
Thank you for loving others and sharing this post for the May family! You guys are so caring- thank you so much!

We were on winter break last week at Classical Conversations so we went ahead and took the entire week off. :) I actually didn't intend to take more than three days, but by the time Thursday came, I was really okay with an extra two days off. February burnout is real. :D Though we're back in the saddle today, it was so wonderful not to think about it for a while!

On Tuesday we went on a Valentine's date! Even with a drizzly bootcamp that morning, I hadn't the foggiest idea it was going to rain for the rest of the day! We ended up driving in the storm and had to stay more inside than I hoped, but it was still fun to be together.

We picked up a cake for the kiddos the night before- they all agreed the number of cupcakes it came with meant we were going to have 10 kids- 5 boys and 5 girls: ;)

They are always so sweet about holidays- they are so very good about planning ahead and making gifts for each other. Elijah really surprised me the most this year: he drew a little Valentine as a clue, and I later found out that he had set his alarm to get up early and clean out the car before our date!! I was blown away!! He's 13, so I was amazed at how thoughtful it was for a teenager to sacrifice sleep and do that without anyone knowing or asking. It was a beautiful, sweet gift! :)

Robert gave me these the night before too, and colorful flowers make up my favorite kind of bouquet:

We didn't exchange gifts this year- a fun date and good food was plenty enough for us since we're saving to buy a larger car in the next few months. :)

The Cheesecake Factory never seems to disappoint:

He went for the Cobb salad (it was ridiculous), and I went for the lunch portion of the barbecue ranch chicken salad (still huge!):

Stuffed to the brim, we browsed next door to the lovely Container Store and A Pea in the Pod, where I realized at both places I must be closing in on miser with this new savings plan. I couldn't bring myself to even touch much of anything at their prices, ha! :P

We walked around the NorthPark mall for several hours, and (I) excitedly found a new Valentine's memento to replace my favorite recently-gave-up-the-ghost anthro mug:

On the way back home, we stopped at an long-time pregnancy favorite, Jerry's, for a giant 1/2 sausage and green olive pizza:

And another favorite tradition- buying our newest little person a couple of outfits of their own (on super clearance!):

Gap has my favorite baby clothes- they're soft and last for the longest time!! I can't wait to see how our little lady looks in these. We're officially on the downhill slide to meet her! :)

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