The taxpayer funded Safe Schools Coalition has certainly been in the spotlight recently – and for good reason. It is an absolute shocker of a program, and the more folks learn about it, the less they like it. Pretending to be an anti-bullying program for our schools, it is nothing of the sort of course. And the more we learn about what is in it and who is behind it, the more it stinks to high heaven.
Here are seven things all concerned parents need to know about this radical social engineering program. Use this information to inform others, including politicians, about what a damaging and destructive program this really is. At the very least, all Federal funding (that is, our tax dollars) must be pulled from this revolutionary activist program.
One. The safe Schools Coalition is not about anti-bullying. If it were, it would talk about the main cases of bullying: those who pick on those who are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too pretty, too smart, too dumb, etc. But instead it is all about one thing only: the promotion of homosexuality and related sexualities. The site itself says this:
“Safe Schools Coalition Australia is a national coalition of organisations and schools working together to create safe and inclusive school environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families.”
Consider what we find on the SSC “Resources” page:
Growing up Queer
An Australian pilot study that explores how homophobia, transphobia and heteronormativity impact on…
OMG I’m Queer
Created by young people, OMG I’m Queer talks sexuality and gender identity.
Guide to Supporting a Student to Affirm or Transition Gender Identity at School
A step by step guide for schools supporting transgender and gender diverse students.
Guide to Hosting Inclusive School Formals
Use this resource to make sure that your school formal, deb, dance or any event is inclusive for…
All Of Us – coming soon
Our ground-breaking educational resource that supports gender diversity, sexual diversity &…
On and on it goes:
Two. The SSC program is about radically transforming our schools, our children, and our society. A major player behind the SSC, Roz Ward (see more on her below) has produced all sorts of material which would shock most parents.
For example, consider the glossy, full-colour 36-page booklet, Stand Out. It is a real eye-opener, and you all should have a careful look at it. Consider just one item, as found on p, 6: The idea that boys and girls should be able to use each other’s toilets is pushed here: “Transphobia can also include specific restrictions on the way that students are allowed to express their gender; things like which uniform you’re allowed to wear or toilets you can use at school.”
Moreover, the SSC is constantly linking to all sorts of web pages, sites and resources which would also utterly shock all parents. One site regularly referred to is the Minus18 website. Their page on how to bind your chest is a real eye opener. It goes on to link to other sites such as “The Tool Shed,” an international erotic toy store. Because of public pressure, that link has now been removed from the SSC site. It was found here:
Three. Then there is all the helpful (not) information on how students can engage in all sorts of questionable activities, such as how to cross dress:
1. Provide students the option of wearing any part of your school uniform regardless of gender.
2. Categorise uniform options by type rather than by gender, i.e. ‘shirts’, ’trousers’, ‘accessories’, rather than ‘boy’s uniform’ and ‘girl’s uniform’.
3. Enforce uniform standards equally, regardless of gender identity (e.g. hair length, make up, jewellery, short and skirt lengths etc).
4. Explicitly acknowledge transgender and gender diverse students in your school uniform policy or dress code….
We also have on the SSC site a page devoted to the children’s book, The Gender Fairy. The page begins with these words: “Only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No one can tell you.” The book is “for young children aged four years+” and the page goes on to say this about it:
The Gender Fairy begins with a story of gender stereotyping: two babies who are born and bought presents in pink or blue. And the gender fairy (who has a non-binary gender identity) answers questions for two young transgender children. Can I use a male toilet? (Yes, you are a boy). Can I wear girl’s clothes? (Yes, wear the clothes that make you feel comfortable).
Four. We also need to look at some of the chief driving forces behind the SSC. One of the major groups undergirding the SSC is the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS). And one of its main figures is La Trobe University sexologist, activist and Marxist, Roz Ward.
She is described as follows on the La Trobe site: “Coordinator, Safe Schools Coalition Victoria, College of Science, Health and Engineering, School of Psychology and Public Health, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society”.
At a conference on Marxism last year in Melbourne she bragged about how she developed the SSC for the express purpose of implementing Marxism in the classroom. She has repeatedly spoken about how she wants to use the school system to agitate for Marxist economic and social policy. Said Ward:
To smooth the operation of capitalism the ruling class has benefited, and continues to benefit, from oppressing our bodies, our relationships, sexuality and gender identities alongside sexism, homophobia and transphobia. Both serve to break the spirits of ordinary people, to consume our thoughts, to make us accept the status quo and for us to keep living or aspiring to live, or feel like we should live, in small social units and families where we must reproduce and take responsibility for those people in those units.
And again: “Apart from social stigma and discrimination, almost every single structure in society is set up to accommodate only two possible genders, male or female. Everything from the toilets we use, the school uniforms, changing rooms, all official documents, passports, the process is that you go through airports, everything is divided into these two limited gender options.”
See also:
Five. Watch out for the paedophile connection. As we dig deeper into this nefarious program, we find all sorts of very disturbing connections, including the truth that those advocating for paedophilia have been active in the groups behind the SSC. Consider this from today’s newspapers:
Nationals MP George Christensen used parliamentary privilege to accuse Gary Dowsett, the deputy director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University, where the Safe Schools Coa-lition project originated, of advocating pedophilia.
He cited an article by Dr Dowsett, published when he was a school teacher in 1982, in which he recounted having “a friend, a pedophile, who is working very hard on making sense out of his relationships with boys”.
“These relations consist of, among other things, a large amount of nurture and support for these boys, a real caring for their welfare and growth,” he wrote in journal Gay Information.
“We have three legal/social questions to win: custody rights for gay men and lesbians; the legal right of pedophiles and their young lovers; and, finally, the sexual rights of children as a whole. Those gains must be won for the kids, too. We need to protect the youthful partners in pedophilia against the legal and social management systems which treat them as delinquents.”
Dr Dowsett wrote that many mothers and fathers found their children “sexual” and activities such as cuddling, bathing and breastfeeding “generate sexual responses in their parents”.
“How different, then, is that gentle, tentative sexuality between parent and child from the love of a pedophile and his/her lover?” he wrote. “From all accounts, and from many academic studies — some worse than others — that kind of love, warmth, support and nurture is an important part of the pedophilic relationship.”
Six. Let the students in the schools and their parents speak for themselves. Consider what the students are saying. One 15-year-old Victorian school girl said this:
Impacts of “Safe Schools”
-Spoken about in almost every subject, especially health subjects. It claims it is an opt-in program but when you are forced to do a health subject where it is integrated into all of them you can’t get out of it.
-Becomes a higher priority than other more important world issues. One day the wall was filled with students’ posters about health issues in other countries and morbidity and mortality rates but then the next day the posters were gone and replaced with LGBTI posters.
-The posters are plastered all over the school. If you walk down the hallway you find posters. Entering the coordinators you find about 15 stuck in various locations. The posters are everywhere you go and it is impossible to not go by one every day. This means the content is taught as the truth to everyone even if they don’t really want to know about it. It is subconsciously being taught to everyone all day without them even noticing.
-It makes students who aren’t LGBTI or who don’t agree with it feel inferior and those who do feel superior to others. …
Cultural Marxism in Schools: Let the Children Speak
And parents are also greatly concerned about all this. Here is just one of them:
“I am shocked that my child’s primary school Marrickville West Public School has joined the Safe School Coalition! Our school is full of minority communities. Why should the LGBTI community have an anti-bullying program exclusively aimed at their needs? I am disappointed that I was not informed of this drastic change in my child’s school. I have a right to know what my child is being taught!”
Seven. We have a number of terrific Coalition MPS really running strong with this issue now, calling for the program to be axed, or at least certainly defunded. Mention has already been made of all the terrific work folks like George Christensen have done to alert the public to this toxic program, and to seek to curtail it.
Also, Tasmanian Liberal Senator Eric Abetz just said this: “My mind is made up: the so-called ‘Safe Schools’ programme is a bad programme based on advancing Marxist ideological interests, according to its own architect. It should be core business for every teacher in every school in Australia to stamp out bullying irrespective of its motivation. The programme should be abolished.”
And, “Barnaby Joyce will personally lobby Simon Birmingham to rein in the contentious Safe Schools Coalition anti-bullying program amid backbench outrage over the Education Minister’s ‘whitewash’ review of the scheme and claims one of its key proponents is a ‘pedophile advocate’.”
Sadly, there are hyper-left activists like the opposition leader Bill Shorten and the Victorian Premier who have fully defended this monstrous program. Concerning the latter, he just recently said this: “Anti-bullying program Safe Schools will continue in Victoria even if it loses Federal Government funding, Premier Daniel Andrews has promised. . . . Mr Andrews said if the Federal Government did cut funding for the program, the State Government would make up for the shortfall in Victoria.”
Right now the Federal Government is rightly looking into institutionalised child abuse. By every account, the Safe Schools program amounts to little more than this very thing – the institutional abuse of children in the name of radical minority group activism.
Any program this radical, this dangerous, and this controversial must be carefully examined before being allowed to go any further. Australian taxpayers deserve at least that much. Given the toxic and depraved nature of this program and so many of those radical groups associated with it, it should be immediately suspended, until a full and proper inquiry into it takes place.
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