
Abu Dhabi (see United Arab Emirates)

Afghanistan: Embassy of Afghanistan -- Consular Office, 2233 Wyoming Ave., NW, Suite 216, Washington, DC 20007; 202/298-9125, www.embassyofafghanistan.org

AFRICA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION: 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 1702, New York, NY 10016; 888/439-0478 or 212/447-1357, info@africatravelassociation.org, www.africatravelassociation.org

Ajman (see United Arab Emirates)

Albania: Embassy of the Republic of Albania, 1312 18th Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20036; 202/223-4942 www.embassyofalbania.org or www.albaniantourism.com

Algeria: Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, 866 UN PLAZA, Suite 580 New York, NY 10017; 212/486-6930, http://www.algerianembassy.org/

American Samoa (territory of United States): www.amsamoatourism.com

Andorra: http://visitandorra.com

Angola: Embassy of the Republic of Angola, Consular Section, 2100-2108 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/452-1042, www.angola.org

Anguilla (see United Kingdom)

Antigua & Barbuda: Antigua & Barbuda Tourist Office, 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 305 E. 47th St.-6a, New York, NY. 10017; 888/268-4117, 212/541-4119, info@antigua-barbuda.org, www.antigua-barbuda.org

Argentina: Argentina Tourist Office, 1600 New Hampshire Ave, NW Washington, DC 20009; 202/238-6416, www.argentina.travel/en

Armenia: Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, 2225 R St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/319-1976, www.armeniaemb.org, or www.armeniainfo.am

Aruba (see Netherlands)

Ascención (see United Kingdom)

Australia: Tourism Australia, 6100 Center Dr., Ste. 1150, Los Angeles, CA 90045; 866/876-4870, www.australia.com, or, for General Tourist information, 877/793-2507, or, for help with visas, 888/990-8888

Christmas Islands; www.christmas.net.au…

Cocos (Keeling) Island; http://www.cocoskeelingislands.com.au

Austria: Austrian National Tourist Office, Box 1142, New York, NY 10108-1142; travel@austria.info, www.austria.info/us

Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Visa Center, Travisa Outsourcing, 1731 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/462-0379, http://www.travisaazerbaijan.com

Azores (see Portugal)

Bahamas: Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, 231 East 46 St., New York, NY 10017; 800/224-2627, 212/421-6420, www.bahamas.com

Bahrain: Embassy of the State of Bahrain, 3502 International Dr. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/342-1111, consulate@bahrainembassy.org, www.bahrainembassy.org

Bangladesh: Embassy of the Republic of Bangladesh, 3510 International Dr. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/244-0183 ext 320/307; consularwing@bdembassyusa.org, http://tourismboard.gov.bd/

Barbados: Barbados Tourism Authority, 820 Second Ave., 5th Fl., New York, NY 10017; 800/221-9831, 212/551-4350, www.visitbarbados.org

Belarus: Consulate General of Belarus, 708 Third Ave., 20th Fl., New York, NY 10017; 212/682-5392 (open until noon), www.belarusconsul.org, or info@belarustourism.by, www.eng.belarustourism.by

Belau (see Palau)

Belgium: Belgian Tourist Office, 300 East 42nd Street, 14th floor, New York, NY 10017; 212/758-8130; info@visitbelgium.com, www.visitbelgium.com

Belize: Belize Tourist Board; 800/624-0686, www.travelbelize.org

Benin: Embassy of Benin, 2124 Kalorama Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/232-6656; info@beninembassy.us, www.beninembassy.us

Bermuda (see the United Kingdom)

Bhutan: The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the UN, 343 East 43rd St., New York, NY 10017; 212/682-2268, or Tourism Council of Bhutan; www.tourism.gov.bt (visas available only through tour companies.)

Bolivia: Consulate General of Bolivia, 1825 Connecticut Ave, NW Suite 200c, Washington, DC 20009; 202/232-4827, www.bolivia-usa.org

Bonaire (see Netherlands/ Netherlands Antilles)

Bosnia & Herzegovina: Bosnia & Herzegovina Embassy, 2109 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20037; 202/337-1500, www.bhembassy.org, or www.bhtourism.ba

Botswana: Embassy of Botswana, 1531-33 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/244-4990, www.botswanaembassy.org, or www.botswana-tourism.gov.bw

Brazil: Brazil Information Center (Embratur), 5 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001; 800/727-2945, 646/378 2126, www.braziltour.com

British Virgin Islands (see United Kingdom)

Brunei: Embassy of Brunei Darussalam, 3520 International Ct. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/237-1838, www.bruneiembassy.org, or info@bruneitourism.travel, www.bruneitourism.travel

Bulgaria: Consulate at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, 1621 22nd St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/387-7969, www.bulgaria-embassy.org, or www.bulgariatravel.org

Burkina Faso: Embassy of Burkina Faso, 2340 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-5577; http://burkina-usa.org/

Burma (see Myanmar)

Burundi: Embassy of the Republic of Burundi, 2233 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Ste. 212, Washington, DC 20007; 202/342-2574; burundiembassy@erols.com, http://www.burundiembassydc-usa.org/

Cambodia: The Royal Embassy of Cambodia, 4530 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20011; 202/726-7742, www.embassyofcambodia.org, or www.tourismcambodia.com

Cameroon: Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, 3007 Tilden Street NW, Suite 5M, Washington, DC 20008; 202/265-8790; cs@cameroonembassyusa.org, http://www.cameroonembassyusa.org/

Canada: Canadian Tourism Commission, #1400-1055 Dunsmuir Street, Box 49230, Vancouver, BC, V7X 1L2, Canada; http://us-keepexploring.canada.travel/

Cape Verde: Embassy of Cape Verde, 3415 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20007-1446; 202/965-6820, http://www.capeverde.com/

Cayman Islands (see United Kingdom)

Central African Republic: Embassy of Central African Republic, 2704 Ontario Road, Washington, DC 20009; 202/483-7800; http://www.rcawashington.org/

Chad: The Embassy of the Republic of Chad, 2401 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/652-1312; http://www.chadembassyus.com/

Chile: Chilean Consulate, 1732 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/785-1746; www.chile-usa.org or http://www.thisischile.cl/2/default.aspx

China: China National Tourist Office, 370 Lexington Ave. #912, New York, NY 10017; 888/760-8218… or 550 North Brand Blvd., Ste. 910, Glendale, CA 91203; 800/670-2228; www.cnto.org… and

Hong Kong Tourist Board, 800/282-4582; 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1230, Los Angeles, CA 90036; 322/938-4582, laxwwo@hktb.com, or 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1812
New York, NY 10017; 212/421-3381, nycwwo@hktb.com, www.discoverhongkong.com

Macau Government Tourist Office, 1334 Parkview, Ste. 300, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266; 866/656-2228, 310/545-3464… or 501 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1101, New York, NY 10017; 646/227-0690, www.macautourism.gov.mo

Tibet (contact China NTO)

Christmas Islands (see Australia)

Cocos (Keeling) Islands (see Australia)

Colombia: Embassy of Colombia, 2118 Leroy Place NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/387-8338; embassyofcolombia@colombiaemb.org, www.colombiaemb.org or www.colombia.travel/en/

Comoros: Honorary Consulate General of Comoros, 2923 N. Milwaukee Blvd. Ste. 106, Chicago, IL 60618; 312/493-2357; info@comorosconsulatechicago.org, www.comorosconsulatechicago.org

Congo Democratic Republic of: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1726 M St. NW, Ste. 601, Washington, DC 20036; 202/234-7690; ambassade@ambardcusa.org, www.ambardcusa.org

Congo, Republic of: Embassy of the Republic of Congo, 1720 16th St., Washington, DC 20009; 202/986-5740; consulate@ambacongo-us.org, http://www.ambacongo-us.org/

Cook Islands (see New Zealand)

Costa Rica: Costa Rica Consulate, 2112 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/499-2991; concr-us-wa@rree.go.cr, www.costarica-embassy.org, or www.visitcostarica.com

Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast): Côte d’Ivoire Embassy, Tourism Department, 2424 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/559-0317; http://www.ambaci-usa.org/en

Croatia: Croatian Embassy, 2343 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008 202/588-5899; crocons.washington@mvep.hr, us.mfa.hr; or the Croatian National Tourism Board, us.croatia.hr

Cuba: Cuban Interest Section, Swiss Embassy, 2630 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/797-8518 ext. 20; recepcion@sicuw.org, www.cubadiplomatica.cu

Curacão (see Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles)

Cyprus: Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus, 2211 R St. NW, Washington, DC, 20008; 202/462-0632; consulate@cyprusembassy.net, www.cyprusembassy.net or: Cyprus Tourism Organization; cytour@visitcyprus.com, www.visitcyprus.com

Czech Republic: Embassy of the Czech Republic, 3900 Spring of Freedom St., Washington, DC 20008; 202/274-9100; visa.washington@mzv.cz, www.mzv.cz/washington/en, or; www.czechtourism.com

Denmark Embassy of Denmark, 3200 Whitehave St. Washington, DC 20008; 212/234-4300; wasamb@um.dk, usa.um.dk/, or contact@visitdenmark.com, http://www.visitdenmark.com

Djibouti: Embassy of Republic of Djibouti, 1156 15th St. NW, Ste. 515, Washington, DC 20005; 202/331-0270;

Dominica: Dominican Consulate, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400H, New York, NY 10017; 212/949-0853… or Dominica Tourist Board, 866/522-4057, http://dominica.dm

Dominican Republic: Embassy of the Dominican Republic, 1715 22nd St., NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-7670; consular@us.serex.gov.do, http://www.domrep.org/, or Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism, www.godominicanrepublic.com for your local office

Dubai (see United Arab Emirates)

Ecuador: Ecuador Embassy, 2535 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/234-7200; cecuwashington@mmrree.gov.ec, www.ecuador.org, or ecuador.travel/en

Egypt: Egyptian Tourist Authority, 6545 North Michigan Ave., Ste. 839, Chicago, IL 60611; 312/280-4666; info.us@egypt.travel, www.en.egypt.travel

El Salvador: Embassy of El Salvador, 1400 16th St. NW, Ste. 100, Washington, DC 20036; 202/595-7500; Email: correo@elsalvador.org, www.elsalvador.org, or www.elsalvador.travel

England (see United Kingdom)

Equatorial Guinea: Equatorial Guinea Embassy, 2020 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/518-5700, egembassydc.com

Eritrea: Embassy of Eritrea, 1708 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/319-1991; embassyeritrea@embassyeritrea.org, www.embassyeritrea.org, or www.eritrea.be/

Estonia: Consulate General of Estonia, 3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, Ste. 6B, 305 E. 47th St, New York, NY 10017-2001; 212/883-0636; nyconsulate@mfa.ee, www.nyc.estemb.org, or www.visitestonia.com

Ethiopia: Embassy of Ethiopia, 3506 International Dr. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/364-1200, www.ethiopianembassy.org, or http://www.tourismethiopia.gov.et


Falkland Islands (see United Kingdom)

Faroe Islands (see Scandinavia and Denmark)

Fiji: Fiji Visitors Bureau, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 220, Los Angeles, CA 90045; 800/932-3454, 310/568-1616; infodesk@tourismfijius.com, www.fiji.travel

Finland Embassy of Finland, 3301 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/298-5800; www.finland.org, or www.visitfinland.com

France: French Government Tourist Office, 825 Third Ave., 29th Fl., New York, NY 10022; 212/838-7800 us.rendezvousenfrance.com

and for

French Polynesia (Austral Islands, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, Society Islands [including Tahiti, the administrative center] and Tuamoto Islands), contact Tahiti Tourisme, 300 Continental Blvd., Ste. 160, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310/414-8484; info@tahiti-tourisme.com, www.tahiti-tourisme.com

Guadeloupe: Guadeloupe Islands Tourism Board, 825 Third Ave., 29th Fl., New York, NY 10022; 212/745-0950; sandra.venite@atout-france.fr, http://www.myguadeloupeislands.com/

Mayotte: en.ilemayotte.com

New Caledonia; en.visitnewcaledonia.com, or www.office-tourisme.nc/en/

Réunion; www.reunion.fr/en/home.html

St. Barthélemy (or St. Barts); www.saintbarth-tourisme.com/en/

St. Martin; St. Martin Promotional Office, 825 Third Ave., 29th Fl., New York, NY 10022; newyork@stmartinisland.org, www.stmartinisland.org

St. Pierre & Miquelon info@tourismespm.com, www.tourisme-saint-pierre-et-miquelon.com/en/

Terres Australes & French Antarctica (Crozet, Kerguelen et al) www.taaf.fr/The-French-Southern-and-Antarctic-Lands

Wallis & Fortuna; www.wallis-et-futuna.pref.gouv.fr (in French)

French Guiana (see France)

French Polynesia (see France)

Fujairah (see United Arab Emirates)

Gabon: Embassy of the Gabonese Republic, 2034 20th St. NW, Ste. 200, Washington, DC 20009; 202/797-1000; info@gabonemabassyusa.com, www.gabonembassyusa.org, or info@gabontour.ga, www.en.legabon.org

Galápagos Islands (see Ecuador)

Gambia, The: Embassy of the Republic of The Gambia, 2233 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Georgetown Plaza, Ste 240, Washington, DC 20007; 202/785-1399; info@gambiaembassy.us www.gambiaembassy.us

Georgia: Georgian Consulate, 144 E 44th St., 5th Fl., New York, NY 10017; 212/867-3654 or Georgian Embassy, 2209 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20008; 202/387-9153, www.usa.mfa.gov.ge,or info@georgia.travel www.georgia.travel

Germany: The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 6222 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 500, Los Angeles, CA 90048; 323/930-2703; or German National Tourist Office; www.germany.travel/en

Ghana: Embassy of Ghana, 3512 International Dr. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/686-4520; www.ghanaembassy.org, or www.ghanaexpeditions.com

Gilbraltar (see United Kingdom)

Great Britain (see United Kingdom)

Greece: Greek National Tourism Organization, 305 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017; 212/421-5777 visitgreece@gnto.gr, www.visitgreece.gr

Greenland (see Denmark)

Grenada: Grenada Tourism Authority, PO Box 1668, Lake Worth, FL 33460; 561/588-8176; cnoel@grenadagrenadines.com, www.grenadagrenadines.com

Guadeloupe (see France)

Guam (territory of United States): Guam Visitors Bureau; www.visitguam.org

Guatemala: Embassy of Guatemala, 2220 R. St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/745-4953, or www.visitguatemala.com

Guinea: Embassy of the Republic of Guinea, 2112 Leroy Pl. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/986-4300

Guinea-Bissau: Diplomatic Mission of Guinea-Bissau, 918 16th St., NW, Mezzanine Ste., Washington, DC 20006; 202/872-4222 (This information is subject to change. Tourists visas to Guinea-Bissau may not be available from the Washington, DC office), or www.bissautourism.com

Guyana: The Embassy of Guyana, 2490 Tracy Pl. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/265-6900; www.guyana.org, or info@guyana-tourism.com, www.guyana-tourism.com

Haiti: Embassy of Haiti, 2311 Massachusetts. Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-4090, www.haiti.org, or www.haititourisme.org (mostly French)

Honduras: Honduras Consul General, 1014 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001; 202/506.4995; consulado.washington@hondurasemb.org, or www.letsgohonduras.com

Hong Kong (see China)

Hungary: Hungarian National Tourist Office, 350 Fifth Ave., Ste. 7107, New York, NY 10118; 212/695-1221, www.gotohungary.com

Iceland: Iceland Tourism, www.visiticeland.com

India: Government of India Tourist Office, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 303, New York, NY 10020; 800/953-9399, 212/586-4901… or 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 204, Los Angeles, CA 90010; 213/380-8855, www.incredibleindia.org/en/

Indonesia: Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/775-5200, www.embassyofindonesia.org

Iran: Embassy of Pakistan, Iranian Interests Section, 2209 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20007; 202/965-4990, www.daftar.org/Eng/

Iraq: Consulate of the Republic of Iraq, 1801 P St. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/483-7500, www.iraqiembassy.us/

Ireland: Tourism Ireland, 345 Park Ave., 17th Fl., New York, NY 10154; 212/418-0800, www.ireland.com

Israel: Israel Government Tourist Office, 800 Second Ave., 16th Fl., New York, NY 10117; 888/774-7723, 212/499-5650… or 6380 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1718, Los Angeles, CA 90048-5019; 323/658-7463, www.goisrael.com

Italy: Italian Government Tourist Board, 630 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1965, New York, NY 10111; 212/245-5618… or 10850 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 575, Los Angeles, CA 90024; 310/820-1898, www.italiantourism.com

Jamaica: Jamaica Tourist Board, 5201 Blue Lagoon Dr., Ste. 670, Miami, FL 33126; 800/526-2422, 305/665-0557, www.visitjamaica.com

Japan: Japan National Tourist Organization, One Rockefeller Plaza, Ste. 1250, New York, NY 10020; 212/757-5640… or 340 E. 2nd St., Ste. 302, Little Tokyo Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012; 213/623-1952, www.jnto.go.jp or www.japantravelinfo.com

Jordan: Jordan Tourism Board, 6867 Elm St., Ste. 102, McLean, VA 22101; 877/733-5673, 703/243-7404, www.visitjordan.com

Kazakhstan: The Republic of Kazakhstan Consulate, 305 E 47th St., 3rd Fl., New York, NY 10017; 212/888-3024, www.kazconsulny.org

Kenya: Embassy of Kenya, 2249 R. St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/387-6101… or Kenya Tourism Board; 866/445-3692, www.magicalkenya.com

Kiribati (Gilbert Islands): Consulate of Republic of Kiribati, 95 Nakolo Pl., Honolulu, HI 96819-1808; 808/834-6775… or Kiribati National Tourism Office; www.visit-kiribati.com

Korea, North: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Permanent Mission to the UN, 820 Second Ave., Ste. 1305, New York, NY 10017; 212/972-3105

Korea, South: Korea Tourism Organization, Two Executive Dr., Ste. 750, Fort Lee, NJ 07024; 201/585-0909… or 5509 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010; 800/868-7567 or 323/634-0280, http://english.visitkorea.or.kr

Kuwait: Embassy of Kuwait, 2940 Tilden St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/966-0702… or www.kuwait-info.com

Kyrgyzstan: Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2360 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/449-9822, www.kgembassy.org

Laos: Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 2222 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-6416, www.laoembassy.com… or www.tourismlaos.org


Latvia: Latvian Embassy, 2306 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/328-2840, www.latvia-usa.org… or www.latviatourism.lv

Lebanon: Embassy of Lebanon, 2560 28th St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/939-6300, www.lebanonembassyus.org… or www.destinationlebanon.gov.lb

Lesotho: Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho, 2511 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/797-5533, www.lesothoemb-usa.gov.ls… or www.ltdc.org.ls

Liberia: Embassy of Liberia, 5201 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20011; 202/723-0437, www.embassyofliberia.org

Libya: Libyan Embassy (Consulate Section), 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Ste. 711, Washington, DC 20037; 202/944-9601, www.libyanbureaudc.org

Liechtenstein: Embassy of the Principality of Liechtenstein, 2900 K St. NW, Ste. 602B, Washington, DC 20007; 202/331-0590, www.liechtenstein.li/en… or www.tourismus.li

Lithuania: Lithuanian Embassy, 2622 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/234-5860, www.Ltembassyus.org… or www.tourism.lt/en/

Luxembourg: Luxembourg National Tourist Office, 17 Beekman Pl., New York, NY 10022; 212/935-8888, www.visitluxembourg.com or www.ont.lu

Macau (see China)

Macedonia: Embassy of Macedonia, 2129 Wyoming Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/667-0501, www.macedonianembassy.org… or www.exploringmacedonia.com

Madagascar: Embassy of Madagascar, 2374 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/265-5525, www.madagascar-consulate.org… or www.madagascar-tourisme.com

Madeira (see Portugal)

Malawi: Embassy of Malawi, 1029 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 20005; 202/721-0274, www.malawiembassy-dc.org

Malaysia: Tourism Malaysia, 818 W. Seventh St., Ste. 970, Los Angeles, CA 90017; 213/689-9702… or 120 E. 56th St., Ste. 810, New York, NY 10022; 212/754-1113, www.tourismmalaysia.gov.my

Maldives: Permanent Mission of Maldives to the UN, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-E, New York, NY 10017; 212/599-6194… or www.visitmaldives.com

Mali: Embassy of the Republic of Mali, 2130 R St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-2249, www.maliembassy.us

Malta: Malta Embassy, 2017 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/462-3611… or www.visitmalta.com

Mariana Islands, Northern (Rota, Saipan & Tinian) (commonwealth in political union with the US — no embassy or consulate): Marianas Visitors Authority; www.mymarianas.com

Marshall Islands: Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, 2433 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/234-5414, www.rmiembassyus.org… or www.visitmarshallislands.com

Martinique: Martinique Promotion Bureau, 825 Third Ave., 29th Fl, New York, NY 10022; 212/838-6887, www.martinique.org

Mauritania: Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, 2129 Leroy Pl. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/232-5700, www.mauritaniaembassy.us

Mauritius: Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius, 1709 N St. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/244-1491, www.maurinet.com/embasydc.html… or www.mauritius.net

Mayotte (see France)

Mexico: Mexico Tourism Board, 400 Madison Ave., Ste. 11C, New York, NY 10017; 800/446-3942, www.visitmexico.com

Micronesia, Federated States of (Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei and Kosrae): FSM Consulate General Office, 3049 Ualena St., Ste. 910, Honolulu, HI 96819; 808/836-4775, www.fsmgov.org… or www.visit-fsm.org

Moldova: Embassy of the Republic of Moldova, 2101 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/667-1130, www.embassyrm.org… or www.travel.md

Monaco: Monaco Government Tourist Office, 565 Fifth Ave., 23rd Fl., New York, NY 10017; 800/753-9696, 212/286-3330, www.visitmonaco.com

Mongolia: Embassy of Mongolia, 2833 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20007; 202/333-7117, www.mongolianembassy.us… or www.mongoliatourism.gov.mn

Montenegro: Embassy of the Republic of Montenegro, 1610 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/234-6108… www.visit-montenegro.com

Montserrat: (see United Kingdom)

Morocco: Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco, 10 E. 40th St., New York, New York 10016; 212/758-2625, www.moroccanconsulate.com… or www.visitmorocco.org

Mozambique: Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique, 1525 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/293-7146, www.embamoc-usa.org

Myanmar (Burma): Embassy of Myanmar, 2300 S St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-3344… or www.myanmar-tourism.com

Namibia: Embassy of the Republic of Namibia, 1605 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/986-0540, www.namibianembassyusa.org… or www.namibiatourism.com.na

Nauru: Republic of Naura Mission to the UN, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-D, New York, NY 10017; 212/937-0074… or www.discovernauru.com

Nepal: Embassy of Nepal, 2131 Leroy Place NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/667-4550, wwwnepalembassyusa.org… or www.welcomenepal.com

Netherlands: Netherlands Embassy, 4200 Linnean Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 877/388-2443, www.netherlands-embassy.org, www.holland.com… and

Aruba Tourism Authority, 2334 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste. 200, Coral Gables, FL 33134; 305/445-9619, www.aruba.com… and

Netherlands Antilles Bonaire; 800/266-2473, www.infobonaire.com… and

Curação; 800/328-7222, www.curacao.com… and

Saba; www.sabatourism.com… and

St. Eustatius; www.statiatourism.com… and

St. Maarten; 800/786-2278, www.vacationstmaarten.com

Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curacão, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten) (see Netherlands)

New Caledonia (see France)

New Zealand: New Zealand Consulate General, 2425 Olympic Blvd., Ste. 600E, Santa Monica, CA 90404; 310/566-6555, www.immigration.govt.nz… or www.newzealand.com… and Cook Islands Tourism Corporation; 888/994-2665, www.cook-islands.com… and Niue Tourism Office; www.niueisland.com… and Tokelau; www.tokelau.org.nz

Nicaragua: Consulate General of Nicaragua, 820 Second Ave., Ste. 802, New York, NY 10017; 212/983-1981, www.consuladodenicaragua.com… or www.visit-nicaragua.com

Niger: Embassy of the Republic of Niger, 2204 R St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/483-4224, www.nigerembassyusa.org… www.niger-tourisme.com

Nigeria: Embassy of Federal Republic of Nigeria, 3519 International Court NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/986-8400, www.nigeriaembassyusa.org… or www.tourism.gov.ng

Niue (see New Zealand)

Norfolk Island (see Australia)

Northern Ireland (see United Kingdom)

Norway (see Scandinavia)

Oman: Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman, 2535 Belmont Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/387-1980… or www.omanet.om

Pakistan: Embassy of Pakistan, 3517 International Ct. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/243-6500, www.pakistan-embassy.org… or www.tourism.gov.pk

Palau: Embassy of Republic of Palau, 1701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Ste. 300, Washington, DC 20006; 202/452-6814, www.palauembassy.com… or www.visit-palau.com

Panama: Consular Section of Embassy of Panama, 2862 McGill Terrace, NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/387-5601, www.embassyofpanama.org… or Panama Tourism Bureau; 800/747-26262, www.visitpanama.com

Papua New Guinea: Embassy of Papua New Guinea, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Ste. 805, Washington DC 20036; 202/745-3680, www.pngembassy.org… or www.pngtourism.org.pg

Paraguay: Embassy of Paraguay, Cultural & Tourism Attache, 2400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/483-6960, www.embaparusa.gov.py… or www.senatur.gov.py

Peru: Embassy of Peru, Cultural Office, 1700 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/833-9860, www.peruvianembassy.us… or www.peru.info

Philippines: Philippine Department of Tourism, 556 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10036; 212/575-7915… or 3660 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 216, Los Angeles, CA 90010; 213/487-4525, www.wowphilippines.com.ph

Pitcairn Islands (see United Kingdom)

Poland: Polish National Tourist Office, 5 Marine View Plaza, Apt. 208, Hoboken, NJ 07030; 201/420-9910, www.poland.travel

Portugal: Portuguese National Tourism Office, 590 Fifth Ave., 4th Fl., New York, NY 10036; 800/767-8842, 646/723-0200, www.visitportugal.com… and Azores… and Madeira; www.madeiratourism.com

Puerto Rico (territory of United States): Puerto Rico Tourism Company, 3575 W. Cahuenga Blvd., Ste. 620, Los Angeles, CA 90068; 800/866-7827, 310/867-1786, www.gotopuertorico.com

Qatar: Embassy of Qatar, 2555 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20037-1305; 202/274-1600, www.qatarembassy.net

Ras-Al-Khaimah (see United Arab Emirates)

Rèunion (see France)

Romania: Romanian National Tourist Office, 355 Lexington, 19th Fl., New York, NY 10017; 212/545-8484, www.romaniatourism.com

Russia: Russian National Tourist Office, 224 W. 30th St., Ste. 701, New York, NY 10001; 877/221-7120, 646/473-2233, www.russia-travel.com

Rwanda: Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda, 1714 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/232-2882, www.rwandaembassy.org… or www.rwandatourism.com

Saba (see Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles)

Saint Barthelemy (see France)

Saint Croix (see US Virgin Islands)

Saint Helena (see United Kingdom)

Saint John (see US Virgin Islands)

Saint Kitts & Nevis: St. Kitts Tourism Authority, 414 E. 75th St., Ste. 5, New York, NY 10021, 800/582-6208, 212/535-1234, www.stkittstourism.kn

Saint Lucia: St. Lucia Tourist Board, 800 Second Ave., 9th Fl, New York, NY 10017; 800/456-3984, www.stlucia.org

Saint Martin (see France)

St. Pierre & Miquelon (see France)

Saint Thomas (see US Virgin Islands)

Saint Vincent & the Grenadines: St. Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office, 801 Second Ave., 1st Fl, New York, NY 10017, 800/729-1726, 212/687-4981, www.discoversvg.com

Samoa: Samoa Mission to the United Nations, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-J, New York, NY 10017; 212/599-6196… or www.visitsamoa.ws

San Marino: Consulate of the Republic of San Marino, 186 Lehrer Ave., Elmont, NY 11003; 516/437-4699 (for brochures)… or www.visitsanmarino.com

São Tomè & Príncipe: Permanent Mission São Tomè & Príncipe, 400 Park Ave., 7th Fl., New York, NY 10022; 212/317-0533… or www.saotome.st

Saudi Arabia: Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Consulate Section, 601 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20037; 202/944-3126, www.saudiembassy.net

SCANDINAVIAN TOURIST BOARDS of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden; 212/885-9700, www.goscandinavia.com… and Denmark; www.visitdenmark.com... and Faroe Islands; www.visit-faroeislands.com... and Finland; www.visitfinland.com... and Greenland; www.greenland.com... and Iceland; www.visiticeland.com... and Norway; www.visitnorway.com... and Spitzbergen/Svalbard; www.svalbard.net... and Sweden; www.visitsweden.com

Scotland (see United Kingdom)

Senegal: Senegal Tourist Office, 350 Fifth Ave., Ste. 3118, New York, NY 10118; 212/695-9630, www.senegal-tourism.com

Serbia: Embassy of Serbia, 2134 Kalorama Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/332-0333, www.serbiaembusa.org… or www.serbia-tourism.org

Seychelles: Seychelles Mission to the UN, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-C, New York, NY 10017; 212/972-1785… or www.seychelles.com

Sharjah (see United Arab Emirates)

Sierra Leone: Embassy of Sierra Leone, 1701 19th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/939-9261, www.embassyofsierraleone.org… or www.welcometosierraleone.org

Singapore: Singapore Tourism Board, 5670 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. 1550, Los Angeles, CA 90036; 800/283-9595, 323/677-0808… or 1156 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 702, New York, NY 10036; 212/302-4861, www.visitsingapore.com

Sint Eustatius (see Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles)

Sint Maarten (see Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles)

Slovak Republic: Tourist & Commercial Office of Slovakia, 10 E. 40th St., Ste. 3606, New York, NY 10016; www.cometoslovakia.com or www.slovakia.travel

Slovenia: Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, 2410 California St., Washington, DC 20008; 202/386-6610, www.washington.embassy.si… or www.slovenia.info

Solomon Islands: Permanent Mission of Solomon Islands to the UN, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-L, New York, NY 10017; 212/599-6192… or www.visitsolomons.com.sb

Somalia: Mission of Somalia to the UN, 425 E. 61st St., Ste. 702, New York, NY 10065; 212/688-9410

South Africa: South African Tourism, 500 Fifth Ave., Ste. 2040, New York, NY 10110; 800/593-1318, 212/730-2929, www.southafrica.net

SOUTH PACIFIC TOURISM ORGANIZATION: Box 13119, Suva, Fiji Islands; www.spto.org

Spain: Tourist Office of Spain, 666 Fifth Ave., 35th Fl., New York, NY 10103; 212/265-8822… or 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 960, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; 323/658-7188, www.okspain.org or www.spain.info

Sri Lanka: Embassy of Sri Lanka, 2148 Wyoming Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/483-4025, www.slembassyusa.org… or www.srilankatourism.org

Sudan: Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, Consular Section, 2210 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/338-8565… or www.sudan-tourism.gov.sd

Suriname: Embassy of the Republic of Suriname, 4301 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 460, Washington, DC 20008; 202/244-7488, www.surinameembassy.org… or www.suriname-tourism.org

Swaziland: Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland, 1712 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009; 202/234-5002… or www.welcometoswaziland.com

Sweden (see Scandinavia)

Switzerland: Switzerland Tourism, 608 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10020; 877/794-8037 or www.myswitzerland.com

Syria: Syrian Embassy, 2215 Wyoming Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/232-6313, www.syrianembassy.us… or www.syriatourism.org

Tahiti (see French Polynesia)

Taiwan (Republic of China): Taiwan Visitors Association, 1 E. 42nd St., 9th Fl., New York, NY 10017; 212/867-1632… or 555 Montgomery St., Ste. 505, San Francisco, CA 94111; 415/989-8677, www.taiwan.net.tw or www.go2taiwan.net

Tajikistan: The Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan, 1005 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20037; 202/223-6090, www.tjus.org

Tanzania: Tanzania Tourist Board USA, 347 Fifth Ave., Suite 1205, New York, NY, 10016; 212/447-0027; Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, 2139 R St. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/884-1080, www.tanzaniaembassy-us.org… or www.tanzaniatouristboard.com… and Zanzibar

Thailand: Tourism Authority of Thailand, 611 N. Larchmont Blvd., 1st Fl., Los Angeles, CA 90004; 800/842-4526, 323/461-9814… or 61 Broadway, Ste. 2810, New York, NY 10006; 212/432-0433, www.tourismthailand.org

Tibet (see China)

Timor-Leste: Timor-Leste Embassy, 4201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 504, Washington, DC 20008; 202/966-3202, www.timorlesteembassy.org… or www.turismotimorleste.com

Togo: Embassy of Togo, 2208 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008… or www.togo-tourisme.com

Tokelau (see New Zealand)

Tonga: Tonga Consulate, 360 Post St., Ste. 604, San Francisco, CA 94108; 415/751-0365… or www.tongaholiday.com

Trinidad & Tobago: Consulate, 1708 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC 20036, 202/467-6490 or www.gotrinidadandtobago.com

Tristan da Cunha (see United Kingdom)

Tunisia: Embassy of Tunisia, 1515 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20005; 202/862-1850… or www.tourismtunisia.com

Turkey: Embassy of Turkey, Consulate Office, 2525 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 212/612-6800… or www.tourismturkey.org or www.kulturturizm.gov.tr

Turkmenistan: Embassy of Turkmenistan, 2207 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/588-1500, www.turkmenistanembassy.org

Turks & Caicos (see United Kingdom)

Tuvalu: Permanent Representative of Tuvalu to the UN, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-B, New York, NY 10017; 212/490-0534… or www.timelesstuvalu.com

Uganda: Embassy of the Republic of Uganda, 5911 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20011; 202/726-7100, www.ugandaembassy.com… or www.visituganda.com

Ukraine: Consulate General of Ukraine, 240 E. 49th St., New York, NY 10017; 212/317-5690, www.ukrconsul.org

Umm al-Qaiwain (see United Arab Emirates)

United Arab Emirates: Embassy of United Arab Emirates, 3522 International Ct. NW, Ste. 400, Washington, DC 20008; 800/823-6911 or 202/243-2400, www.uae-embassy.org… and

Abu Dhabi; www.abudhabitourism.ae… and

Ajman... and Dubai Tourism & Commerce Marketing, 25 W. 45th St., Ste. 405, New York, NY 10036; 888/584-7070, 212/719-5750, www.dubaitourism.ae… and

Fujairah; www.fujairah-tourism.ae… and

Ras al-Khaimah; www.raktourism.com… and

Sharjah; www.sharjahtourism.ae…and Umm al-Qaiwain

United Kingdom: Visit Britain, 551 Fifth Ave., Ste. 701, New York, NY 10176; 800/462-2748, www.visitbritain.com… and

Anguilla Tourist Board, 246 Central Ave., White Plains, NY 10606; 877/426-4845, 914/287-2400, www.anguilla-vacation.com... and

Ascención; www.ascension-island.gov.ac... and

Bermuda; 800/237-6832, www.bermudatourism.com… and

British Virgin Islands; 800/835-8530, www.bvitouristboard.com… and

Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, 8300 NW 53rd St., Ste. 103, Miami, FL 33166; 877/422-9626, www.caymanislands.ky... and

Channel Islands; www.visitguernsey.com, www.jersey.com or www.sarktourism.com… and

Falkland Islands; www.falklandislands.com… and

Gilbraltar Tourist Board, 1156 15th St. NW, Ste. 1100, Washington, DC 20005; 202/452-1108, www.gibraltar.gi… and

Isle of Man; www.visitisleofman.com… and

Montserrat Tourist Board; www.visitmontserrat.com… and

Northern Ireland Tourist Board, 551 Fifth Ave., Ste. 701, New York, NY 10176; www.discovernorthernireland.com… and

Pitcairn Island; www.government.pn… and

Saint Helena Island; www.discoveroursecret.co.sh... and

Scotland Tourist Board; www.visitscotland.com… and

Tristan da Cunha; www.tristandc.com... and

Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board, 5 Applewood Dr., HC1 Box B8, Swiftwater, PA 18370, 800/241-0824, www.turksandcaicostourism.com... and

Wales Tourist Board; www.visitwales.com

Uruguay: Embassy of Uruguay, 1913 I St. NW, Washington, DC 20006; 202/331-1313, www.uruwashi.org… or www.uruguaynatural.com

US Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas) (territory of United States): 800/372-8784, www.usvitourism.vi

Uzbekistan: Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1746 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202/887-5300, www.uzbekistan.org

Vanuatu: Vanuatu Mission to the United Nations, 800 Second Ave., Ste. 400-B, New York, NY 10017… or www.vanuatutourism.com

Vatican City: Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy See, 3339 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/333-7121… or www.vatican.va

Venezuela: Embassy of Venezuela, 1099 30th St. NW, Washington, DC 20007; 202/342-2214, www.embavenez-us.org

Vietnam: Embassy of Viet Nam, 1233 20th St. NW, Ste. 400, Washington, DC 20036; 202/861-0737, www.vietnamembassy-usa.org… or www.vietnamtourism.com

Wales (see United Kingdom)

Wallis and Futuna (see France)

Yemen: Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, 2319 Wyoming Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; www.yemenembassy.org

Zambia: Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, 2419 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008; 202/265-9717, www.zambiaembassy.org… www.zambiatourism.com

Zanzibar (see Tanzania)

Zimbabwe: Embassy of Zimbabwe, 1608 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, DC 20009; 202/332-7100, www.zimbabwe-embassy.us… or Zimbabwe Tourist Authority; www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw

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