
UTorrent is one of the most amazing softwares that allow you to share peer-to-peer files. The best part about uTorrent Bit torrent Client is that large amounts of data can be easily shared over the internet. A survey was done in 2009 and it came out that 43% of internet traffic is contributed by peer-to-peer sharing. Here is the complete and detailed information about the uTorrent Bit torrent Client.

How to install this software on your PC?

It is very simple as all you need to do is to search for this software with the help of your favorite search engine. You can download it from the official website of the uTorrent.

The installation procedure is very simple and after the installation you can operate this software very easily.

How to download torrents and share files?

For the movie or the music that you want to download you need to find its torrent from the internet.

Open that torrent with the help of the uTorrent Bit torrent Client software that you have installed on your computer. You will see that the software will automatically download the movie or the music from that particular location as per the speed of the internet connection.

Basic system requirement

There is no need to worry for system requirement as this software requires very less system resources. This software works pretty well with Windows XP/7 and windows 8. It also works well with Mac operating system and with OS X 10.5 and more.

Meaning of different icons

The green colored downward arrow means something is getting downloaded and red colored downward arrow means the torrent is getting downloaded but these is some kind of tracker error.

The blue upward arrow means that the torrent is seeding.

Apart from all the features and technical specifications there are some more features that are available with this software such as:

You can easily rename the torrent’s caption by selecting the torrent and press F2 and if you press the Esc key the renaming will be cancelled.

One of the most powerful features of uTorrent is the Labels feature. This is used for labeling the torrent which makes the sorting procedure easy. For this all you need to do is to right click the torrent and click on the label.

There is another feature that means hash falls. It is a very special feature from uTorrent Bit torrent Client which only allows the genuine data to be saved on the disc. Any bad data is automatically thrown by the software and completely discarded.

It is very user friendly software that allows smooth transfer of data from one computer to another and the best part is that you can transfer large amounts of data. Hence from now onwards if you feel like downloading loads of movies, music or want to send something which is very large in terms of volume try to use this software and feel the difference.

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