
We are now days from Christmas, and one thing I would like to do is to open your eyes to giving.


Many of us are rushing around buying things for people who we aren’t really that close to, or who don’t want what we have to offer. While it’s easy to get into the habit of trying to impress, to please, and to better ourselves in the eyes of others, it’s not really beneficial on many levels. Yes, we’ve all done it. But, does it really get us anywhere, and is it appreciated?

OK, so for you, outside of those you’re really close to, is it necessary for any of us to give your neighbor’s cousin’s dog a diamond collar when all he needs is a bone? Granted, there are many who need what we have to offer. If that’s the case, then give it. I’m not against giving at all. I love giving, but I know that for myself, I’ve given many unnecessary gifts over the years that would have gone to better use had they been given to someone who really needed and appreciated them.

For me, gift giving is special and fun.  I love seeing my grandchildren light up with joy, giggles and then load us up with hugs… that will keep a fire burning in me forever.

Some of us tend to get wrapped up in the season of giving, and give without thinking. Loving God and each other is really what Christmas is about. Giving items that will be re-gifted, thrown away, or only brought out when we go to that home, is a waste of time and money in my opinion.

Does this open your eyes to giving the right things?

Though I will lavish my family with things from my heart, and what my wallet can buy, I will also give to those in need. There are many unemployed and in dire circumstances, and just a little help could make a difference for them this Christmas. I urge you to think about your giving, and consider forgoing the unnecessary, and impracticable, and include giving to those in need.

Give of Yourself

You can always give of your time. We’ve spent the last couple of weeks crafting with our grandchildren. Pinterest has some great ideas to inspire young minds, and create wonderful sugarplum memories.

Other ways to give:

Sing a little song, to lighten someone’s spirit

Write a little poem, or send a card to someone who is down, or lonely

Shovel a elderly person’s driveway

Give an elderly neighbor a lift to the doctor or grocery

Bake a little extra to give to neighbors, friends, or a homeless shelter

Fix a meal for a single parent to give them a break

Give a dollar or pennies to a charity (a little goes a long way when given by many)

This year open your eyes to giving in better ways.

Merry Christmas!

Live 2 Inspire!

BG Jenkins


Orphan Secure

Orphan Secure provides training and consultancy at no cost to NGOs, non-profits and international law enforcement agencies actively combating human trafficking. Our training services are prioritized according to areas in greatest need and by organizations whom are identifying and rescuing victims of human sex trafficking before they are trapped further into a world of sexual bondage and child prostitution.

Samartian’s Purse

Helping in Jesus’ Name

Ministry Projects

International Crisis Response

Operation Christmas Child

The Greatest Journey

US Disaster Relief

World Medical Mission

Greta Home and Academy

Children’s Heart Project

Operation Heal Our Patriots

Patriot Guard Riders

Our Mission

“The Patriot Guard Riders is a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.”

The only prerequisite is Respect.

Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:

1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.

2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.

We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.

To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.

Red Cross

The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world, through five key service areas: Disaster Relief, Supporting America’s Military Families, Giving life saving blood, Health and Safety Services, and International Services.

Salvation Army

“Doing The Most Good.” In these four words, our mission – to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care. To rebuild broken homes and broken lives. By walking with the addicted, we can lead them to recovery. In fighting hunger and poverty, we can feed and nurture the spirit. And, in living and sharing the Christian Gospel by meeting tangible needs, we give the world a lasting display of the love behind our beliefs.


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