The World Wide Web turned 20 last year and it is as important as ever at the moment. People use the internet for almost anything imaginable at these days and having your own website for business or private purposes is really important.
If you want to guarantee your website continues to be trendy in 2014 here are some of the best design tips you should keep in mind.
Website For All Platforms
One of the biggest design trends in 2014 is down to the fact that so many people are using different devices for surfing these days.
You don’t just focus on browsing the web with your desktop computer but also regularly access the internet with your mobile phone and tablet. What this means is that website design needs to be really responsive.
You must ensure that your website is easily accessible with these various devices that have differing screen resolutions. Marketing Tango article has some good information on responsive web design and you should definitely give the article a read.
Single Page Websites
For the past few years websites have been quite complex places with many different features. But this is all going to change in 2014 in a rather drastic manner. Single page websites are becoming increasingly popular and users actually prefer this experience to skipping between multiple pages.
Single page websites naturally won’t work if you have a lot of content so don’t think it is for everyone. You might also find SEO a bit trickier with a single page websites but it can be done.
Flat User Interface
The simplicity in web design is also evident in flat user interface. If you don’t know what that means then think about the Windows 8 UI and you know what it is all about.
There are no shadows and multi-dimensional features present in flat UI design. You focus on bright colours and linear lines to create a stripped down user experience for people.
Bright Colors
One of the more surprising trends in web design is definitely the rise of bright colors A really hot trend is to include a lot of neon bright colors for the web design in 2014. This does actually create a very beautiful and refreshing look for websites.
Naturally if your website is for business purposes you need to implement the colors that best work with your business logo, for example. But if you can then adding some more brightness isn’t a bad idea at all.
Features For Engaging With Visitors
A good website in 2014 is also very engaging. You want to consider including a forum for your web design and you definitely need to have share-buttons across the website for different social media platforms.
The above tips can help you transform your website’s design into 2014. It is really important to occasionally refresh the look of your website because it helps keep your visitors interested.
All of the above tips are really easy to implement and can guarantee your website looks really good. All you need to do then is take care of the content.
Mathew is interested in web design and he is always on the lookout for new website trends. He is also looking for web-hosting providers to help business owners improve their websites. He loves drinking coffee and is a big fan of French cuisine.