
The recording of our Joint Cabinet special meeting is now available on the SLA Leadership Webinar list. Because the system crashed a few minutes into the meeting, the recording is in two segments:

Segment One of the Meeting

Segment Two of the Meeting

Tara Murray has prepared a short summary of the meeting for us, to be followed soon by a Ulla’s full set of minutes:

Report from the Special Meeting of the SLA Joint Cabinet

July 18, 3:30 p.m. EDT, via GoToMeeting

This special meeting of the Joint Cabinet was called to continue discussion on a motion not finished during the Joint Cabinet meeting of June 10. The meeting, conducted via webinar, was recorded and the proceedings can be viewed athttp://www.sla.org/governance/leadership-webinars/. Following is a brief summary of the meeting.

Ann Koopman, Division Cabinet Chair, chaired the meeting. She was assisted by Debbie Schachter, Chapter Cabinet Chair; Kama Siegel, Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect; Ulla de Stricker, Chapter Cabinet Past Chair; Tara Murray, Division Cabinet Chair-Elect; and Colette Trohan, parliamentarian. Each chapter and division could send two delegates to this meeting, and observers were invited to attend.

Koopman invited Karen Reczek, Chair of the Public Relations Advisory Council, to provide background on the Council’s recommendation to the Joint Cabinet while Cabinet officers counted delegates to determine if a quorum was present for each Cabinet.

Following determination of a quorum for each Cabinet, Koopman presented the proposed rules for debate. These rules were approved by general consent.

The main motion was:

“The Joint Cabinet recommends to the SLA Board of Directors, to send a short survey within 60 days, to the SLA membership, as to whether or not they are in favor of a change in the Association name (yes; no; not sure but willing to discuss), with no specific name being proposed at this time.”

Alex Grigg, IT Division, moved to strike and insert language in the original motion as follows:

“The Joint Cabinet recommends to the SLA Board of Directors, to (1) send a short survey within 60 days, to the SLA membership, eliciting their opinions about the Association name, and (2) create an ad hoc committee of members of the SLA Board and Joint Cabinet to compose at least two questions for the survey within 30 days and circulate them to the Joint Cabinet and SLA Board for input. Those questions should be designed to gauge the full range of current member attitudes about the SLA name itself as a benchmark, and to ascertain member willingness to discuss changing the name, including a full range of response options regarding desirability, time frame, and priority level for the organization.“

Philip Gust, Silicon Valley Chapter, moved to refer the original motion to a special committee consisting of 3 members from Chapter Cabinet, 3 members from Division Cabinet, and 3 members from PRAC (9 members in all), so that it could obtain more input from members and lead another discussion at the 2014 Leadership Summit. The parliamentarian indicated that this motion outranked the previously made motion.

Janice Keeler, Taxonomy Division, moved to amend Philip Gust’s motion to state “no later than Leadership Summit 2014″ rather than “at Leadership Summit 2014.” Her motion was approved.

This motion to refer to committee was defeated by both Cabinets, so the meeting returned to Grigg’s motion.

A vote was taken on whether to strike and insert the language. The Division Cabinet did not have the majority needed to pass the motion. The Chapter Cabinet passed it. Because of the split between the units, and the low number of Chapter delegates voting, the Chapter Cabinet was recessed in order to determine if a quorum was still present.

While the Chapter Cabinet was in recess, the Division Cabinet returned to the original main motion (substituting Division Cabinet for Joint Cabinet) and voted to approve it: The Division Cabinet recommends to SLA Board of Directors, to send a short survey within 60 days, to the SLA membership, as to whether or not they are in favor of a change in the Association name (yes; no; not sure but willing to discuss), with no specific name being proposed at this time. The Division Cabinet meeting was adjourned.

It was then determined that the Chapter Cabinet did have a quorum at the time it approved the strike and insert language. Koopman attempted to carry on with the Chapter meeting, but it was near the end of the set meeting time, Chapter members started to leave and so lost their quorum. All further discussion had to be postponed to a later meeting, to be determined by Chapter Cabinet Chair Schachter.

Koopman thanked delegates and observers for their patience with this first virtual Joint Cabinet meeting and adjourned the meeting.

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