
Registration & event management software


06/26/2015 and rated


out of 5 stars
AppAppeal Editor

What can you use the app for?

Use RegOnline to plan, promote and manage every aspect of your event from one place. RegOnline provides event organizers with total attendee data management. RegOnline’s online registration feature allows you to keep track of and collect information from attendees.

What is the history and popularity of the app?

Founded in Boulder, Colorado over ten years ago, RegOnline was developed for small to medium sized event planners requiring an event management solution. In the 10 years since its creation, RegOnline has expanded globally with offices now in Sydney, London and China. RegOnline has supported more than 200,000 events for customers including Dairy Queen and PCMA, whilst growing and expanding to provide online event registration solutions too.

RegOnline was acquired by Lanyon in 2014.

What are the differences to other apps?

RegOnline is the only event management software that enables you to manage every aspect of your event from one place. RegOnline has an intuitive dashboard with easy navigation, facilitating the planning, promotion and management of any event.

RegOnline has SalesForce integration available.

How does the web app look and feel to use?

Choose from an extensive library of professionally designed themes to create an engaging look and feel across your event.

How does the registration process work?

It’s free to set up an account and events. You only pay for completed registrations.

What does it cost to use the application?

Pricing starts at $3.95 and includes all event management software maintenance and support.

Who would you recommend the application to?

RegOnline has been designed for event planners of all sizes. The pricing structure makes RegOnline a suitable choice for non-profits as well as business organizations.

Event website designer

Event analytics

Social marketing & email marketing tools

Survey tools

Hotel & venue locator

Report generator

Onsite check-in

RegOnline video

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