A slightly different post today, I hope you beauties don't mind.
We are into the swing of the new year, how may of you made resolutions? As cliche as it is, I made one to lose weight. The fact is over the past few years I have packed on more than a few extra pounds and it is finally time to get rid of them. Struggling with weight is actually new to me, for most of my life I was fit. I have a dance background and played sports so I stayed in good shape. THEN LIFE HAPPENED. Over time regular exercise took a back seat to being a workaholic, metabolism slowed down and I indulged probably a bit more often than I should have with sweets. WHY must you be so delicious Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato .........oh and you too Gigi's cupcakes. This year everything is changing, I'll be channeling the old me. Time to throw away the excuses and get back on track.
For the record I dislike the word diet, it instantly makes me think of all the things I can't have. We eat pretty healthy in my house now, my main problem is planning ahead and taking my lunch to work. When I don't get up early to have a good breakfast and don't take my lunch things go downhill and fast. I either grab something quick, don't eat anything or head to the vending machine. Bad, bad, bad, I know. I was working out a few times a week. I am ashamed to say, lately my sneakers haven't seen the light of day.
I was granted the opportunity to work with Nutrisystem, and I couldn't be more thrilled. I'm hoping the plan can kick start me getting back on track with consistent eating. One of the worst things I could do to my metabolism was not eating regularly throughout the day, skipping meals is a big no no.
I know some of you may have a resolution to loose weight or get back in shape. I have spent the last few days reading over all of the Nutrisystem materials and feel like this is a really balanced program. You are not counting points, or weighing food but it does keep things balanced. There is no deprivation here, you eat a balance of protein, carbs, fruits and vegetables to keep you sustained throughout the day. If you have heard of this program and were curious to see what it really entails, I'll be keeping track of my progress and making updates once a week. My short term goal is to shed 20 lbs, I know I can do it.
Is there anything about the program you want to see, should I post some of the food options? I would love to hear your thoughts. Have any of you done the program, how did it work out for you.
Cheers to the new year, hopefully you will be seeing a little less of me over the next few months.
*Nutrisystem is providing me with the program free of charge for for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. All opinions are my own.