
In Forum: DOS to Windows 3.xx
By User: JustZisGuy

This is a rough list of early non-IBM OEM MS-DOS versions that I have been working on. I was hoping to find more details about precisely which versions of DOS these machines were running, how customized the OEM DOS releases were, and exactly how compatible the machines were or weren't. However, most of what is out there does not go in to that level of detail. I'm done with this list for now, so I'll go ahead and post what I have found.

This list is roughly in order of OEM introduction.

Prior to MS-DOS version 3.2, Microsoft relied entirely on OEMs customizing their source code for specific systems rather than shipping a single standard "vanilla" version.

Many of these vintage PCs require their own special OEM tailored versions of MS-DOS (or other OSes/software) in order to function properly or at all.

Some early MS-DOS systems were not at all IBM PC hardware compatible, with the only common factor being an 8086/88 CPU. These could not run IBM PC-DOS or generic MS-DOS. MS-DOS applications written for non IBM hardware compatible machines must limit themselves to DOS calls for all I/O. For example, programs that use direct video access may fail.

There is quite a bit of version numbering confusion. Most OEM 1.x releases were based on MS-DOS 1.25. However one might instead see the OEM's IO.SYS version number, a custom revision version number for the MS-DOS 1.25 kernel, or more commonly the COMMAND.COM file version (1.17, 1.19, 1.20, etc). Further, the floppy may be labeled with the revision of the disk content itself, including support software. Some OEMs even completely re-branded their DOS, or may have intentionally inflated their version numbers. Some magazines incorrectly refer to MS-DOS 1.x as "MS-DOS 1.1" and confuse it with IBM PC-DOS.

It is not clear if all vendors of "MS-DOS" PCs listed provided their own OEM versions of MS-DOS or relied on other OEMs or PC-DOS.

Of note, many OEMs continiued to use MS-DOS 1.x for a year or so after the introduction of IBM PC-DOS 2.0, or 2.x after the introduction of PC-DOS 3.0. From some reports, apparently Microsoft were dragging their feet providing DOS updates to certain OEMs.

I decided to stop the list around 85/86 because by that time most clones were moving towards very close IBM PC hardware compatiblity. And shortly after that, cheap Taiwanese clone motherboards basically made everyone and their dog an OEM.

Early mentions of MS-DOS

The first occurrence of "MS-DOS" in Byte magazine is in a January 1982 advertisement for the Seattle Computer System 2. The first occurrence of "MS-DOS" in Infoworld is February 15, 1982.

"Microsoft will be releasing the operating system, which it will call "MS-DOS," to be run on 16-bit computer systems from other manufacturers." - Byte Magazine, February 1982.

Early OEM alternate names include "Z-DOS", "SB-86", and "Compaq-DOS"

"Nevertheless, Microsoft's MS-DOS will support true concurrency in a future release." - Byte Magazine, April 1983.

"By June 1984, Microsoft had licensed MS-DOS to 200 manufacturers." (Source:
http://archive.org/stream/A_History_of_ ... B_djvu.txt


Seattle Computer
Seattle Computer System 2 - First mention of "MS-DOS" [Version not specified] (Ad in Byte, January 1982)
Specs: "Seattle Computer System 2 consists of 8 Mhz. 8086 CPU set, 128K of 70 nsec. static RAM, double density disk controller, 22-slot TEI constant voltage mainframe, a cable for two 8' drives, and MS-DOS operating system (also called 86-DOS, IBM PC-DOS, Lifeboat SB-86). The system is fully assembled and tested and ready to run with the addition of disk drives (we can supply) and terminal.Price: $4185. 8087 Adapter also available."
Other: "SEATTLE: with simultaneous 8" and 5" drives. Will accept IBM/PC software." (Byte, Feb 1983)
Known to be non IBM-PC hardware compatible.

SCP "Gazelle" (S-100 with 8086) - "MS-DOS 1.25 for SCP Gazelle with Cromemco 16FDC Disk Controller" dated 1982 (Source:
SCP Gazelle is only offered with MS-DOS "The system comes with the MS-DOS operating system, Microsoft's Basic compiler, and the Perfect Writer word processor". (source: InfoWorld Aug 23, 1982)
Note: These use 8" disks, not IBM hardware compatible.
Note: The SCP and Cromemco cards used by these systems could also be used in other S-100 machines.

Known version: SCP DOS-86 1.0
Known version: MS-DOS 1.25

Lomas Data Products
Lightning One 8086 S-100 processor card - "CP/M-86 and MS-DOS software support" (Ad, Byte January 1982)
Not IBM PC hardware compatible, just a CPU card, uses S-100 hardware.

Macro-88 8088 Processor board for the Apple II - "Supplied with MS-DOS" (Byte, September 1982)
Note: This product oddly only appears once, and then disappears. Probably meant to run CP/M-86, and not IBM PC hardware compatible.

Columbia Data Products
MPC 1600 series - MS-DOS 1.25 (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_o ... ng_systems
) (Byte, October 1982)
Note: "The MS-DOS and CP/M-86 operating systems...are supplied" (Byte January 1983)
"Columbia Data Products computers labeled DOS 1.25 as DOS 2.0." (source
Known versions: MS-DOS 1.25/"The CDP Personal Computer DOS Version 2.11"
Other versions: MPC series - MS-DOS 2.11 (Seen on ebay)
Other versions: Columbia VP - MS-DOS 2.1 (Byte, November 1984)
Advertised as IBM-PC hardware compatible.
Known to be IBM PC hardware compatible, including CGA graphics.

Z-100 - Z-DOS [version not specified] (Byte, October 1982)
"Software for ... MS-DOS All will will run on the Z100" (Ad, Byte 1982)
The Zenith Z-100 platform is not IBM PC hardware compatible. Z-100 DOS disks will not boot on a PC or vice versa. Z-150 series and later are PC compatible. There are separate DOS releases for these computers.
Note: Zenith's version numbering is extra crazy with different release and version numbers for each file.
Other Z-100 versions: MS-DOS 1.19 (OEM) - (Source: wikipedia - note this probably refers to the command.com version)
Other Z-100 versions:
Z-DOS 1.00 for Z-100: IO.SYS "release 1.00, version 1.00"; Z-DOS.SYS "release 1.00, version 1.25"; Command "release 1.00, version 1.19"
Z-DOS 1.01 for Z-100: IO.SYS "release 1.00, version 1.10"; Z-DOS.SYS "release 1.01, version 1.25"; Command "release 1.00, version 1.20"
MS-DOS 2.13 for the Z-100 PC
MS-DOS 2.21 Upgrade for the Z-100 PC
http://www.computernostalgie.site90.net ... /index.htm
Other versions: MS-DOS Version 3 For the Z-100 PC (Seen on ebay)
(System disks:
http://www.computernostalgie.site90.net ... /index.htm

Zenith IBM PC compatible versions:
Known versions: MS-DOS 1.25/"1.19" PC compatible. (BA FTP, probably for Z-150)
Other versions: MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.11 (Byte December 1984)
Other versions: MS-DOS 3.x for Z-150, Z-160 -(
Other versions: Zenith 2.11, 3.21 (Probably for Z-150/200 or later) (
Zenith Z-171 PC - MS-DOS 2.11 on disk (oldcomputers.net)
Zenith eazy PC - MS-DOS 3.21 (oldcomputers.net)
Zenith MinisPort - MS-DOS 3.3 Plus in ROM (oldcomputers.net)

Trivia: "Early versions of Zenith Z-DOS (a re-branded variant of MS-DOS 1.25) had the command "xyzzy" which took a parameter of "on" or "off". Xyzzy by itself would print the status of the last "xyzzy on" or "xyzzy off" command. (source:
http://hd-amazon.blogspot.com/2013/10/n ... hd-3d.html

Victor 9000 / Sirius 1 - "MS-DOS 1.2" (Byte, November 1982)
Specs: 612k 5.25" variable speed floppy drive
Other versions: MS-DOS 1.25 (
http://uk.comp.vintage.narkive.com/LJhJ ... ictor-9000
) (Also oldcomputers.net)
Not IBM PC hardware compatible - meant to run CP/M
"PlusFive Sirius MS-DOS 1.25" (source:
http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/adv ... erSoftware

Computer Devices, Inc.
Dot - "features intel's 16-bit 8080 microprocessor and the MS-DOS operating system from Microsoft." [version not specified] (Byte, December 1982)
Specs: "Dot is a portable computer that's fully compatible with the IBM Personal Computer." (Byte, December 1982)
Uses "mot compatible" Sony 3.5 inch disk drive (Byte, September 1983)

Compaq Portable - "MS-DOS 1.1" (Byte December 1982 article, also June 1983 PC Magazine product review)
Other versions: In various places, the Compaq OEM version is called "Compaq-DOS". (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_o ... ng_systems
)(Byte, September 1983)
Other versions: Compaq-DOS Version 1.12 (OEM) - MS-DOS 1.25 / Compaq's release of PC DOS 1.10 (wikipedia)
"Early Compaqs labeled DOS 2.0 as DOS 1.x" (source:
Known to be IBM PC Hardware Compatible.
Other versions: Compaq 1.10, 1.11 and 2.01 (

Compaq Plus - MS-DOS 2.02 (source: InfoWorld Mar 19, 1984) (Source Byte July 1984)

Deskpro Model 1 - MS-DOS 2.11 (Byte, August 1984)(InfoWorld Jul 16, 1984)

Deskpro 286 - MS-DOS 3.0 (InfoWorld Jul 15, 1985)

Compaq Portable II - MS-DOS 3.2 (oldcomputers.net)

Compaq's MS-DOS 3.31 was the only 3.x version of DOS to support partitions over 32MB.

Bridge Computer Company
Bridge Custom S100 8086 based systems "Speaks MS-DOS" [version not specified] (Byte, December 1982)

PC-8801, PC-8884 - MS-DOS 1.25
Specs: Is a CP/M machine with DOS compatiblity add-on. (Source:
http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum ... 31858.html
) (
http://www.old-computers.com/museum/com ... st=1&c=398
) (Infoworld May 21, 1984)

APC "Advanced Personal Computer" - MS-DOS 2.11
Specs: 8" floppy disks. (Source:
) (oldcomputers.net)
runs "MS-DOS" (Ad, Byte December 1982)
Not IBM PC hardware compatible.

APC-III, runs under MS-DOS 2.11, 5.25" drives. Not IBM PC hardware compatible at all. Must use their provided version of DOS. (Infoworld Feb 25, 1985)

PC-100 - MS-DOS 2.01 (
http://classictech.wordpress.com/tag/ne ... n-systems/

NABU Manufacturing Corp.
NABU 1600 - "Two operating systems, Xenix and MS-DOS are supplied with the 1600" [Version not specified] (Byte, January 1983)

Eagle Computers
Note: The Eagle II/III/IV is a CP/M computer

Eagle 1600 first appears (Ads Byte, February 1983) "IBM Personal Computer work-alike", features 8mhz 8086 "Eagles are IBM-PC Compatible" (Byte 1983)
Eagle-1600 series - MS-DOS [version not specified] (InfoWorld Jan 31, 1983)
Specs: 8086 based, "Faster than IBM PC". (Ad, Byte August 1983)
A lot of stuff dosnt run on Eagle. Hard disk is drive A: while floppy is C: (Byte September 1983) Mentions PC-DOS instead of MS-DOS.
The 1600 line were also the first computers with MS-DOS to have hard disks... Subdirectories were not yet supported in the MS-DOS version that the Eagles used - (Wikipedia)
Also described a "series of computers ran MS-DOS but were not clones" (wikipedia)
Claims 1600 to be IBM PC compatible, but others debunk that (source CDP comparison papers)
Seems to avoid mentioning MS-DOS in their ads.

Eagle-PC - "Fully IBM PC Compatible" - (Ad, Byte August 1983)
Would boot IBM PC-DOS. (Source:
Version: MS-DOS 1.25 "Eagle's version of MS-DOS is labeled 1.25" (Byte, March 1984)

EAGLE Portable 16 "MS-DOS 2.10 bundled software" (Byte, December 1983)

Eagle XL: MS-DOS 2.11 - XL Includes a redesigned BIOS as a result of a suit from IBM (May 14, 1984)

MPX-16 - "MPX-16 single board computer assembled, tested and burned in with 64K bytes of RAM, CP/M-86 or MS-DOS operating system" [Version not specified] (Actual OEM?) - (Ad, Byte March 1983, but discusses in earlier editions)

Altos 586 - "Will support MS-DOS..." [Version not specified] (Byte, March 1983)
Not IBM PC compatible, intended for multi-user OSes.

[censored] / National (Japanese)
National Mybrain 3000 - "National is offering both MS-DOS (from Microsoft) and CP/M-86 (from Digital Research) as operating systems." [version not specified] (Byte, April 1983)

Toshiba (Japanese)
Toshiba Pasopia 16 / T300 (Japanese) - "MS-DOS is the only operating system available for the Pasopia 16." [Version not specified] (Byte, April 1983)
Pasopia 16 / T300 - MS-DOS 2.0 - Uses 96TPI 5.25" floppy drives? (InfoWorld Jun 6, 1983)

Hitachi (Japanese)
Hitachi BASIC Master 16000 and PT-1 Personal Terminal - "The BASIC Master 16000 has an 8088 processor, runs MS-DOS...", "The PT-1 also uses the MS-DOS operating system." [Version not specified](Byte, April 1983)

Sord (Japanese)
Sord M-343 - "Sord offers five different operating systems: the Realtime Disk Operating System, the Realtime Multi-job Disk Operating System, MS-DOS, CP/M-86, and the UCSD p-system." [Version not specified] (Byte, April 1983)

AI Electronics (Japanese)
AI-M16 - "The M16 comes with a wide choice of operating systems: Genix, CP/M-86, Concurrent CP/M-86, MP/M-86, MS-DOS, or the UCSD p-System." [Version not specified] (Byte, April 1983)

Sony SMC-70 - "SMC-70's add-on 8086 unit will run MS-DOS." [Version not specified] (Actual OEM?) (Byte, April 1983)

Sanyo (Japanese)
MBC-55, MBC-550 - MS-DOS 1.25
"did not use the standard PC disk format". Uses a graphics-only video mode, no character cell text mode. First "legitimate" IBM PC clone. Source:
http://classictech.wordpress.com/tag/sa ... s-systems/

More info:

"The MBC-55 runs CP/M-86, Concurrent CP/M-86, and MS-DOS." [Version not spefied] (Byte April 1983)

"MBC-555 (1984) mostly IBM PC compatible business machine running an 8088 cpu with 128k ram. It ran Sanyo Basic and MS-DOS 1.25 with the usual applications." Source:

Other versions: MS-DOS 2.11 (Byte August 1984)

TeleVideo: Offers MS-DOS [Version not specified] (Ad, Byte May 1983)
Not IBM PC hardware compatible

TeleColor PC - TeleDOS / MS-DOS 2.11 (Byte September 1984)

SeeQua Computer Corporation
Chamelion: "MS-DOS Compatible" [Version not specified] - (Ad, Byte June 1983)
Claims to be IBM PC compatible. (Chart in Inforworld Aug 15, 1983)

Chamelion Plus: MS-DOS 1.25 (Byte June 1984)

Sunrise Systems
C8/16: With "Flat Pack", can use MS-DOS. [Version not specified] (Byte, June 1983)

Gavilan Computer Corporation
Gavilan Mobile Computer: MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, June 1983)
Notes: Optional integrated printer, touch-pannel LCD screen with 8 text lines, 3 inch disk drive. 64K ram expandable to 288K (InfoWorld Dec 19, 1983)
Obviously not IBM PC hardware compatible.

DEC Rainbow 100: Runs CP/M and MS-DOS [Version not specified] (Byte June 1983)
Specs: Uses 400k single sided 5.25" 80-track disks.
Other versions: DEC Rainbow 100 - MS-DOS 2.11 (oldcomputers.net)
Not IBM PC Hardware compatible
Dos 2.0: Source:
https://archive.org/details/bitsavers_c ... oc_2430133

Known versions: MS-DOS 2.05

Micro 16s: Runs MS-DOS with 8086 [Version not specified] (Byte June, 1983)

Pronto Computers Inc.
Pronto Series 16 - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, June 1983)(InfoWorld May 23, 1983)
Notes: 80186 based, 5.25" 800k drives.

M20 - "In response to its compatibility problem, Olivetti has developed a coprocessor board based on the Intel 8086 chip, which offers the M20 owner access to software running under MS-DOS and CP/M-86." [Version not specified] (Byte June 1983)

Advance (french)
Advance 86 "compatible with the IBM Personal Computer and running under MS-DOS..." [Version not specified] (Byte, June 1983)

Corona Data Systems
Corona PC - "The Corona PC includes the MS-DOS operating" [version not specified] (Byte, July 1983)
Claims to be IBM PC compatible

Corona Portable PC Models PPC-1 and PPC-2 - MS-DOS [version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
MS-DOS 1.25 Corona OEM is known to exist.

PPCXT Portable - MS-DOS 2.0 (InfoWorld Apr 23, 1984)

Cannon AS-100 - "A software system that uses either CP/M-86* or MS-DOS*," [version not specified] (Byte, July 1983)

Colonial Data
SB-88 - "Runs MS-DOS® Operating System" [version not specified] - Byte, July 1983
Claims to be IBM PC hardware compatible.

Alf 8088 CPU card for the Apple II - "Can run CP/M or MS-DOS" - (Ad, Byte, August 1983)
Ad suggests some level of IBM PC compatiblity, but is not clear.

AD8088 Coprocessor card for Apple II - "MS-DOS 1.1" and CP/M-86 (Byte December 1984)
Specs: Uses Apple II GCR formatted 5.25" disks
Not IBM PC Hardware compatible.

MS-DOS 1.25 for Commodore CBM B Series with 8088 co-processor board (very rare) Files dated August 1983
http://cbm-hackers.2304266.n4.nabble.co ... 70031.html

Xerox 8/10 Professional Computer - MS-DOS [version not specified] (Byte, August 1983)
Has both 8086 and Z80, can run CP/M, CP/M-86, and MS-DOS.

HP 150 - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, October 1983)
Specs: Touch screen, Two single-sided Sony 3.5 inch disk drives that hold 270k each.
Not IBM PC hardware compatible: "Graphics resolution is somewhat different"
HP-150 - MS-DOS 2.01, Specs: 3.5" floppy drives, and touch screen, not IBM PC Hardware compatible (Byte, November 1984) (InfoWorld Mar 12, 1984)
More information (

HP 110 - MS-DOS 2.01 (Byte, June 1984)
HP 110 - MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM (source: oldcomputers.net)

Hewlett-Packard 95LX - MS-DOS 3.22 in ROM (source: oldcomputers.net)

HP Vectra MS-DOS 3.20 (oldcomputers.net)

Dynalogic Info-Tech
Hyperion/Hyperion Plus - MS-DOS [version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
Dynalogic Hyperion - "Custom PC-DOS 1.25H"
"The Hyperion used an Intel 8088 chip, and ran PC-DOS 1.25H, an early version which used a C: ramdrive. It was fitted with 2 360K 5.25 inch floppy"
http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/Home/sm ... n-computer

GRID Systems
GRiD Compass - "INGRID (proprietary) or MS-DOS" [Version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
GRiD Compass - MS-DOS 2.0 (via DOS compatibility add-on) (Source:

GRiD Compass II - MS-DOS 2.2 (in ROM) (source:
http://www.digibarn.com/collections/sys ... d-compass/

GRiDPad - MS-DOS 3.3 in ROM - (

Other: MS-DOS 5.0 - (seen on ebay:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... _210wt_864

Modular Computer Systems Inc
Zorba 2000/16 - "CP/M, CP/M-86, MS-DOS" [Version not specified] (Byte, September 1983]

Osborne Computer Corp.
Executive II - "MS-DOS, CP/M-86, UCSD Pascal" [version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
Claims to be "IBM PC compatible"

PC5000 - MS-DOS [version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
Other: PC5000 had MS-DOS 1.25 in ROM (

Sharp PC-7000 - Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 (oldcomputers.net)

SKS 2502 Nano - Includes MS-DOS [version not specified] (September 1983)

International Systems Marketing.
Unisystem-PC - "The operating system is MS-DOS." [version not specified] (Byte, September 1983)
Specs: Dual 720K-byte floppy-disk drives

Rana 8086/2 for Apple II - "Rana will include MS-DOS with the hardware" [version not specified]
Specs: 8086 on Apple II expansion card, Includes two DSDD IBM PC compatible floppy drives that can also read Apple II disks,
256k to 512k of ram. "looks reasonably compatible" with IBM PC hardware. "Rana will also offer Microsoft's window manager..." (Source: Infoworld Nov 21, 1983)

Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments Professional Computer - "MS-DOS operating system with MS-BASIC" "MS-DOS 2.0 with MS-BASIC (available 1/84)" (Byte, December 1983)
MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0

Texas Instruments Portable Professional Computer: MS-DOS 2.11 or MS-DOS 1.25
Specs: Described as a non-IBM clone MS-DOS computer. Uses same mainboard as the desktop version. Does not support accessing video memory directly, and uses an emulation program to read and write PC disks. (InfoWorld Jun 11, 1984)

Texas Insturments Business Pro - MS-DOS [version not specified], 286 CPU. (InfoWorld Apr 8, 1985)

Data General
Data General One - MS-DOS [version not specified]
Specs: Uses 3.5" 720k floppy drive and LCD screen, but otherwise mostly IBM PC hardware compatible. (Byte, November 1984)

ATR8000 - 8088 configuration includes MS-DOS. (Byte: 1983)
Notes: This is a peripheral for existing Atari 800 6502 based machines.

Wang Professional Computer - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, December 1983)
Other versions: MS-DOS 2.11 (oldcomputers.net)
Others known: MS-DOS 2.10 / System disk version 1.12. (Note: They do not label system disks with the DOS version number)
Not IBM PC hardware compatible. Can not use PC-DOS or generic MS-DOS.

Later "Wang PC" is an IBM PC compatible platform.

Sumicom Inc.
System 330 - MS-DOS [Version not specified] (Byte, December 1983)

Handwell PC - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, February 1984)

Sperry Personal Computer - MS-DOS 1.25 or 2.0, depending on disk storage. (Byte, February 1984)(Infoworld Dec 19, 1983)
Other versions: MS-DOS 3.20 (

Tandy 2000 - MS-DOS 2.0 "is powered by Intel's 8-MHz 80186 microprocessor. Under MS-DOS.the 2000 can run such software as MS-Windows..." (Byte, February 1984)
Note: Uses dual 720k double density, 80-track 5.25" floppy drives.
Known version: MS-DOS 2.11 for Tandy 2000
Tandy 2000 was advertised as not fully IBM PC compatible.

Tandy 1000 - MS-DOS 2.11 "Fully compatible with the IBM Personal Computer" (Byte December 1984)
Tandy 1000 (some models) MS-DOS 2.11 in ROM (
Some versions of Tandy's customized DOS will refuse to boot on non-tandy machines.
Tandy 1000 has hardware similarities to the IBM PCJr.

Other: Tandy MS-DOS 3.10 and 3.30 (oldcomputers.net)

Visual Computer Incorporated
Commuter - Bundled with MS-DOS [Version not specified] (Byte, March 1984)

Panasonic portable Senior Parter - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, March 1984)
Senior Partner MS-DOS 2.11 (Byte, December 1984)

SWP Micro Computer Products
Co-Power-88 Board For Kaypro II & IV 8088 w/ 128K OR 256K, MS-DOS [Version not specified] [Actual OEM?] (Byte, March 1984)

Apricot - MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, April 1984)
Note: Uses 3.5" floppy drives
Specs: Touch sensitive "microscreen", MS-DOS 2.0, 3.5" floppy drive. (InfoWorld Dec 19, 1983)
Other versions: MS-DOS 2.11; Not IBM PC Hardware compatible (InfoWorld Jun 10, 1985)

Mindset Corporation
Mindset Personal Computer: MS-DOS 2.0 (Byte, April 1984)
Notes: Uses 80186

K-1000 "Operates under DOS 1.1, 2.0, 2.11, 3.1"? (vague, actual OEM?) (Byte May 1984)

Otrona Advanced Systems Corp
Otrona 2001 MS-DOS 2.1 "Fully compatible with the IBM PC" (Byte July 1984)

AT&T Personal Computer [Version not specified] (Byte September 1984)
AT&T Personal Computer MS-DOS 2.1 (InfoWorld Jul 16, 1984)
Known version: MS-DOS 2.11
Not fully IBM PC hardware compatible
"AT&T DOS 3.1 differs from generic MS-DOS 3.10 in its use of cluster-size and file allocation table structures. AT&T DOS appears to use rules not from version 3, but rather those from version 2." (Source:

AT&T MS-DOS 3.10, 3.20 and 3.30a (oldcomputers.net)

Leading Edge Products Inc
Leading Edge - MS-DOS 1.25 / DOS 2.0 (byte September 1984)(InfoWorld Dec 19, 1983)
Is fully IBM PC hardware compatible.
Specs: Faster 8mhz CPU and built in clock calendar with battery.
InfoWorld Jun 25, 1984 refers to "MS-DOS 1.17", but that is obviously a mistake referring to the command.com version.

Canon TX-50 - MS-DOS (version not specified) (Byte, December 1984)

Kaypro 16 - MS-DOS [version not specified] luggable PC. Uses 360k 5.25" and a hard drive IBM PC compatible "As compatible as any of the other IBM PC clones on the market" (infoWorld Dec 24, 1984)

Kaypro PC and Kaypro 286i - MS-DOS 3.0, IBM hardware compatible (InfoWorld Mar 4, 1985)(old-computers.com)
Kaypro 286i - Initially came without an OS, manuals stated to buy IBM PC-DOS (Infoworld Jun 3, 1985)
IBM PC Hardware compatible, but "Flight Simulator, however, would not run on the 286i" (InfoWorld Jun 3, 1985) (Note: Flight Simulator II does not run on *any* 286 or higher CPU)

Kaypro 2000 - MS-DOS 2.11 (infoWorld Mar 3, 1986)
Supports 3.5" 720k disks. This later became the standard 720k format.
Floppy drive requires a slower seek time than is default in later DOS (5.0, 6.x) versions.
Otherwise, mostly IBM PC hardware compatible.

Epson QX-16 - CP/M and MS-DOS hybrid with Z80 and 8088 CPU. Not IBM PC Hardware compatible.

Epson Equity I - MS-DOS, IBM PC Hardware compatible. (InfoWorld Sep 23, 1985)
Other: MS-DOS 3.10
"Epson Equity III and ComputerLand 3.10 DOS's appear to use cluster techniques that are a cross between versions 2 and 3. On type DOS partitions, these DOS's use 3.x rules if the partition is larger than 32,680 sectors in total size. This implies 16 bit FAT entries as well. On partitions below this size, they will use 2.x rules, including the 12 bit FAT entries." (

Wyse NS-DOS 3.10, 3.21 and 3.30 (oldcomputers.net)
Wyse: DOS 3.2
"Zenith DOS 3.x and Wyse DOS 3.2 have a built in internal device driver to handle up to 4 32Mb DOS partitions on a single hard disk. Wyse DOS 3.31 will handle single partitions up to 512Mb with a 32-bit FAT." (

Misc others:
Zeos Pocket PC - MS-DOS 5.0 in ROM (oldcomputers.net)
Visual Commuter - MS-DOS 2.11 (on disk) (oldcomputers.net)
Data General One - MS-DOS 2.11 (oldcomputers.net)
Bluechip 3.20 (oldcomputers.net)
DTK 4.01 (oldcomputers.net)
EPC/EMPAC 4.01 (oldcomputers.net)
ITT 2.11 and 3.10 (oldcomputers.net)
Intel 4.01 (oldcomputers.net)
Lyi-Cheng 4.01 (oldcomputers.net)
NCR 2.11 and 3.20.20 (oldcomputers.net)
Northgate 4.0 (oldcomputers.net)
Parcorp 3.30 (oldcomputers.net)
Phoenix 4.01 (oldcomputers.net)
Telex MS-DOS 3.21 (oldcomputers.net)
Toshiba 1000 MSDOS 2.11 in ROM
Computerland MS-DOS 3.10
DECmate-II,III with XPU (MS-DOS) option


Other sources:
There is also some interesting discussion on the development of DOS 1.x here:


DOS Time line:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_o ... ng_systems

Describes some file system differences with some OEM DOS versions:


http://ftpmirror.your.org/pub/misc/dos/ ... LPNEWS.TXT

Describes the compatiblity of Lotus 1-2-3 with hardware and versions of DOS for many PCs.

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