
Here are details on the latest, hottest News and upcoming Volunteer & Education Opportunities for your Gardening interests! Use the BCMG Master Calendar to find more information on upcoming Classes and Seminars, Volunteer Opportunities, and Gardening Events.



Please RSVP by Monday, June 15th!

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service would like to invite you and a guest to a Special Appreciation Breakfast in order to recognize and thank each of Extension’s volunteers and partners for making our programs possible. Join the group on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 9-11am at MacArthur Park, Pavilion #4, 1611 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78209. Please RSVP by 5pm, Mon, Jun 15. Register Online, or call (979) 845-2604. Each volunteer and a guest are free; additional guests are $5.00 each.

Provide Your Ideas for 2016 Southern Region Master Gardener Conference

The Southern Master Gardener region is comprised of 13 states:  AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, OK, MS, MO, TN, TX, SC and VA.  Every other year these states come together and hold a regional conference to educate Master Gardeners and coordinators on southern-specific horticulture information.  In 2014, Texas accepted the bid to host the 2016 Conference. Your input to the planning process is requested to help direct the agenda, speakers, and many of details for this conference. Please complete the online survey before Friday, June 19, 2015.  Thank you for your time and assistance in making Texas the best Southern Region Master Gardener Conference.

BCMG Board Meets Tomorrow

The monthly meeting of the BCMG Board of Directors will take place 4-6pm on Thu, June 11 at 3355 Cherry Ridge Street, San Antonio. All members are welcome to observe the meetings; however, in order to accommodate seating, please email the President, Barbara Lutz, that you will be attending.



Volunteer(s) needed for position of BCMG Speakers Bureau Coordinator. You can do this from your home: receive requests for speakers, send requests to the members on the Speakers Bureau list, notify requesting organization we have a speaker & send contact info to speaker, maintain speaker spreadsheet and contact list of Speakers on Google docs. Also, as a member of the Water Conservation Team, sends a “Request for Approval” form for SAWS credit. For more information, contact current Speakers Bureau Coordinator Sandy Justice, or Barbara Lutz.

Tomorrow:  Art in the Garden — Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN: Thu, Jun 11,  9am-Noon

WHERE: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension offices, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr. San Antonio TX 78230

INFO:  Need 2-3 volunteers to help kids participating in arts and crafts activities. If you are interested, please email Ruby Zavala.

Sewers Needed — Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Fri, Jun 12, 10am-4pm

WHERE: 3355 Cherry Ridge  Suite 212  San Antonio, TX 78230

INFO:  Molly Keck (IPM Program Specialist, & Board Certified Entomologist) needs help sewing insect collection bags for her summer camps.  Lunch will be provided. Bring your sewing machine (if you have one you’re most comfortable with), but some will be available.  Email Molly Keck to let her know you are coming, or call: 210-467-6575.

Summer Color for Your Landscape —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Sat., Jun 20, 10:15am-12:00pm

WHERE:  Milberger’s Landscape Nursery, 3920 N. Loop 1604 E., San Antonio, TX  78247

INFO:  One volunteer to help with check-in and hand-outs during the seminar. Email David Rodriguez if you are interested.

Art in the Garden — Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN: Thu, Jul 16,  9am-Noon

WHERE: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension offices, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr. San Antonio TX 78230

INFO:  Need 2-3 volunteers to help kids participating in arts and crafts activities. If you are interested, please email Ruby Zavala.

Nature’s Garden Summer Camp — Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN: Mondays & Thursdays, Aug 3, 6, 10, 13,  9am-Noon

WHERE: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension offices, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr. San Antonio TX 78230

INFO: Need 2-3 volunteers to assist with lessons each day. Day 1: Plants and Seeds. Day 2: Geology and Water cycles. Day 3: Spiders and Insects. Day 4: Predator and Prey, Mammals and Birds. You can volunteer for as many days as you are available. If you are interested, please email Ruby Zavala.


Please email Sandy Justice if you are interested volunteering for any of these presentations. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Dates & topics listed below; organization and location details on the BCMG Calendar.

Sat, Jun 13, 5:30-6pm: Harvesting food from the garden, washing and proper fresh food handling. Location Zip Code: 78201.

Fri, Jun 26, 5-6pm: Vegetable Gardening in the Fall. Location Zip Code: 78209.

Thu, Jul 16, 7-8pm: Earth friendly pesticides and bugs to be on the look out for and Q&A. Location Zip Code: 78155.

Fri, Aug 28, 5-6pm: Good Bugs, Bad Bugs. Location Zip Code: 78209

Sat, Oct 24, 5:30-6pm:  Harvesting food from the garden, washing and proper fresh food handling. Location Zip Code: 78212

Sat, Nov 14: Winter Gardening. Location Zip Code: TBA.

Mon, Jan 11, 2016, 10am-Noon: Growing Roses in SA. Location Zip Code: 78257.

Mon, Feb 8, 2016, 10am-Noon:  Summer Vegetable Gardening. Location Zip Code: 78257.

Mon, Jun 13, 2016, 10am-Noon: Good Bugs, Bad Bugs. Location Zip Code: 78257.

Mon Aug 8, 2016, 10am-Noon: Rain Gardens. Location Zip Code: 78257.

Help Molly Keck, Extension Entomologist!

Grubs Needed: If you have huge rhino beetle grubs in your compost, mulch or soil, collect them for summer bug camps (used for experiments & to demonstrate insect lifecycle). Email Molly Keck, or call: 210-467-6575, or drop the grubs by the office.

Paper Wasps Needed: As it warms up, if you have paper wasps building nests around your house, don’t knock them down, let Molly get them!  She is working with a company which will extract the venom for venom therapy. Email Molly Keck, or call 210-467-6575, and she will make arrangements to remove the nest and collect the wasps.


Planning Your Fall Garden —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Fri, Jun 12, 9:30-11am

WHERE:  Bernard Harris Middle School, 5300 Knoll Creek Drive, San Antonio, TX 78247

INFO: 1.5 CEUs.  Free. Don Crites, Master Gardener, will discuss steps to properly plan your fall garden. Please email Ruby Zavala for more information or if you would like to attend.

11th Annual Blanco Lavender Festival  —  Details on MG Calendar!

Drive up to the Old Blanco County Courthouse Square on Main Street in Blanco, TX this weekend (Fri, Jun 12 thru Sun, Jun 14) for a Lavender Market, Speakers’ Pavilion (CEUs vary) and free Lavender Farm Tours.

Mixing Herbs and Flowers —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN: Sat, Jun 13, 9:45-10:45am

WHERE:  Shades of Green, 334 West Sunset Road, San Antonio, TX 78209

INFO: 1 CEU. Free. Mary Dunford, Herb Expert, will show you how to plant amazing pots of herbs mixed creatively with colorful flowers for containers that will last all summer long. Call (210) 824-3772, or visit Shades of Green Website for details.

Summer Preparation for Texas Tough Landscapes —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN: Sun, Jun 14, 2-4pm

WHERE:  San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston Place, San Antonio, TX 78209

INFO: 2 CEUs. Fee. Get tips that will help you prepare your landscape for the heat of summer, including what to prune, when to water, how to care for grass, and more!  Register at the SABOT website or call 210-207-3250.

Growing Palms in the Urban Landscape —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Tue, Jun 16, 6:30-8:30pm

WHERE:  Texas AgriLife Office, Suite 212, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr. San Antonio TX 78229

INFO:  2 CEUs.  Fee: $10. Mark Peterson, San Antonio Water Systems –Water Conservation Department and former Urban Forester, will discuss the proper selection, planting and maintenance of palm trees in the Urban Landscape. To register, email Angel Torres, or call 210-467-6575.

MG Composter Specialist Training —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Wed & Thu, Jun 17 & 18, 8am-5pm; Tour of New Earth Soils & Compost on Fri, Jun 19, 9am-12pm.

WHERE:  San Antonio Botanical Garden, 555 Funston Place, San Antonio, TX 78209

INFO:  16 CEUs.  Fee:  $225.  Application deadline is Tue, Jun 9, 2015. Two MGs and two interns from BCMG can be accepted for this training; space available after the registration deadline will be open for any applicants. Detailed information is available on the MG Calendar.  You can also email David Rodriguez, County Extension Agent-Horticulturist, or call (210) 467-6575.

Companion Planting Seminar —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Thu, Jun 18, 1-3pm

WHERE:  Texas AgriLife Office, Suite 208, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr. San Antonio TX 78229

INFO: 2 CEUs. Free.  Master Gardener Don Crites will explain which plants, when grown together, attract beneficial or repel harmful insects and/or improve flavor or growth. Plant Swap, too: Bring those extra plants you propagated or those for which you don’t have room, and swap for a plant you really want, before and after the seminar. Bexar County Master Gardener (BCMG) Educational Seminars are held on the afternoon of the third Thursday every other month. For more information, call: 467-6575, or email President Barbara Lutz.

Summer Color for Your Landscape —  Details on MG Calendar!

WHEN:  Sat., Jun 20, 10:30am-12:00pm

WHERE:  Milberger’s Landscape Nursery, 3920 N. Loop 1604 E., San Antonio, TX  78247

SPEAKER:  David Rodriguez, Horticulturist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

INFO:  1.5 CEUs.  Cost:  Free.  Learn what you can do to keep your garden beds blooming throughout the heat of the summer.  Bring a notebook to the Earth-Kind Seminar.


This Saturday! Spring Top Tomato and Salad Bowl Contest  —  Details on MG Calendar!

Sponsored by GVST, Milberger’s and 930 (KLUP) this Saturday, June 13 at Milberger’s Landscape Nursery, 3920 N. Loop 1604 East, San Antonio, TX 78247.  Bring entries starting at 10:30am. Judging starts at 12:15pm. Categories and rules available on the MG Calendar. Every entrant receives a $10 gift certificate redeemable at Milberger’s on the day of the contest only.

Help Pass the Word!

Now taking applications for the Fall 2015 Children’s Vegetable Garden Program. Detailed information may be found online. Apply early as space is limited. Donations are always accepted and appreciated in order to grow this program.  For more information, email David Rodriguez, County Extension Agent-Horticulturist, or call (210) 467-6575.

Bookmark the Bexar County Youth Gardens Blog to follow what the kids are doing at the Children’s Vegetable Garden (CVG)!  Great gardening tips and How To’s.  Visit the Bexar County Youth Gardens Program FaceBook Page for another look at youth gardening in Bexar County.

The Dinner Tonight website features a favorite cold salad.  See a video on Chicken Salad with Curry Yogurt Sauce this week.

Still Time to Use Rebates!

CPS offers a Green Shade Tree Rebate which will expire June 30.

SAWS is offering two different coupon programs simultaneously, and require you to remove at least 200 square feet of turf per program coupon.  The Watersaver Patioscape Coupon and Watersaver Landscape Coupon are now available; deadline to apply for both is June 30.

SAWS Irrigation Consultation offer

SAWS Residential Irrigation Design Rebate information is also available at Garden Style San Antonio.

PLEASE NOTE:  The email address associated with this e-Blast is only checked once a week. To volunteer or to sign up for a class, please use contacts provided. Thank you!   If you no longer wish to receive e-Blasts from Bexar County Master Gardeners, please send an email to eBlasts@bexarmg.org  with “Remove from Distribution List” in the subject line.

The post e-Blast–– Wed, Jun 10, 2015 appeared first on Bexar County Master Gardeners.

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