Verve Magazine extends its global digital reach with Magzter
Option Trading Partners – India’s premier luxury lifestyle Women’s Interest magazine, Verve is now on the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital cross-platform newsstand and magazine & book store, Magzter. Anuradha Mahindra, the editor and publisher of Verve, has received top billing in Avenue Asia’s list of Indians involved in the media. Marching towards its 19th year, Verve has worn the crown as vanguard of the lifestyle industry in India since its inception.
New York, New York – India’s premier luxury lifestyle Women’s Interest magazine, Verve is now on the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital cross-platform newsstand and magazine & book store, Magzter. Anuradha Mahindra, the editor and publisher of Verve, has received top billing in Avenue Asia’s list of Indians involved in the media.
Marching towards its 19th year, Verve, India’s home-grown magazine, has worn the crown as vanguard of the lifestyle industry in India since its inception. Verve, which is about the international Indian woman who rubs shoulders with the world with confidence and elan is now poised to reach a global audience of over 25 million readers on Magzter’s digital platform.
Several publishers from India opt to go digital on Magzter as presence on the platform creates massive awareness globally for their brands and magazines; that too with just a single upload. Added supplementary features like social sharing, Live updates and great discounts on subscriptions; give publishers and users a winning combination.
The magazine exudes the spirit of today’s woman and celebrates the interests of the multifaceted contemporary global Indian, including fashion, beauty and style, glamour, arts and culture, travel and wellness. Verve is a prime catalyst for conversations around contemporary Indian culture in the world; a quality that transcends further than the pages of the magazine with Verve-organized offline event initiatives as well.
In the latest issue Verve celebrates romance and relationships!
Cover girls Erika Packard and Mariia Cherniakovych spell glamour and haute style in an exclusive fashion shoot as they speak about the men in their lives, their equation with each other and the excitement of it all. Verve recreates silver screen style in its annual edition of the Bollywood style awards. It also explores the ‘I’ in relationships for women have begun to celebrate their personal time. Experience the various delights of Paris and zip through Valencia in this issue.
“Verve is pleased to have been a part of Magzter for the last couple of years. We see it as a progressive platform and have faith in the growing readership of the Indian audience on online channels. We have seen a positive growth in readers engaging on the digital version of our Print edition via Magzter. Taking Verve’s glossy Print edition online to millions of subscribers is a valuable service, which increases the reach of our publication and particularly so in a self-service tablet publishing solution. Magzter has demystified the act of online publishing!” – Sitanshi Talati-Parikh, Digital Editor, Verve Magazine
“It is great to have Verve on our newsstand. Known for its stylish approach to showcasing lifestyles, Verve is also well-regarded for its interesting features on the role of Indian culture and its significance around the world. Culturally sensitive with aesthetic sensibilities, Verve is fashion with thought. I am sure our global readers on Magzter will come to find this publication catchy, exciting and charming.” – Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.
“Verve is a must-read for the urban, contemporary, lifestyle-savvy consumer in India. As India’s very own home-made lifestyle, fashion and luxury women’s magazine, Verve is the complete package with an unmistakable Indian edge. Magzter’s popularity in India can be credited to the instant availability of content such as this, that is digitally delivered to all parts of the country and the rest of world with just one-click. Welcome aboard Verve!” – Vijay Radhakrishnan, President, Magzter Inc.
Verve Magazine is 19 years old. Started by Anuradha Mahindra in 1995, it turned 18 December 2013, in a stellar issue that you can see here. It is India’s first and only home-grown women’s luxury lifestyle monthly. Being a glossy, the emphasis on paper, printing, processing and aesthetics is intrinsic, but what people come back to it is the quality of content. It has always been a platform for talent to find a voice and gain recognition. Some of the most iconic, creative individuals have first been seen in the pages of Verve.
Magzter counts among its publisher customers some marquee names including Hearst (USA), American Media (USA), Bloomberg (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK), Time Inc. UK, Media24 (South Africa), Edipresse Asia (Hong Kong), India Today Group (India), WorldWide Media (India), Maxim Inc. (USA), Black Enterprise (USA), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore), RBA (Spain) and Grupo Expansion (Mexico). Magzter has been rapidly increasing its publisher base with magazines from over 50 countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more; making it truly the #1 choice for magazine readers and publishers globally.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 16.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 4.0.1 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the News category. The magazine is priced at USD $17.80 for an annual subscription on Magzter. The Indian currency value for the same would be INR 1100 for an annual subscription. Magzter also launched a path-breaking �All You Can Read� subscription service called Magzter GOLD, which gives digital readers unlimited access to 2,000+ magazines for a low monthly price. The app is also available on Google Play, and Windows 8, the web, Amazon App Store, Kindle Fire, and NOOK and is expanding to more platforms soon. Magzter’s easy purchase and renewal systems ensure subscriptions are paid on time, eliminating the need for paper checks and postal mail issues. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.
Magzter – Magazine & Book Store 4.0.1:
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Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 24 million digital consumers, more than 5,000 magazines, thousands of books from over 2,000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countries. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. Magzter launched Magzter GOLD subscription service to give digital readers unlimited access to 1000s of magazines for a low monthly price.All Material and Software (C)
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