Nona Varnado, cycling fashion designer and blogger at The Birdwheel is hosting a skill sharing tonight on how to organize a (legal) bike ride in NYC.
Where: Red Lantern Bicycles (Bicycle-Brew-Know How)
345 Myrtle Avenue, between Adelphi and Carlton. Brooklyn.
When: Wednesday, Bike Month-May 23rd, 2012
More about the event:
Just in time for Summer learn how to successfully organize large and small group fun rides. We’ll go over the best routes for safe and easy bike lane navigation, NYC legal requirements, local resources, how to avoid mechanical trouble, creative themes, safety tips, best promotional options for good attendance and more.
Red Lantern is Brooklyn’s original Bike Cafe, who will have coffee, tea, beer and goodies available during and after class for socializing with other future ride organizers!