
Fra alcuni mesi Facebook avvierà un esperimento (a cui hanno già aderito il The New York Times, BuzzFeed e il National Geographic) per ospitare i pezzi di alcune testate direttamente nelle sue pagine:

Facebook has said publicly that it wants to make the experience of consuming content online more seamless. News articles on Facebook are currently linked to the publisher’s own website, and open in a web browser, typically taking about eight seconds to load. Facebook thinks that this is too much time, especially on a mobile device, and that when it comes to catching the roving eyeballs of readers, milliseconds matter.

Che meraviglia, eh? Purtroppo è più o meno la situazione di cui parlava Matt Buchanan in Content Distributed — che ricorda molto i canali televisivi, e (molto) poco internet:

When all content lives wholly and completely on Facebook (or Yo or Tumblr or Push for Pizza) who cares where it comes from? […]

What we’ll have, at best maybe, are channels in a single viewfinder, probably one owned by Facebook, sort of like the screen on the back of an airplane seat: Maybe you’ll watch the BuzzFeed comedy channel, then be shown the New Yorker reporting channel when an algorithm detects you’re feeling Ambitious or Smart, until it sees that you’re not all that engaged with the Dexter Filkins’ account of the latest skirmish in Iraq (you didn’t even look at the share buttons), so then maybe you’d like to peek the NBC Universal reality channel (you did Like Top Chef the other day) or the Vice Noisey channel for some music to perk you up since you were listening to some weird dance stuff through Spotify the other day. The future may be unevenly distributed, particularly for producers, but not for their content: it will be smoothly, cleanly, perfectly so.

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