What Exactly Is The Best Workout For People Over 60?
There is absolutely no doubt that anyone over the age of 60 can benefit hugely from bodybuilding. Building muscle after 6o is more difficult but more than possible and the effect of training with weight resistance will be evident in many other ways. For example the workout routine to build muscle over 60, described below, will prevent and promote both bone and muscle growth and strength.
For sure, older adults must approach bodybuilding for over 60’s (or for that matter bodybuilding for over 50’s) from those younger than, say, aged 40. Trying to compete with the younger generation when working with weights is a BIG NO NO. And it’s not because you can’t do whatever it is, it is because it is simply not prudent to do so. Older people tend to have more brittle bones and heal slower when injured.
It is also advisable to consult with your doctor before tackling any tougher physical activity than you are used to. It is also advisable to seek the advice and guidance of an experienced and reputable trainer. This is easier that you think as there are a number of outstanding trainers who offer online training And fortunately, ASCM (American College of Sports Medicine) has provided some general guidelines for exercise programs designed specifically for men’s fitness for over 50.
The basic recommendation is that at least 30 minutes of “moderate physical activity” should be performed at least 3 days a week. And while it may seem like an odd priority, strength training should be a main focus, as it prevents bone and muscle loss. Additionally, flexibility and functional movements (those that mimic everyday activities) are important.
A cardinal rule for the older bodybuilder is that if any discomfort or pain is felt during your exercising, stop immediately and if the pain persists for any period consult a trainer or medical professional.
An absolute must for anyone working with weights, especially for older folk, is to do a series of stretching exercises as a warm up. This reduces the risk of muscle strain and other injury. And remember, when stretching begin by doing so gently and not over extending. What is more, you must include all muscle groups. Shoulders, arms legs, stomach and back
Earlier in this article I mentioned the guidelines set by ACSM. They recommend exercising at a level that is “hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat,” but still allows one “to carry on a conversation”
Now if you intend going to a gym then the recommendation is that you begin by using the machines – these help you avoid losing control of the weights and avoiding injury. But if you intend exercising at home then I suggest that you get either a set of various weighted dumbbells or a set of adjustable dumbbells. I suggest that the former is more convenient, but it is a matter of choice
Basic Weight Training Routine
Basically your routine should consist of are one or two exercises for each of the following muscle groups:
1. Legs,
2. Back,
3. Shoulders,
4. Arms,
5. Chest
6. Abdomen.
As a start you begin by using a weight that you can comfortably perform the following:
• 1 set of 8-10 repetitions of each exercise.
• Once you are comfortable at this level, say after 1 week, you then move to 2 sets
• After another week you do 3 sets of each exercise
• Once you have reached the 3 sets level, you then begin to increase the amount of weight you use for each exercise
After stretching, I suggest that you first basic workout routine should be:
• Dumbbells deadlifts
• Dumbbells squats
• Dumbbell rowing
• Dumbbells bench press
• Dumbbells military shoulder press
• Dumbbells bicep curls
• Dumbbell tricep curl
• Abdominal routine
The Importance of Rest
Building muscle has 3 legs:
1. Exercise so that the muscle is worked to the point of being tired
2. Rest. In order to recover from the workout and re-build your muscles need rest. So you never exercise the same muscle groups on 2 successive days. And a good night’s sleep is hugely beneficial
3. Eating Program. If you are working your muscles hard enough, they are in effect undergoing a slight deconstruction process. This is called hypertrophy. So they need the correct food to help them not only recover but to rebuild. So a balance diet of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and fruit are vital.
I have outlined a basic routine which I personally believe in and have followed for many years. But there are many similar routines to which you should swap after 3 – 4 months. I also mentioned the importance of finding a reputable, successful and readily available trainer and one who specializes in providing a Workout Routine to Build Muscle Over 60
I strongly suggest that you look at a dynamic and effective new program called “Old School New Body”.
This interesting training and regime was developed by Steve Holman, the Editor-in-Chief of one of the oldest and most popular fitness magazines on the planet – “Iron Man Magazine”, and his wife Becky.
Old School Training is now being recognized by reputable fitness trainers all over the world. Steve, as the long-time editor of “Iron Man Magazine” has seen the many changes and thinking over the years. Both he and Becky have been able to tap into the most successful bodybuilders’ training methods and have seen what works and what does not
What is more they have tried out all the different methods and theories which have been introduced over the years – and they kept coming back to what really works. And that is the F4X Protocol…birthed by the sweat and tears of men and women who are long gone, and tested by everyone from grandpas to elite-level athletes.
It works FAST. It works EVERY TIME. You just have to be willing to work yourself. There are no free rides, miracle pills, or inefficient exercises found in Old School, New Body. Why? Because none of that crap works, and you know it.
What you will find interesting is that both Steve and Becky are in their 50s, so they like you don’t have the time to train stupid.
You have arrived at this website page because you want to look and feel better. Well done! But now if you really want to achieve what you would like then you need to take action.
I heartily recommend this “Old School New Body” system and I urge you to visit their website at www.oldschoolnewbody.com and change your life for the better
A post from: The Best Body Building Routines
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