It’s almost the halfway point in the Big Brother 16 season – as these houseguests have been locked up for 43 days. Only 5 people have left – so the game is gonna start moving fast. All the lying & sneaking around will start to catch up to people, because as the numbers dwindle, it’s so much harder to cover your tracks. This week we finally have people not in “Frankie’s Army” in the Big Brother HoH room, so things can get very interesting.
Big Brother HG Adam Poch – Credit: Greg P Photo
Before we look ahead, let’s look back real quick… how do you think Caleb will feel when he gets out & watches his goodbye message to Amber? The whole “King of the House” was hysterical… because as we all know, he is anything but! I think Amber held her own very well after the eviction & was quite comical with Julie. When she finally gets on the Internet & reads / sees everything that she will be even happier she never gave in to Caleb’s advances.
When CBS went off the air, they still had not crowned the new HoH’s. I did not get to see all of the pics – but it seemed like the questions were really easy. I do not know why they would want to extend the HoH into the already packed Sunday show – but I guess with Amber gone, they need some filler to make up for the Stalkmance storyline they were enjoying so much.
As soon as the show was over, I know everyone flipped on the Live Feeds (get your Free Trial) & kept refreshing on Twitter until the new HoH’s were revealed. I for one was so happy that Nicole & Donny ended up winning. Both of them are superfans, and know that up to this point they have not really made any moves. Donny has been too busy trying to keep himself safe every week – and Nicole despite winning 2 BotB’s – has not really been on anyone’s radar.
For any hopeful future BB houseguests – take a note from Donny. When he talks to people, he never reveals his thoughts, but gets other people to name names. Watching him talk to Zach & Christine before the HoH room became ready was a thing of beauty. He got both of them to give up info with very little prodding.
Meanwhile – Nicole was stressing but knows she may have the chance to make a big move. I loved seeing her & Derrick talking about backdooring Frankie. Minutes later – Derrick was laying in bed next to Frankie and did not tell him anything. I know Derrick said Team America is his first alliance earlier this season, but now he may realize that he needs Frankie gone for him to win. Again, future HG’s – when you get BIG information – keep it to yourself so you can use it later. This is why people are starting to not trust Christine because she runs her mouth too much. And this is also why people keep telling Derrick stuff.
As of now – it looks like the targets this week are Caleb, Frankie, and Zach in that order. Nicole is gonna get back at Zach & nominate him along with Jocosta, and Donny is gonna payback Caleb by nominating him with Victoria. This is perfect because the BotB will be quite entertaining. I anticipate both guys get frustrated at their partner & since both of them are unpredictable – they may end up digging themselves a bigger ditch. If Donny’s nominees come down (based on the pairings, more than likely) – then Nicole’s plan to backdoor Frankie may come to fruition. Will Nicole have the balls to actually go thru with it, or will she pull a Cody? (ZING!) It would be really interesting at the first eviction next Thursday to see Zach & Frankie on the block together. The only true showmance of the Summer #Zankie may be done.
As Julie mentioned – next week is a Double Eviction, which means an end to the 2 HoH’s. The idea of someone being HoH & evicted in the same week never came true – and I know a lot of people (current HG’s included) did not like this twist, but I thought it was very interesting. After 15 seasons, it’s always fun to watch something new & force the HG’s to play differently. After the DE next week, it will be back to the tried & true Big Brother that we all love.
Leave a comment below – and let me know if you were HoH who would your 2 targets be this week?