Umno General Assembly 2015: Full text of president's speech
New Straits Times t
‘Umno: Perfecting A Struggle’
Below is the full text of Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s speech at the Umno General Assembly on Dec 10, 2015 at the Dewan Merdeka, PWTC
Honourable Permanent Chairman, Deputy Permanent Chairman, Deputy and Vice Presidents, The heads of the party's wings, Wanita, Youth and Puteri, Supreme Council Members, Delegates, Heads of Component Parties, Invited Guests. Ladies and Gentlemen.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A’lamin wa biHi nastain. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
1. On this auspicious morning, 10 December 2015 or 28 Safar 1437 Hijrah, once again the almighty Allah has enabled us all to gather here.
2. As mentioned by the secretary-general of the party, I as the President welcome all the 2,654 delegates from the 191 divisions throughout the country, from Arau, Perlis to Lahad Datu, Sabah.
3. In this regard, let us extend our heartfelt thanks to Wanita, Pemuda and Puteri for successfully concluding their own assemblies.
4. To Wanita, as declared in the 2013 general assembly, all the struggles and sacrifices of its members in this blessed party,… will always be hailed ,… and the wing continue to be strengthened,… as the backbone of UMNO.
5. To Pemuda,…as called for by verse Al-Kahfi,… I want a big, bold and strong wing,… as the inheritors of the struggle, ever willing to serve, , because,… it is on your shoulders we place our trust regarding our fate.
6. As for Puteri,… with your beautiful pink attire and long scarves or head scarves, your commitment to the struggle is highly valued.
7. For sure, you ladies are the hope of the people,… your maturity and ability, each passing day, is becoming more apparent. Ladies and gentlemen,
8. People say, without the past there is no present. Another group of hardcore supporters of the party, although having left the struggle officially, are still loyal, still contributing and providing advice to our beloved party.
9. Let us all give a big hand to show our appreciation to these UMNO veterans.
10. To those who came before us and and have left us much earlier to return to Him, only Allah can give the commensurate reward for all the good they have done.
11. At the same time, on behalf of the management of this blessed party UMNO, we extend out condolences to all the family members of the Kedah and Johor royalty, over the demise of Raja Muda Kedah, Tunku Abdul Malik Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah and Tunku Laksamana Johor, Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar Ibni Sultan Ibrahim.
12. May Allah bless their souls… Al-Fatihah.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
13. When we come to it, each of us,… gathered here, this is UMNO's home. I and my fellow colleagues, are not only part of UMNO, … we are UMNO.
14. We are its pillars, floor and walls, window frames and windows, roof and awning, pegs and cord, joining together, complementing each other, and continue to soar for this sovereign party.
Ladies and gentlemen,
15. People say ... when we want to fight , even though the sky falls ... even though the Earth splits into two, with the slogan ... Unite, Loyal, Serve, UMNO is the only party we belong, defend it, defend it together ...
Ladies and Gentlemen,
16. Indeed , consciously or not, this assembly is different and not at all like in previous times. In other words, the expectations from this gathering is very high.
17. Because, the atmosphere ... and the events that we 've been through, since a year ago, has been full of twists and turns and travails.
18. The reality is, I know out of the 191 divisions, not all are on the same page.
19. Furthermore, in this assembly, after episodes that were not expected happened, certainly there are some who come with certain feelings which are kept closed in the chest.
20. However, ... Thank God, ... I am confident and believe , we will see passion shown during the assembly, the majority still firmly stand behind my leadership.
21. Thus, in the last few weeks, for my speech as president for the seventh time, I held meetings with various parties, especially the ulama (religious scholars), to gain insights, and advice.
22. All these I did, because of personal courtesy to friends, we ... are facing difficult moments that test the patience and also the commitment of the party leadership.
23. I was thus reminded,… to acknowledge others, based on excerpts from the Al-Quraish verse and A-li I’mran verse 160, and the concluding verses of surah Al-Baqarah.
24.So...I invite all of you, to together recite Allahumma Solli Ala Saidina Muhammad wa a'lla Ali Saidina Muhammad.
25. It is hoped, every knot will be untied , all pain erased, all I wish for will be realised and all objectives cherished will be achieved ...Insya-Allah.
Ladies and gentlemen,
26. Referring to what I stated, in other words, every year, it is not easy for me to stand in front of all of you, ... this body of mine, every time I speak will ask who am I speaking as? UMNO President or the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
27. The answer, Yes,… correct, I am aware, I am the President of UMNO and true,.. at the same time, I am also the Prime Minister of a plural society.
28. Coinciding with this responsibility, each time the general assembly comes, oftentimes two other questions are asked, whether the UMNO president should be an ultra or pro-Malay only, and must be Islamic or not?
29. Here it means brothers and sisters , everyone must understand well, ... the task on my shoulders, and assisted by friends, is like a strand of hair cut into seven.
30. The inner meaning, at a time when Malaysia which is already modern yet growing rapidly, with various races in Peninsular Malaysia, over 40 ethnic groups in Sarawak and more than 60 ethnic groups in Sabah, ... in addition, ... a variety of culture and ideologies, technology and media that are more sophisticated and more educated people, everything, as big as leadership and administration of the country and party, to the smallest matters, are no longer as easy, ... compared to before.
31. Meaning to say, the role of the party leadership and the government, encompassing the widest scope, from administration at the state or nation level and certainly the Malay Bumiputeras.
32. It further means, the trust mandated is tremendous, to lead a union, not just the Malays, Bumiputeras including in Sabah and Sarawak, Muslims and non-Muslims, whereby the latest projection is nearly 20 million people.
33. In fact, the people of Malaysia, numbering close to 30 million now, irrespective of whether they are Chinese, Indians, Eurasians and also Siamese living in the country, ... all ... all for the UMNO leadership, are equally important in the making of a prosperous and successful administration.
Ladies and gentlemen,
34. However, I and all of us must clearly understand ... that our stand, while at this forum and on this stage the UMNO General Assembly, it is entitled and reasonable that we tend to defend the welfare and fate specifically of the Malays and Bumiputeras.
35. So, for every motion, all debate and the issues debated, it is the torch of the struggle that is lit, do not be afraid and do not worry , ... in fact, we in this assembly, must ... continue to lift the position and place importance to people of Malay descent and other Bumputeras, in their own homeland.
Ladies and gentlemen,
36. Scholars have said that life does promise easy pickings. When faced with a problem , we must never run away from it. That is my principle.
37. If we explore the history of the country's leadership, starting with the time of the late Tunku (Malaysia's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, to me as the sixth Prime Minister, no one escaped being tested.
38. In respect of all this, ladies and gentlemen, in facing many trials, I am often reminded by my peers, to comprehend and interpret surah Al-An'am, which says that the challenges a leader faces should be taken in stride, whereby Allah may forgive and uplift us.
39. Thus, citing the words of wisdom by Bapak Muhammad Nasir, former Prime Minister of Indonesia, that there are no prints or handbooks, which can or are able to produce a leader.
40. Because leaders ... are not born in lecture rooms, instead appear in times of need and turmoil to handle the challenges and trials .
Ladies and gentlemen,
41. From the letter and spirit, ... armed with pearls of wisdom from the Holy Quran and earthly sayings, what I have to say is , ... even faced with mounting challenges, and whatever great challenges that may come, I ... must never give up, but, boldly ... must face them head on and solve them, to continue to lead UMNO to glory.
42. Moving forward, in wading through the trials and tribulations in my way, in my view, ... leadership is not about arrogance, nor gathering people here and there, to speak ill and hurl accusations according to one's fancies.
43. As I stated humbly in Parliament recently, yes it's true ... I am the President and Leader, but I am also human like all of you brothers and sisters. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
44. But for me, I am a gentleman, whatever shortcomings, let's meet, sit down and talk, we can accomplish much through the proper channels.
45. In a more direct sense, even if at some time in the future, the leadership baton is passed to other people, in English, .... to me, ... I cannot just abandon our cause and drop our mission, without first endeavouring to ensuring not only issues arising are settled, but , ...the state of the party and followers shall return to normalcy, ...why, ... otherwise ... as advised by religious scholars , I cannot be a coward, in fact, it 's called cowardice.
Ladies and gentlemen,
46. Therefore, in any case, there are ways and means to find solutions. In the matter of 1MDB, I would like to inform you that, it is being handled and in the process of completion.
47. For example, with the sale Edra, 1MDB debts have been reduced by 17 billion. This proves that the 1MDB rationalisation plan is progressing well. Hopefully, this will be followed by several other announcements, that will convince the people that eventually there will be a complete solution.
48. Touching on the RM2.6 billion funding, this issue was answered in Parliament recently by the Deputy Prime Minister, that the money was donations from abroad and not taken from 1MDB. I also have explained in detail to the delegates on this during the presidential briefing. What is important here ... I believe ... I am on the side of right, and the the truth will prevail.
Ladies and gentlemen,
49. Arising out of all that, among the important issues I want to remind is the principle of loyalty to the top leadership.
50. In connection with this, I want to state that this is not based on one's desires but the teachings of prophets who were flanked by trusted friends.
51. I also studied the beginnings of organisations all over the world, and found that if loyalty does not exist, our plans would be derailed and the leadership threatened.
52. Loyalty should not be seen just as an important value but must part of the core values and principles of UMNO members at all levels, right up to the key leaders.
53. Only then can there be discipline, rules and order in an organisation like UMNO. Scholars have said that even undisputed rights and truths can lose out to lies and vanity by those who like to lie and have bad intentions.
54. In fact, loyalty is mentioned many times in the Quran and the hadiths, including in the An-Nisa’ verse, about loyalty to the leaders.
55. In Islam, based on the Quran and verified hadiths, the majority of ulamaks (Islamic scholars) hold the view that loyalty means being loyal and showing love to the leaders and the institution of leadership.
56. As such, we cannot separate the principle of leadership and followers, who are inter-connected to each other.
57. Even in old Malay History, there was mention of loyalty, to the top leadership.
58. It states that when called, we come, when asked to leave, we go. Such is the principle of loyalty.
59. Therefore, Islam states that it is compulsory for us to obey the leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen,
60. In fact, for as long as I have faced challenges as a politician and a member of the administration, everyone knows that this is Najib Razak …I … a non-confrontational person … I have never brought anyone down … what more betray this beloved UMNO.
61. In fact…almost everyone who has been involved in the country’s politics know that….it is in fact noted in the history of this party that …this Najib Razak…in 1987, I was also at the political crossroads to side with the UMNO leadership at that time, and with absolute love and respect, chose to remain loyal to the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir, who was defending his position then as UMNO president, thus retaining him as Prime Minister.
Ladies and gentlemen,
62. Coming back to UMNO's present situation, it is in the party constitution that the main responsibility of the President, as stated in Clause 9.8.1, is to be the leader responsible for the party.
63. And in Clause 9.8.2, it clearly states that the main responsibility of the Deputy President is "the Deputy President is to assist in the duties of the President”.
64. In Clause 9.8.3, it states that the responsibility of the Vice-Presidents are "the Vice-Presidents are to assist in the duties of the President”.
65. With reference to the members, the essence of clauses 6.1.1 and 6.2.1, states that the responsibilities and rights of 'UMNO members' are to remain steadfast to the party's policies and work to achieve its objectives, and they have the right to voice their opinions to the party, but through the proper channels.
66. Therefore, only by obeying the constitution and understanding its objectives can UMNO be guided by ethics and principles which had been agreed upon.
67. That is the secret,...and that is the formula....a political party like ours which has lasted so well for so long, hopefully for a long time more.
Ladies and gentlemen,
68. From another perspective, there have been voices and murmurings, which asked if UMNO is still relevant. There is also the war of perception through the social media, which we see as the biggest challenge for us now, where certain issues are purposely exploited, lied about and exaggerated.
69. In other words, things which are 'half-truths' can become “absolute truths”.
Ladies and gentlemen,
70. In answer to these questions, it is clear that UMNO which has been the backbone of the Barisan Nasional as the ruling government for decades, has shown its prowess in prospering our beloved Malaysia.
71. From being undeveloped...who would expect we have grown and emerged as a Star of the East which shines not just in this region but also throughout the world.
72. In the latest Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 by the World Economic Forum, Malaysia jumped two steps to 18th place from among 144 main eocnomies in the world.
73. Therefore, how can anyone say we are a failed state or beggars under my administration.
74. In fact, among the examples that we can be proud of, first is the construction of an oil rig in the Caspian Sea, the management of the Second International Airport in Istanbul, the investment of Shale Gas which is the biggest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Canada by Malaysians.
75. At same time, there is the provision of healthcare services through IHH Healthcare Berhad, which is the second largest in the world, the maintenance and supervision of the Mekah Metro, are also success stories by our people, and all these are the result of UMNO's struggles.
Ladies and gentlemen,
76. In economics, concerning the GST, the people must know that in reality, before 2015, 31 per cent of the Government's income was from petroleum.
77. However, due to the drastic drop in world crude oil prices which are expected to remain low, the government's revenue is expected to be reduced by 30 billion ringgit.
78. If this happens, well-known international certification bodies like Standard & Poor’s as well as Fitch Ratings, will lower our credit rating.
79. This will also cause the interest rates such as of personal loans, housing and business loans to rise steeply.
Ladies and gentlemen,
80. The implication will be the economy of our country will collapse, investments will be affected, job opportunities will be scarce.
81. In this context, if the Government did not have the political courage to implement the GST, the Government's fiscal account will record a deficit of RM10.6 billion. It will also cause the national deficit to jump from 3.1 per cent to 4.8 per cent in the first year and maybe even higher in the following years.
82. The result will be the Government may have to borrow to pay the salaries of civil servants, including teachers and the armed forces.
83. If this happens, there will be no annual salary increase for the staff, as well as travel allowance, and in fact, there will be a freeze and no new intake, and the civil service may have to be downsized. This will affect the 1.61 million civil service employees.
84. Thankfully, with Allah's guidance, the GST implemented by the Government was the right move, even though it is not popular, and … thankfully, it was the income from the GST which was the saviour, protecting the people from a worse fate if it had not been implemented. Ladies and gentlemen,
85. I also want to state that the depreciation in the value of the ringgit which is a cause for worry, is not because we failed to manage the national economy but due to external factors such as the drop in the price of oil and other commodities, the shrinking of economic growth in China, and interest rate in the United States which is expected to rise.
86. These have been globally acknowledged as the external factors not just for Malaysia, but also for many other developing countries.
87. In fact, countries like New Zealand and Australia also experienced drastic depreciation in their currency.
Ladies and gentlemen,
88. In other aspects, we are grateful to Allah that the Government has fulfilled more than 90 per cent of the pledges made in the manifesto for the 13th General Election.
89. The evidence can be viewed in the exhibition outside this hall. What is important is that it shows that we are a Government which keeps its promises.
90. However, we admit there are two or three more major and subjective issues, such as public housing and the cost of living which I and my friends in the country's leadership, understand are big issues and causing serious restlessness among the people.
91. The point is, we will continue working to lighten the burden of the people through various assistance such as BR1M, Klinik Rakyat 1Malaysia, Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia and the Affordable Housing Project as well as the increase in minimum wage and and additional annual increment in the salary of civil servants.
92. What is most important is that I want UMNO not to lose focus in ensuring that all the promises made are kept. Ladies and gentlemen,
93. Still on the economy, what has been hotly discussed now is the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement or TPPA, which is a comprehensive free trade agreement, comprising various scopes and areas.
94. I am happy to state that we are not apologetic in defending the Bumiputera Agenda during our discussions of the TPPA.
95. In fact, we created history when the TPPA members accepted and recognised our Bumiputera Policy as part of the terms of the TPPA.
96. This means that UMNO has succeeded and the Bumiputera agenda is no longer a national agenda but has been acknowledged globally.
97. This is what is called Tahaluf Iktisadi, which means economic cooperation.
98. As a matter of fact, we can take example from the story of one the Prophet's companions, Abdul Rahman bin Auf, who was regarded as a revered business figure in the history of Islam, because he dared to compete not only in the Islamic market, but even with the Jews.
99. It is clear that UMNO's struggle is not only confined to vision 2020. In fact, by 2030, we aim to be in the top 10 most competitive countries in the world.
100. After all, we want our country to continue to be prosperous, not only for the next 50 years or a century, but for much longer than that.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
101. In short, for decades, under the leadership of UMNO that has held the Government steadfast, we have achieved and enjoyed many successes.
102. Among them, we have managed to strengthen the national education policy, thus producing hundreds of thousands of outstanding graduates, who eventually became intellectuals, technocrats, scholars and outstanding entrepreneurs.
103. In reality, UMNO's efforts over the years has changed the landscape of the Malays and Bumiputeras for the better, or in other words, we have achieved vertical social mobility within just one generation. For example: The children of labourers have become ministers, The children of rubber tappers have become deputy ministers and chief ministers, The children of fishermen have become Menteris Besar, The children of farmers and gardeners became secretary-generals, leading scholars, corporate members and community leaders.
104. For instance, my heart was touched when I was informed on how difficult life was growing up back then, there were times where there would be mackerel curry one day, and left to enjoy only its gravy the next day. But now, thank God, this civil servant I am mentioning has reached a high position, as the Chief Secretary to the Government.
105. Another example, there is a family that was forced to move from a remote area near to a main street, just so that their son could be exposed to national development and become more open and educated. The family's action has clearly brought benefits. Today, the political leader from the Cik Siti Wan Kembang state (Kelantan) has become a minister.
106. The third example, do we still remember that during the UMNO General Assembly last year, when one of the delegates, who hailed from a very poor and difficult background in the interiors of Kedah, is now one of the youngest Orthopaedic specialists in the country and was one of the eight finalists in the selection of candidates for national astronaut. What was reassuring was when Dr Nawar admitted that, "every grain of rice that was received and eaten, was of God's Providence, and the result of UMNO's struggle.'
Ladies and Gentlemen,
107. It is my heart's desire, that wouldn't it be wonderful if more people, not only the delegates, but all the members of UMNO or preferably all Malaysians are able appreciate life with such good fortune, as a result of the struggle of our party.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
108. Stating the obvious, as I mentioned earlier, it is clear that there are so many colours of success enjoyed by the Malays and Bumiputeras that have been drawn and painted by the struggles of UMNO, it cannot be described in words, or measured in numbers.
109. Furthermore, in May next year, UMNO will reach the age of 70, holding the record as the party that has retained its capabilities and calibre, driving Malaysia's rapid development, from the past, in the present and God willing, in the future.
110. So my fellow brothers and sisters, let us give a thunderous round of applause to UMNO, our beloved party that has contributed greatly to this country and its people.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
111. In the same way, I, as a member of the party and UMNO President who is obedient and loyal, when March arives next year, it would be the 40th year of my involvement in this party, I have always been with this party, never once...have I abandoned it.
112. What's more, ... I, who belong to UMNO's forefathers, ... how is it possible that I would turn my back or ever retreat. As the Bugis saying goes ... once the sails have been set, ... I pledge that I will go all out to continue to lead this noble cause, to defend the Malays and Bumiputeras.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
113. Unfortunately,...there are certain parties who have been and are making holes in our battleship, in order to sink their enemies.
114. It is so unfortunate, they forget that by committing such a treasonous act, it would not only sink their enemies, but ultimately it is our people and civilisation that will sink.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
115. On this matter, even religios scholars, among them Masjid Al-Haram Fatwa Council member, Sheikh Dr Sulaiman Saloomi, has stated about the unlawful act of overthrowing the Government.
116. What's more, through street demonstrations...are we willing to watch, when a handful of people from another race, are brave enough to trample on pictures of our Muslim Malay leaders.
117. Likewise, brothers and sisters, I have asked the opinion of some ulamaks, pertaining to what would constitute a Government to be considered unjust and worthy to be overthrown.
118. The question is, is the current leadership that has done its very best, gone through many obstacles, for the sake of the peoples' welfare, should it be labelled as an unjust Government?
119. In contrast, recently at the Penang state assembly led by DAP, PKR's assemblyman for Penanti, in Permatang Pauh, cried and sobbed on the fate of voters in her area, particularly the Malays whom she said were not entertained or cared about by their own Chief Minister.
120. So, ... just see what has happened ... until that extent. Thankfully, this has never happened in the history of the Barisan Nasional, for decades, where someone has been reduced to tears.
121. In reality, who is the one who is unjust? Ask yourselves what is it that you feel.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
122. Ultimately, we should not undermine what we have worked so hard to achieve. Regretting after the fact will be of no use.
123. We should always remember, it is in this blessed assembly that the Malays have encamped. UMNO is where we have been taken care of, and expressed our joys and sorrows.
124. It is in this auspicious assembly, that each year we have enshrined motions that have eventually become policies of the country.
125. Remember, remember, .. it is here UiTM was dignified, it is here civil servants' rights have been taken care of, it is at this assembly too, that the Malay Rulers have been continued to be exalted.
126. And, ... most importantly, it is in this gathering that the tenets of Islam have been glorified, and it is in this assembly that the Malays ponder upon the future of their offspring, so as not to become homeless in their own land.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
127. In addition, today, Bumiputera institutions such as UiTM, are no longer ordinary universities. Its Debate team managed to win a major category in the most competitive intervarsity debate competition in the world, which took place at the University of Cambridge.
128. Do not forget the debaters of International Islamic University of Malaysia, who made Malaysia proud by winning the category of 'English as a second language' in the same event.
Congratulations and kudos to them.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
129. Next, there is another thing that I would like to share from heart-to- heart, ... in steering the country's leadership and administration, for that matter anyone who is sitting in the seat of the Prime Minister, as well as the party president's is not just occassionally ... but almost every time, I have been faced with various dilemmas and was left with no choice but to make tough and heavy decisions, however, only for the sake of the party, and after consulting UMNO's Supreme Council.
130. It is evident, ... that there have been times ... where as a friend, I may not have taken taken decisions that could cause hurt.
131. However, as the English wisemen say,"If you wish to please everybody, you will end up pleasing no one."
132. Therefore, in the name of survival and in the interest of the party, certain actions had to be taken with a heavy heart.
133. This...among the matters I am referring to is the cabinet reshuffle, to strengthen the line up of ministers in fostering unity and loyalty, as a cohesive force, based on the concept of collective responsibility, as a line up or team that is steady and precise.
134. Moreover, UMNO's struggle is not confined to the peninsula, but in fact we will continue to help our friends, namely the Barisan Nasional component parties, in efforts to defend the interests of the people in Sabah and Sarawak.
135. Thus, recently, I had announced that, more empowerment, which involves federal departments and agencies, would be given to the Sabah and Sarawak state governments.
136. Not only that, but in Budget 2016, we signalled a commitment, with the building of the 1,796-kilometre Pan Borneo Highway, which will be free from tolls.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
137. It's the same for Sabah. Under the leadership of UMNO and Barisan Nasional, we have continued to do all we can to defend Sabah from unwelcome invaders.
138. However, we feel very upset, that while we defend the sovereignty of Sabah from terrorists, there are certain individuals who are even willing to meet with parties who have been associated with the invaders at Lahad Datu.
139. This act was irresponsible, indeed it has caused hurt, and it can be regarded as an insult to the families and soldiers, as well as an open betrayal of the country.
140. Above all, the Government will continue to ensure the safety of Sabah, so that the Land Blow the Wind remains in Malaysia, forever prosperous.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
141. Lately, the people have often been led to believe by the opposition, that apparently they are the alternative to replace the Barisan Nasional government.
142. A very striking example now, is how DAP has tried to 'dominate' the other parties in the opposition pact.
143. This we can see, when there are those among their leaders, who have expressed a desire to compete in the eight state assembly seats which were previously won by PAS, in the upcoming 14th General Election.
144. Moreover DAP in Sarawak, has arrogantly broken ties with PAS and PKR, because it wants to contest for more seats in the Sarawak state elections.
145. That is DAP, which has never been loyal to its comrades. In 1990, they formed an opposition pact. It broke up in 1995. It formed an alliance again in 1999. Then in 2004, it got split once more.
146. Then, DAP again tried to form a pact in 2008 and 2013 with PKR and PAS. If we compare it to a marriage, there have already been three divorces. It seems that, if tomorrow, it breaks off from Pakatan Harapan, we don't know which form of divorce is to be used.
147. Recently as well, PAS was kicked out of their pact just like that.
148. Obviously, this DAP, they have never reached any consensus with their partners. Let us think and ponder. They can't even collude among themselves, so, can they rule the country?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
149. In this regard, as long as I am the leader, I call on all of my colleagues struggling for our common cause, we will never let certain individuals to arbitrarily speak, purportedly they want the country to practise the two-party system.
150. How can it be???,…How can we accept this matter? It is not on the basis that we do not understand the meaning of democracy, but,...on the philosophy of UMNO's struggle itself, in upholding the dignity of the race and enhancing the eminence of Islam, I would like to ask all delegates and UMNO members, don't we understand the danger, the consequences of this unwise call?
151. This thing,...this matter,...we the Malays, UMNO people,...we have to be vigilant and alert.
152. Do not take the wrong step, not fall into this trap.
153. The political reality in Malaysia today is that the people have only two choices, whether a coalition led by UMNO or another led by or dominated by DAP.
154. I mean, if UMNO is rejected, this country will be ruled by those who are against the Islamic struggle and who reject the Malay and Bumiputera agenda.
155. Disaster will befall us. Do we want the future of our children and grandchildren and the Islamic religion to be left to other than the existing Malay and Islamic leadership. Nauzubillah (we seek refuge in Allah).
Ladies and Gentlemen,
156. Looking at the Islamic window and the Islamic struggle by UMNO, for decades, this party, has played a key role in upholding the sanctity of Islam, which meets the demands of the Maqasid Syariah (the objectives of Islamic law) concept.
157. Malaysia is now increasingly recognised as a progressive and dynamic Islamic country, and has become a role model among developing countries and other Islamic countries in the world.
158. This is not empty talk, this fact is supported by The Malaysian Shariah Index, which I launched on February 10, 2015,... the first of its kind in the world.
159. Insya-Allah,...early next year the first assessment result will be announced and based on this finding,...I, as UMNO president and the Prime Minister pledge to be fully committed in expanding and upholding the sanctity of Islam in Malaysia.
160. Only then, an Islamic state dubbed “Baldatun Toy-yi-batun wa Rob-bun Ghofur” will be established in Malaysia. Insya-Allah.
161. Indeed, this is the face of Islam which becomes the guidance to UMNO's struggle, this is what we have been upholding.
162. In upholding the sanctity of Islam, we do not succumb to pressures from superpowers, as claimed by some quarters.
163. The fact is, if we are afraid, how could I make a decision to set foot in Gaza, the land of prophets in a time of acute crisis taling place.
164. It has been proven, we have carried this struggle boldly, to the podium of the United Nations.
165. The UMNO leadership will continue to remain steadfast in assisting the struggle of our fellow Muslim brothers in Palestine. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
166. The latest, yesterday I myself had welcomed three ill-fated Muslims families from Syria to be protected and given a new lease of life.
167. Indeed, Islam is the most high and nothing is above it. It is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad, for example during the Battle of Khandak . Thus, with UMNO upholding the authentic Islam, Allah will surely make our struggle last forever.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
168. We live in this world only once and temporarily. Wealth, power and status are just loans from the Almighty.
169. People say,...
anak punai, anak merbah,
terbang tinggi buat sarang,
anak sungai kan berubah,
inikan pula hati orang.
(A Malay poem saying people's feelings can change)
170. Human behaviour can vacillate. As a human, no one is perfect. But,...this struggle,...this struggle,...must be completed.
171. Talking about this matter and topic, I remember a quote from our country's great Islamic scholar from Penang, Sheikh Abdullah Fahim, who is also the grandfather of former prime minister Pak Lah Badawi (Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi).
172. Sheikh Abdullah Fahim said:
... Muslims have to put an end to quarrels among them,...and after peace is achieved, is hoped that the unification will last.
...Because... that's the only weapon that can strengthen the unity of the Malays and Islam.
173. Even, when we are talking about the unity of the ummah (Muslims), I remember a verse from Quran, made famous by Arab poets: If we like a person or a group, do it sparingly, as someday we may be hating the person or the group.
...Conversely, if we hate someone, do it sparingly too, who knows, one day, the hate could turn into love.
174. Therefore ladies and gentlemen,...we in UMNO, feel relieved, and even happy, as PAS is now no longer with the opposition.
175. With open hearts,...we extend ties of brotherhood,... we extend the ties of of 'ukhuwah' towards the ideal of building Malaysia based on the Islamic principles.
Ladies and gentlemen,
176. Nevertheless, even if we are yearning for unity of the ummah, but above all these, what is more important is, let us support the unity and solidarity first within UMNO itself.
Ladies and gentlemen,
177. That is why, even though my heart was deeply hurt, but I, as President, took lessons from our religion,... I decided to have a big heart.
178. Furthermore, as an organisation, of course we must have our own discipline.
179. Islam has set boundaries, everything has its own border.
180. So,... ladies and gentlemen, let us not go beyond the boundaries and limits set.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
181. Above all, ... if Sukarno once said, Give me 10 youths, I will be able to rock the world.</div