
Scientific and clinical studies conducted worldwide confirmed that a person who sticks to a healthy diet and has a regular above average supply of Vitamin C daily is less likely to suffer from chronic illnesses and tend to live longer. Vitamin C is recommended to most everyone as an aid to general health, immune system booster, and antioxidant that is why the Vitamin C is dubbed as the queen of health supplements.

Medical science told us that unlike most plants, animals, and micro-organisms, humans are unable to produce their own supplies of Vitamin C! We rely on the fruits, vegetables, minerals, etc., as inevitable sources of Vitamin C. This water-soluble vitamin is one of the safest and most common dietary supplements that many people take daily especially during cold and flu seasons. There is no possibility of overdose since the body will eliminate any excess supply of Vitamin C through the urine.

Researches by medical experts also revealed that Alkaline-based Vitamin C is better than Acid-based. Here is the description/comparison of each type of Vitamin C supplement. Alkaline-based are pure and natural, dissolves five times (5x) faster,  it is non-irritant to the stomach, 95% absorbed by the body, can be taken in megadose for better health result, neutralizes acidity, and is safe for babies. On the other hand, Acid-based Vitamin C dissolves slowly, only 25% is absorbed by the body as it is composed mainly of binders, irritates stomach, reinforces acidity, the body can not tolerate more than 500mg a day, and it is not advisable for babies.

In 2006, I met Atty. Salvador “Bomboy” Fabregas, an Atenista who introduced the water-soluble Vitamin C in Naga City. He was greatly responsible for the extra-ordinary growth of a struggling single product Sodium Ascorbate company from the years 2006 to the end of 2010. From 3000 distributors Bomboy grew the company’s network of distributors to over 80,000 in 2006, over 800,000 in 2010, and propelled it to become the number one in the alkaline Vitamin C industry. Because of this major contribution, he helped increase the company’s total net worth from P 13.7M in sales in 2005, P 217M in 2006, P1.1B in 2007, to almost P 2.0B in 2008 & 2009!

After a rest period of almost two years from their involvement with the marketing of Vitamin C, Bomboy and his wife Vicky (also a Bicolana) returned in 2012 and introduced a superior brand of alkaline Vitamin C called EXCELLEN-C,

which is in 99.5% pure crystalline powder. They established the Real Health (RH) Marketing & Training Corporation to serve an increasing large demand for alkaline Vitamin C in the Philippines. They also wanted to share their rich experience in multi-level marketing to as many Filipinos who dream of better lives.

According to Bomboy, the true spirit of Multi Level Marketing is a “big buying club” where its members earn referral incomes from endorsement of the products to their family, friends, business and civic associates. Much like what happens in cooperatives. As coop members patronize the products and services of their coop, profits are made and then divided among themselves.

Bomboy has made a very simple plan to distribute this very affordable and very necessary natural health product. His vision is to see thousands and even millions of people becoming healthier while earning good incomes as they refer the EXCELLEN-C to their family, friends, civic & business associates, cooperatives, and church mates.

Bomboy said EXCELLEN – C is a pharma grade sodium ascorbate. “We at RH are proud to say that with the recent issuance of the Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) from the Bureau of Food & Drugs (BFAD), we now have Therapeutic claims for Vitamin C deficiency because it was classified as a drug.” he added.

Bomboy explained further that the alkaline pH level of EXCELLEN -C helps combat the acid level in our bodies, thus, helping us combat various diseases brought about by acidic conditions. pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and it is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, numerically equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and decreasing with increasing acidity.

“If your body is too acidic you do not have enough oxygen available for your body cells to stay healthy. When our body is getting enough minerals from our diet to stay alkaline, our blood can function normally by delivering oxygen to the cells throughout our body, and carrying away acidic waste to be disposed.  But if we struggle to keep our blood at pH level 7.4 it cannot pick up all of the acidic waste, and fat cells are formed to store the acidic waste instead.

Therefore, pH balance of our bodies is imperative. Failure to maintain an alkaline pH in our tissues and cells will hurt our cellular health. Too much acidity (too little alkalinity) can cause weight gain. Cancer cells, disease-causing bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites can thrive in acidic body tissue. A combination of a good alkaline diet, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the amount of sunlight you are exposed to, how well you sleep, the amount of stress in your life, and how often you get physical exercise, can have a profound effect on the pH level of your body. This will affect how healthy you are and how long you will live”  (Source: http://www.dontdieearly.com)

Be healthy with EXCELLEN-C, the true Vitamin C!

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