
What we’ll drive in the future is an intriguing question. The answer is sure to involve electric or hydrogen-powered cars. Fossil fuels are likely to have less a role, but many alternatives are vying for the pole.

The Drive the Future Expo on June 7 at NAIT will include many of those possibilities, showcasing the best in fuel-efficient and alternative energy vehicles. It’s an opportunity for consumers to see what the present and the future holds for them.

More than 40 vehicles are expected at the event, including a Tesla roadster, an electric mini-truck, a hydrogen fuel-cell car, plus solar car and electric motor bikes.

Some of the vehicles are available for purchase from manufacturers such as Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, Chevrolet, Toyota and Porsche; others are conversions of traditional fuel vehicles and some show off technology such as solar, hydrogen fuel cells or using vegetable oil as fuel.

Liam Crotty of the Alberta Motor Association said Drive the Future started four years ago as a niche event, but now appeals to a wider audience.

“Today it has become a family event with people coming to genuinely learn more about what alternative energy vehicles are all about, what is available and what is going to work in Alberta,” Crotty said.  “We see many young families at the event along with students, and have been surprised at the number of baby boomers who have been in attendance.”

While alternative energy vehicles are changing and developing to meet the needs of the market, many challenges lie ahead before they become common.

Price remains a major impediment since a hybrid car often costs twice as much as subcompact gasoline-powered car that can sell for $15,000 or less.

But Rob Harlan, executive director of the Solar Energy Society of Alberta, believes that hurdle will be overcome.

“The purchase price of electric cars continues to drop and will likely compete in the $15,000 price range in the next five years,” Harlan said.

“The U.S. will have 1.5 million electric cars on the road next year, ramping up to 20 million by 2020,” he said. “The economy of scale and battery improvements will continue to drive the price down.”

Harlan points out that the cost of using electricity as fuel is “delightfully low,” and there could be as much as a 46 per cent annual saving on maintenance.

There are other hurdles to operating an electric vehicle in Alberta, such as cold winters and the way electricity is produced.

Since many electrical generating plants in Alberta are coal fired, that has an impact on how clean an electric vehicle really is. While the vehicle itself may not produce emissions, there are emissions at the generating station.

“An Alberta EV will not have the greenhouse gas emissions savings of an EV in British Columbia, which gets a large proportion of its electricity from hydroelectric dams,” Harlan said.

However, he points out that Alberta’s electrical generation is getting cleaner and there is also the impact of solar systems that provide for their owner’s transportation needs.

A solar system on an electric car owner’s house provides a way to charge the car’s batteries. During the day, surplus power is sold to the utility, but it can be bought back at night to charge the battery.

That works much better than building the solar system into the vehicle.

“An on-board solar system involves added weight, very poor aerodynamics, equipment vulnerability, decreased efficiency and a reduction in load-carrying capacity and range,” Harlan said.

Alberta’s cold winters that can feature temperatures dropping as low as -40C have an impact on all vehicles, including electric cars.

“Real-life performance data is showing a temporary, 25 to 50 per cent range reduction in cold winter conditions,” Harlan said. “This means that if you are driving an all-electric Tesla Model S at 85 km/h, your range might go from 480 km to 240 in the worst winter conditions.”

The Tesla costs nearly $70,000 US for the base Model S.

However, any vehicle driven in winter will see increased fuel use and shorter range, Harlan said, though it’s quicker to refill the gas tank on a gasoline-fueled vehicle than recharge an electric car’s battery.

Pollution can provide an incentive to increase the use of electric vehicles. In many large Chinese cities where pollution is a problem, electric scooters are in widespread use, replacing motorcycles and motor scooters.

“Pollution that you can see and smell is a significant incentive,” Harlan said. “Nevertheless, a number of jurisdictions around the world, such as Ontario and British Columbia, are being more proactive and offering cash incentives for electric-vehicle purchases.”

Drive the Future Expo will be held on the NAIT campus at 11762 106 St. from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on June 7. For more information, visit drivethefutureexpo.com.

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