
When I launched the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts in May of 2015, I poured my soul into creating the first course – my Psychic and Intuitive Online Certification, Level 1. The response from students has been so positive that I’ve decided to share a small sample of the course material as my New Years gift to you! This information comes from just one of over 50 videos that make up the full 8-week online course.

Understanding the Chakras.

Your chakras are spinning vortexes of energy that are vital to your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. You receive, transmit and process life energies through the chakra system so it’s critical that they are fully functioning, balanced and unblocked.

There are many chakras in the body, but today we are going to discuss the 7 main ones – then I’ll share an exercise to help you identify and clear any blockages in your chakras, and get them spinning in the right direction.

It helps to imagine every chakra is its own little world – connected to individual organs and associated with specific physical and emotional attributes.  Each of the seven main chakras reflects a color of the rainbow

1) The first chakra is the root chakra. Its color is red, and its element is earth. Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is responsible for connecting and grounding you to mother earth – it controls the kidneys, adrenal glands and legs

Attributes have to do with grounding, security, courage, balance and patience.

If your first chakra is unbalanced you might feel insecure, impatient, self centered, greedy, short tempered, or overly concerned with your own survival.

2) The second chakra is the naval chakra. Its color is orange, and its element is water. This chakra is associated with reproduction, sexuality and emotions. It controls the ovaries, testicles, spleen, womb and bladder.

The lessons of the second chakra are all about giving, receiving, passions and raw emotions.

If this chakra is blocked or out of balance, you might struggle with sexual appetite, addictions, jealousy, or impotence.

3) The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. Its color is yellow, and its element is fire.  Located above the navel, it’s where you’ll find the silver cord that connects your physical body to your spiritual body – being in touch with this chakra will allow you to trust your inner knowing!

The third chakra receives and gives out information – organs involved are the nervous system and digestive system.

This chakra is associated with power, self-control, and transformation of self, humor, and immortality.

Problems with this chakra will manifest in ego, greed, anger, and fear, too much emphasis on power and recognition, and digestive problems.

4) The fourth chakra is the heart chakra – Its color is a beautiful green, and its element is air.  It’s important to note that the second, third and fourth chakras are the emotional centers of the body – the seat of clairsentience!

The heart chakra is in the middle of the body, where it anchors the higher self to the lower self. It controls the blood and circulation, and is associated with the blood, thymus, arms, hands, and lungs.

Lessons of this chakra are divine and unconditional love, compassion, balance, and a sense of one-ness with all life – also acceptance, peace, harmony and contentment.

An out of balance heart chakra may result in depression, emotional instability, and heart and circulation problems

5) The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. Its color is light blue, and its element is ether. It is the source of clairaudience, and associated with creativity, self-expression, and expression through sound. It controls the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, throat and mouth.

Lessons include expressing your true self, integration with your higher knowledge – wisdom, honesty and kindness.

When your fifth chakra is out of balance, you might feel unsure of who you are, be afraid to communicate, experience lack of discernment, depression or thyroid problems.

6) The sixth chakra is also called the third eye chakra. Its color is indigo and its element is light. Associated with vision and intuition, it is the seat of clairvoyance.

Organs associated with this chakra are the pituitary gland, pineal gland, ears and the left eye.

Lessons include intuition, clear sight, imagination, wisdom, perception, and devotion.

A blocked sixth chakra can show up as a lack of concentration, cynicism, fear, headaches, nightmares, and a feeling of being detached from the world.

7) Located at the top of the head, the seventh or crown chakra is represented by the color violet.  Associated with thought and will, it vitalizes the upper brain, pineal gland and the right eye.

Lessons are all associated with the higher self and the human personality. The crown chakra is where you download the higher levels of beings, your oneness with the infinite – inspiration, divine understanding, service, and connection to consciousness.

A closed or unbalanced crown chakra manifests itself through a lack of inspiration, confusion, separateness from the world and a hesitancy to serve and depression.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if your chakras are healthy, or if they need some fine tuning:

Do you ever feel like you are spaced out or ungrounded?

Are you having financial worries?

Do you worry excessively about what people think about you?

Do you have intestinal problems?

Would you describe yourself as addictive/compulsive?

Do you feel run down or low energy?

Are you having relationship problems?

Do you find you are uncomfortable in your body?

Do you feel afraid for no reason?

Do you have creative blockages?

Are you having sexual problems?

Are you afraid of making a commitment?

Have there been unresolved abuse issues in your family?

Is change difficult for you?

Do you find it hard to relax?

Do you have a strong fear of rejection?

Do you overcompensate by being overly friendly and agreeable?

Is it hard for you to trust other people?

Are you overly sensitive or guarded with other people?

Are you shut off from other people or your own inner knowing?

Do you have difficulty expressing your true self?

Do you find it hard to meditate, pray, or even just be with yourself

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, it’s likely that one or more of your chakras are blocked. Here’s how to begin the process of balancing your chakras. With a little focus, you can start to heal energetically.

Balancing your chakras through visualization:

Sit in front of a mirror and breath deeply, in and out. Plant your feet on the floor and feel your connection with the earth. After centering yourself, attempt to feel what each chakra point is like. Look in the mirror at first. Each chakra has a personality, an energy, a purpose, a character. Based on the overview above, visualize the color and attributes of each chakra, and imagine that part of your body bathed in a colored light. Begin with the root chakra at the base of your spine and slowly work your way up to each of the seven centers, ending at the crown chakra on top of your head. As you go picture each chakra spinning and imagine the flow of energy driving it. Pay particular attention to areas where you feel an energy blockage, or have physical symptoms. Note what you experience emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

I hope you’ve found this chakra overview enlightening. To learn more, please check out the JVP School of Mystical Arts web site at www.jvpschoolofmysticalarts.com.

Originally posted by James Van Praagh at vanpraagh.com

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