Aerospike Database is a Key-Value Store and high performance real-time NoSQL (flex-schema) database. It was designed from the ground up in order to take advantage of multi-core, multi-processor architectures and solid-state drives (SSD). Brian Bulkowski – CTO Srini Srinivasan – VP of Engineering Operations (both database and networking industry veterans) started the big data startup in 2009. In the past years they have managed to develop a stable and fast database with zero downtime, a remarkable achievement.
In a recent test with Apache Cassandra and MongoDB it came out 10x faster, with a maximum throughput of 300.000 records per second. Aerospike also maintained a lower latency than the two rivalling databases. All this is possible because Aerospike takes full advantage of flash storage. The database is able to manage massive databases for among others web-scale applications. The real-time NoSQL Key-Value Store is capable of storing 39.5 billion transactions per day (as one client is doing).
The database has a hybrid architecture with indexes in-memory and data on flash or in-memory. It can easily and reliable store billions of objects or terabytes of data. With their hybrid architecture the database is especially suitable for applications that have to respond within milliseconds.
The market for NoSQL databases is fierce, with competitors like Cassandra, Couchbase, MarkLogic or MongoDB. Therefore, there are several whitepapers on the web that perform tests on these products to understand how they differ. In most of these tests, Aerospike does a good job.
Aerospike is funded by NEA, Alsop Louie Partners and Draper Associates and has received an undisclosed amount of funding in Series B funding round. They have several patents pending and in May 2013 they were Round Winner in the TiEcon Lighting competition.
In the future, handling big data at a high-speed and infinite scale will become more and more important. The amount of data is growing rapidly and managers more and more see the importance and value in real-time insights. Aerospike is heading in the right direction to offer companies with a scalable NoSQL database that is capable of handling massive amounts of transactions in real-time. Therefore we give Aerospike a 7 bits rating.
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Post written by Mark van Rijmenam