Raffalt PC, Hovgaard-Hansen L and Jensen BR. Running on a lower-body positive pressure treadmill: Vo(2)max, respiratory response, and vertical ground reaction force. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 2013;84(2):213-22.
Roberton MA. Testing the validity of the halverson developmental sequences for skipping. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 2013;84(2):198-205.
Van Caekenberghe I, Segers V, Willems P, Gosseye T, Aerts P and De Clercq D. Mechanics of overground accelerated running vs. Running on an accelerated treadmill. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):125-31.
Wurdeman SR and Stergiou N. Temporal structure of variability reveals similar control mechanisms during lateral stepping and forward walking. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):73-8.
Hagiwara K, Shinozaki T, Matsuzaki T, Takata K and Takagishi K. Immunolocalization of water channel aquaporins in human knee articular cartilage with intact and early degenerative regions. Medical Molecular Morphology 2013;46(2):104-8.
Ko FC, Dragomir C, Plumb DA, Goldring SR, Wright TM, Goldring MB, et al. In vivo cyclic compression causes cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone changes in mouse tibiae. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013;65(6):1569-78.
Lorenz A, Rothstock S, Bobrowitsch E, Beck A, Gruhler G, Ipach I, et al. Cartilage surface characterization by frictional dissipated energy during axially loaded knee flexion-an in vitro sheep model. Journal of Biomechanics 2013;46(8):1427-32.
Raub CB, Hsu SC, Chan EF, Shirazi R, Chen AC, Chnari E, et al. Microstructural remodeling of articular cartilage following defect repair by osteochondral autograft transfer. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2013;21(6):860-8.
Son M, Goodman SB, Chen W, Hargreaves BA, Gold GE and Levenston ME. Regional variation in t1 rho and t2 times in osteoarthritic human menisci: Correlation with mechanical properties and matrix composition. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2013;21(6):796-805.
Alt V, Thormann U, Ray S, Zahner D, Durselen L, Lips K, et al. A new metaphyseal bone defect model in osteoporotic rats to study biomaterials for the enhancement of bone healing in osteoporotic fractures. Acta Biomaterialia 2013;9(6):7035-42.
Bar-On L, Aertbelien E, Wambacq H, Severijns D, Lambrecht K, Dan B, et al. A clinical measurement to quantify spasticity in children with cerebral palsy by integration of multidimensional signals. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):141-7.
Hancock CW, Winston MJ, Bach JM, Davidson BS and Eckhoff DG. Cylindrical axis, not epicondyles, approximates perpendicular to knee axes. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2013;471(7):2278-83.
Leung CKS, Ye C and Weinreb RN. An ultra-high-speed scheimpflug camera for evaluation of corneal deformation response and its impact on iop measurement. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2013;54(4):2885-92.
Spence AJ, Nicholson-Thomas G and Lampe R. Closing the loop in legged neuromechanics: An open-source computer vision controlled treadmill. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2013;215(2):164-9.
Ta AT, Labed N, Holweck F, Thionnet A and Peyraut F. A new invariant-based method for building biomechanical behavior laws - application to an anisotropic hyperelastic material with two fiber families. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2013;50(14-15):2251-8.
Van Lummel RC, Ainsworth E, Lindemann U, Zijlstra W, Chiari L, Van Campen P, et al. Automated approach for quantifying the repeated sit-to-stand using one body fixed sensor in young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):153-6.
Wang LT, Li YJ, Lin A, Choe Y, Gross ME and Kim ES. A self-focusing acoustic transducer that exploits cytoskeletal differences for selective cytolysis of cancer cells. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2013;22(3):542-52.
Aquilina P, Chamoli U, Parr WCH, Clausen PD and Wroe S. Finite element analysis of three patterns of internal fixation of fractures of the mandibular condyle. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2013;51(4):326-31.
Basafa E, Armiger RS, Kutzer MD, Belkoff SM, Mears SC and Armand M. Patient-specific finite element modeling for femoral bone augmentation. Medical Engineering & Physics 2013;35(6):860-5.
Gonzales MJ, Sturgeon G, Krishnamurthy A, Hake J, Jonas R, Stark P, et al. A three-dimensional finite element model of human atrial anatomy: New methods for cubic hermite meshes with extraordinary vertices. Medical Image Analysis 2013;17(5):525-37.
Kallemeyn NA, Natarajan A, Magnotta VA and Grosland NM. Hexahedral meshing of subject-specific anatomic structures using mapped building blocks. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2013;16(6):602-11.
Lefever JA, Garcia JJ and Smith JH. A patient-specific, finite element model for noncommunicating hydrocephalus capable of large deformation. Journal of Biomechanics 2013;46(8):1447-53.
Panzer MB, Myers BS and Bass CR. Mesh considerations for finite element blast modelling in biomechanics. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2013;16(6):612-21.
Thompson AK and Bertocci GE. Paediatric bed fall computer simulation model development and validation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2013;16(6):592-601.
Semciw AI, Pizzari T and Green RA. Technical application and the level of discomfort associated with an intramuscular electromyographic investigation into gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):157-60.
Willerslev-Olsen M, Lorentzen J, Sinkjaer T and Nielsen JB. Passive muscle properties are altered in children with cerebral palsy before the age of 3years and are difficult to distinguish clinically from spasticity. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2013;55(7):617-23.
Arvanian V. Role of neurotrophins in spinal plasticity and locomotion. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4509-16.
Bertrand SS and Cazalets JR. Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity and metaplasticity in spinal motor networks. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4498-508.
Christensen RK, Petersen AV and Perrier JF. How do glial cells contribute to motor control? Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4385-99.
Dragert K and Zehr EP. Differential modulation of reciprocal inhibition in ankle muscles during rhythmic arm cycling. Neuroscience Letters 2013;534:269-73.
Pearlstein E. Role of descending aminergic pathways in the development of locomotion. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4332-40.
Perrier JF, Rasmussen HB, Christensen RK and Petersen AV. Modulation of the intrinsic properties of motoneurons by serotonin. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4371-84.
Rouleau P and Guertin PA. A valuable animal model of spinal cord injury to study motor dysfunctions, comorbid conditions, and aging associated diseases. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4437-47.
Ryczko D and Dubuc R. The multifunctional mesencephalic locomotor region. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4448-70.
Schiaveto-de-Souza A, da-Silva CA, Defino HLA and Del Bel EA. Effect of melatonin on the functional recovery from experimental traumatic compression of the spinal cord. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2013;46(4):348-58.
Soteropoulos DS, Edgley SA and Baker SN. Spinal commissural connections to motoneurons controlling the primate hand and wrist. Journal of Neuroscience 2013;33(23):9614-25.
Hultborn H, Zhang ML and Meehan CF. Control and role of plateau potential properties in the spinal cord. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2013;19(24):4357-70.
Li ZY, Han X, Ma S and Tian W. Effect of total lumbar disc replacement on the treatment of discogenic low lumbar pain: Preliminary outcomes. Chinese Medical Journal 2013;126(8):1504-8.
Abolghasemian M, Samiezadeh S, Jafari D, Bougherara H, Gross AE and Ghazavi MT. Displacement of the hip center of rotation after arthroplasty of crowe iii and iv dysplasia: A radiological and biomechanical study. Journal of Arthroplasty 2013;28(6):1031-5.
Cuadrado A, Yanez A, Carta JA and Garces G. Suitability of dcps with screw locking elements to allow sufficient interfragmentary motion to promote secondary bone healing of osteoporotic fractures. Medical Engineering & Physics 2013;35(6):852-9.
Delisser PJ, McCombe GP, Trask RS, Etches JA, German AJ, Holden SL, et al. Ex vivo evaluation of the biomechanical effect if varying monocortical screw numbers on a plate-rod canine femoral gap model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):177-85.
Feerick EM, Kennedy J, Mullett H, FitzPatrick D and McGarry P. Investigation of metallic and carbon fibre peek fracture fixation devices for three-part proximal humeral fractures. Medical Engineering & Physics 2013;35(6):712-22.
Garber AC, Argintar E, Shin SJ, McGarry MH, Tibone JE and Lee TQ. Kinematic effect of mghl incorporation into bankart repair. Orthopedics 2013;36(5):653-8.
Gauthier CM, Kowaleski MP, Gerard PD and Rovesti GL. Comparison of the axial stiffness of carbon composite and aluminium alloy circular external skeletal fixator rings. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):172-6.
Lei PF, Hu YH, Cai PD, Xie J, Yang XC and Wang L. Greater trochanter osteotomy with cementless tha for crowe type iv ddh. Orthopedics 2013;36(5):E601-E5.
Tsuji M, Crookshank M, Olsen M, Schemitsch EH and Zdero R. The biomechanical effect of artificial and human bone density on stopping and stripping torque during screw insertion. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2013;22:146-56.
Bruyneel AV and Mesure S. Learning effect on the dynamical strategies in sitting position on seesaw motion for idiopathic scoliosis patients. Neuroscience Letters 2013;534:264-8.
Spyropoulos G, Tsatalas T, Tsaopoulos DE, Sideris V and Giakas G. Biomechanics of sit-to-stand transition after muscle damage. Gait & Posture 2013;38(1):62-7.
Lemaire ED, Samadi R, Goudreau L and Kofman J. Mechanical and biomechanical analysis of a linear piston design for angular-velocity-based orthotic control. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2013;50(1):43-52.
Lin W, Shi YT, Jia ZW and Yan GZ. Design of a wireless anchoring and extending micro robot system for gastrointestinal tract. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 2013;9(2):167-79.
Wu J, Qiao GF, Zhang J, Zhang Y and Song GM. Hand motion-based remote control interface with vibrotactile feedback for home robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 2013;10.
Zhou C, Hou ZG, Cao ZQ, Wang S and Tan M. Motion modeling and neural networks based yaw control of a biomimetic robotic fish. Information Sciences 2013;237:39-48.
Manjhi J, Kumar S, Behari J and Mathur R. Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field in prevention of spinal cord injury-induced osteoporosis. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2013;50(1):17-29.
Creveaux T, Dumas R, Hautier C, Mace P, Cheze L and Rogowski I. Joint kinetics to assess the influence of the racket on a tennis player's shoulder. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2013;12(2):259-66.
Fernandez-Fernandez J, Ellenbecker T, Sanz-Rivas D, Ulbricht A and Ferrauti A. Effects of a 6-week junior tennis conditioning program on service velocity. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2013;12(2):232-9.
Sidhu SK, Cresswell AG and Carroll TJ. Corticospinal responses to sustained locomotor exercises: Moving beyond single-joint studies of central fatigue. Sports Medicine 2013;43(6):437-49.
Wilkie R, Blagojevic-Bucknall M, Jordan KP, Lacey R and McBeth J. Reasons why multimorbidity increases the risk of participation restriction in older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis: A prospective cohort study in primary care. Arthritis Care & Research 2013;65(6):910-9.
Morelli V, Bright C and Fields A. Ligamentous injuries of the knee anterior cruciate, medial collateral, posterior cruciate, and poster lateral corner injuries. Primary Care 2013;40(2):335-+.
Yuan F, Zhou W, Cai JF, Zhao JZ, Huangfu XQ and Yin F. Optimal graft length for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A biomechanical study in beagles. Orthopedics 2013;36(5):E588-E92.
Zhao H, Guan HG, Gu J, Luo ZP, Zhang W, Chen B, et al. Collagen membrane alleviates peritendinous adhesion in the rat achilles tendon injury model. Chinese Medical Journal 2013;126(4):729-33.
Bach JS, Detrez F, Cherkaoui M, Cantournet S, Ku DN and Corte L. Hydrogel fibers for acl prosthesis: Design and mechanical evaluation of pva and pva/uhmwpe fiber constructs. Journal of Biomechanics 2013;46(8):1463-70.
Everett JS and Sommers MS. Skin viscoelasticity: Physiologic mechanisms, measurement issues, and application to nursing science. Biological Research for Nursing 2013;15(3):338-46.
Fugazzi RW, Fransson BA, Davis HM and Gay JP. Biomechanical strength of two laparoscopic herniorrhaphy techniques in a cadaveric diaphragm and in a neoprene model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):198-203.
Kim IL, Khetan S, Baker BM, Chen CS and Burdick JA. Fibrous hyaluronic acid hydrogels that direct msc chondrogenesis through mechanical and adhesive cues. Biomaterials 2013;34(22):5571-80.
Li X and Snedeker JG. Wired silk architectures provide a biomimetic acl tissue engineering scaffold. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2013;22:30-40.
Mifune Y, Matsumoto T, Takayama K, Terada S, Sekiya N, Kuroda R, et al. Tendon graft revitalization using adult anterior cruciate ligament (acl)-derived cd34+cell sheets for acl reconstruction. Biomaterials 2013;34(22):5476-87.
Nimeskern L, Avila HM, Sundberg J, Gatenholm P, Muller R and Stok KS. Mechanical evaluation of bacterial nanocellulose as an implant material for ear cartilage replacement. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2013;22:12-21.
Oliveira NTC, Guastaldi FPS, Perrotti V, Hochuli-Vieira E, Guastaldi AC, Piattelli A, et al. Biomedical ti-mo alloys with surface machined and modified by laser beam: Biomechanical, histological, and histometric analysis in rabbits. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2013;15(3):427-37.
Palko JR, Iwabe S, Pan XL, Agarwal G, Komaromy AM and Liu J. Biomechanical properties and correlation with collagen solubility profile in the posterior sclera of canine eyes with an adamts10 mutation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2013;54(4):2685-95.
Pinto KNZ, Tim CR, Crovace MC, Matsumoto MA, Parizotto NA, Zanotto ED, et al. Effects of biosilicate (r) scaffolds and low-level laser therapy on the process of bone healing. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2013;31(6):252-60.
Valentin-Gudiol M, Bagur-Calafat C, Girabent-Farres M, Hadders-Algra M, Mattern-Baxter K and Angulo-Barroso R. Treadmill interventions with partial body weight support in children under six years of age at risk of neuromotor delay: A report of a cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2013;49(1):67-91.
Wang S, Mo XM, Jiang BJ, Gao CJ, Wang HS, Zhuang YG, et al. Fabrication of small-diameter vascular scaffolds by heparin-bonded p(lla-cl) composite nanofibers to improve graft patency. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2013;8:2131-9.
Wutzke CJ, Mercer VS and Lewek MD. Influence of lower extremity sensory function on locomotor adaptation following stroke: A review. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2013;20(3):233-40.
Xu DH, Zhao CH, Ma HL, Wei J and Li DY. Comparison of viscoelasticity between normal human sciatic nerve and amniotic membrane. Neural Regeneration Research 2013;8(14):1269-75.
Youngstrom DW, Barrett JG, Jose RR and Kaplan DL. Functional characterization of detergent-decellularized equine tendon extracellular matrix for tissue engineering applications. Plos One 2013;8(5).
McIntosh AS, Lai A and Schilter E. Bicycle helmets: Head impact dynamics in helmeted and unhelmeted oblique impact tests. Traffic Injury Prevention 2013;14(5):501-8.
Aulakh KS, Harper TA, Lanz OI, D'Amico LL, Butler JR, McLaughlin RM, et al. Effect of tibial insertion site for lateral suture stabilization on the kinematics of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient-stifle during early, middle and late stance an in vitro study. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):208-17.
Bufkin BW, Barnhart MD, Kazanovicz AJ, Naber SJ and Kennedy SC. The effect of screw angulation and insertion torque on the push-out strength of polyaxial locking screws and the single cycle to failure in bending of polyaxial locking plates. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):186-91.
Burton NJ, Miles AW and Pollintine P. Biomechanical comparison of a novel castless arthrodesis plate with t-plate and cross pin techniques for canine partial carpal arthrodesis. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2013;26(3):165-71.
Gregoire J, Bergeron R, D'Allaire S, Meunier-Salaun MC and Devillers N. Assessment of lameness in sows using gait, footprints, postural behaviour and foot lesion analysis. Animal 2013;7(7):1163-73.
Lopez-Sanroman FJ, Holmbak-Petersen R, Varela M, del Alamo AM and Santiago I. Accelerometric comparison of the locomotor pattern of horses sedated with xylazine hydrochloride, detomidine hydrochloride, or romifidine hydrochloride. American Journal of Veterinary Research 2013;74(6):828-34.
Jiang YV, Swallow KM and Capistrano CG. Visual search and location probability learning from variable perspectives. Journal of Vision 2013;13(6).
Jouzdani S, Amini R and Barocas VH. Contribution of different anatomical and physiologic factors to iris contour and anterior chamber angle changes during pupil dilation: Theoretical analysis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2013;54(4):2977-84.
Nakakura S, Kiuchi Y, Kaneko M, Takenaka HMJ, Takenaka J, Yamada K, et al. Evaluation of corneal displacement using high-speed photography at the early and late phases of noncontact tonometry. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2013;54(4):2474-82.
Hollington J and Hillman SJ. Can static interface pressure mapping be used to rank pressure-redistributing cushions for active wheelchair users? Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2013;50(1):53-60.
Christley S, Emr B, Ghosh A, Satalin J, Gatto L, Vodovotz Y, et al. Bayesian inference of the lung alveolar spatial model for the identification of alveolar mechanics associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Physical Biology 2013;10(3).
Omari TI, Dejaeger E, Tack J, Van Beckevoort D and Rommel N. Effect of bolus volume and viscosity on pharyngeal automated impedance manometry variables derived for broad dysphagia patients. Dysphagia 2013;28(2):146-52.
George NT, Irving TC, Williams CD and Daniel TL. The cross-bridge spring: Can cool muscles store elastic energy? Science 2013;340(6137):1217-20.