
At age 18, Clare Samuel joined a rally motor club.

Little did the London, England native know what that would lead to.

“I was really lucky,” she tells me. “There was a lady there who was really keen on getting girls involved in the sport and she taught me how to co-drive.”

I joke with her that she must have an iron stomach. She does.

For those familiar with this type of motorsport, it’s the epitome of being able to read while a car is being tossed around a circuit that has minimal traction and hazards all around. As Clare and her countrywomen would say, it’s brilliant fun.

Clare Samuel, a former British women’s rally champion, is now a precision driving instructor in Whistler after being lured to B.C. by the great outdoors.
Alexandra Straub,

“I spent about two years co-driving,” she says “I actually really enjoyed it but I got really jealous of the person sitting next to me. So then I thought, I want to drive!”

Transitioning from co-driver to driver took some time and practice.

Clare’s first rally car was a small and exceptionally low-powered Ford Fiesta.

“I couldn’t win anything in it, but I also couldn’t kill myself!” she jokes, but adds it was the ideal car to learn how to drive.

She became an instructor at a rally school on the weekends — alongside her job of working as a teacher in a juvenile correction’s facility in the UK. That weekend gig gave her invaluable seat time and time to watch others and how they would go wrong.

“During my lunch, we’d drive around the course to pick the cones up, and that allowed us seat time.”

Every minute in the driver’s seat adds up.

When she was competing, Clare’s dad was her co-driver for a while. Then it was suggested that she find a female co-driver as there were very few all-girl teams.

How she found her female co-driver is a fun story in itself.

“One of my really strong competitors, at every rally, I’d see his sister watching. She had no experience at rallying at all but we trained her. So, I ended up stealing his sister to be my co-driver, which is amazing! She’s carried on as a co-driver in the UK.”

Clare Samuel directs a driver at Whistler’s Sidorov Precision Driver Training.
Alexandra Straub,

In terms of cars Clare has competed in, she had a Ford Fiesta, a VW Polo, and the most competitive of the bunch, a Renault Clio.

Aside from being a British National Ladies Rally Champion, she went on to race elsewhere, including the famed Braine le Comte in Belgium, where she was the first female to ever drive in the event (up until that point).

“It was all very cool,” Clare says with a smile.

One of the best parts?

Being able to share the ride, figuratively and literally, with her husband, who also engages in her driving passion. He drove in the World Rally Championship, and has won numerous titles.

“We’ve done two events where he has co-driven for me and I’ve co-driven for him. It’s really good, except you find that you go down for the handbrake and your husband’s hand is already there!”

So what made Clare move to Canada with her husband? Particularly into the Sea-to-Sky corridor?

The love of the outdoors.

While the rallying stopped for her when she relocated seven years ago, she’s glad to not be commuting into London three hours a day, three times a week.

During a recent automotive event, Clare was on hand to offer some driving tips through an autocross and slalom course.

Now an instructor with Whistler’s Sidorov Precision Driver Training, Clare Samuel likes the idea of starting a Norway-style ice driving school here.
Alexandra Straub,

She’s an instructor with Sidorov Precision Driver Training — based in Whistler — along with being a mom of two girls.

It’s an unusual vehicle we’re taking out: the Nissan LEAF. But the all-electric power and snappy acceleration have her intrigued. I watch her hands as they move through the corners. Smooth like butter. She’s in one of her many elements.

As for what Clare’s next goals are?

“We would love to be able to bring or take a blueprint of what happens in Norway (they run an ice driving school) and bring it here and do some events, driver coaching and training.”



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