
Welcome to our natural beauty article “12 fabulous fingernail tips” we really hope you enjoy our article……as always we would love to hear about your own favorite tips & suggestions….please share with us…..simply add your tips directly into the text box near the foot of this page….thank you.

Strong Beautiful nails are made from the inside out. Follow the tips below to grow and strengthen your nails for beautiful hands.

1. If your fingernails are brittle, it may be the soap you are using or a hand cream that is perfumed. Most perfumed hand creams contain alcohol which will dry the nails causing them to become brittle.

2. If you have white bands across your fingernails, you need more protein.

3. If you have splitting nails, add some hydrochloric acid to your diet.

4. Do your hands feel like sandpaper? Soften them up with a coating of Vaseline then slip them into inexpensive cotton gloves. Do this just before bed and by the time you wake up in the morning, your hands will be silky smooth.

5. Add more vitamin B12 to your daily vitamin regimen to help fight dryness.

6. always wear rubber gloves while cleaning. Chemicals in the cleaning products are doing a number on your hands.

7. Take zinc to rid your nails of white spots.

8. Combat dry and brittle nails by increasing your vitamin A and calcium.

9. You need more liquids if you have cracks or cuts in the fingernails.

10. Have a problem hang nails? Try adding more protein, folic acid, and vitamin C to your diet.

11. Do not file the corner of your fingernails. It weakens, causing them to break and crack.

12. Are your nails cracked, brittle and breaking? Try drinking more water. . .yep. . .back to the water. At least 8 glasses a day. . .and that’s 8 ounce glasses.

“Hairstyle to improve appearance”

A person’s hairstyle is his crowning glory, whether that person is a man or a woman. Have you noticed a how a person changes his appearance with a change of hairstyle? Women often change their hairstyles to alter their moods. Women who experience depression will sometimes change their hairstyles believing that a new hairstyle will not only change their looks but how they feel about themselves as well.

The changes in a person’s appearance due to a change in hairstyle can be summed up in one word – transformation! Nothing changes a person’s appearance and character more than a change of hairstyle, whether it’s a change of the hair color or a haircut.

But as with make up, the foundation of a good hairstyle is a healthy scalp. Anyone who desires to change their appearance must start with the basic care of their scalp. While there is no compelling evidence to support the old saying that brushing your hair a hundred times each day will make you hair healthier, it may be a good tip for those who want to keep their hair healthy.

Brushing the hair (although not exactly a hundred times), will have a good effect on your scalp. It is always advisable to massage the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles.

A person cannot choose the kind of hair he is born with although it can be improve. Your hair type has been determined from the moment you were in your mother’s womb, since genes are the determining factor. Those with thinning hair problems have probably inherited the problem from their parents. If you experience excessive hair loss, do not fret because more hair will replace the hair that has been naturally discarded.

Many women have a difficult time growing long hair. If you experience this, try using a mild shampoo and avoid too much washing as this will damage the natural oils of your hair. Brushing your hair and massaging your scalp regularly will help improve hair growth.

People who have oily hair have healthier hair but this type is prone to becoming limp and dull. Contrary to common believe, oily hair rather than dry hair, is more prone to producing dandruff. Those with oily hair should use a cleansing shampoo and steer clear of conditioning shampoos.

If you have dandruff, a hot oil massage will not solve the problem. Experts suggest using anti-dandruff shampoos. Others recommend going to the beach and washing your hair with the salty water to deter dandruff.

No matter what hair type you have, or what kind of hair problems you are experiencing, there is always a corresponding treatment. So take good care of your hair because it can make or break your personality.

“Making the Best of Your Beauty Asset”

Pointers on Making the Best of Your Beauty Asset

The way people release their personal auras is of vital importance to their health, happiness, spiritual evolvement, and beauty.

Most people don’t know that the way they radiate the beauty that comes from within will be seen in their physical appearance. In fact, most psychologistscontend that the “personal appeal” reflects the personal view an individual has of himself / herself.

By appreciating the goodness of yourself, you can create an effective means of enhancing your features and make the most of your beauty assets.


The best beauty assets of every woman is the eyes; they define the overall appearance by enhancing its shape and color. It is important to apply make up that will not only enhance the shape of the eyes but will highlight their color.

It has long been known that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They are the most communicative and dramatic feature of the face so it is important to use make up that will brighten and define the features of the eyes.


Healthy and shiny hair is another of the best assets of every woman. It is important to use a healthy regimen of “hair care.” This doesn’t necessarily mean that hair care should only involve the use of the correct type of shampoo; but it also involves the utilization of the proper hairstyle to fit the type of lifestyle an individual has.

Hair care is extremely important because the human hair is a subtle structure that needs a great amount of attention. As they say, “the hair is every woman’s crowning glory”.


The human skin is considered one of the beauty assets of every woman. Healthy skin releases the beauty that radiates from within. It is extremely important to take care of the skin in order to make the most of it.

Many people tend to think that caring for the skin will only involve proper cleaning and moisturizing. They don’t realize that it is important to exfoliate and tone the skin before moisturizing it. Once maintained, your skin can enhance your overall appearance.

Making the best of your beauty assets is one of the most effective ways to create an improved personality. People should realize that even if these beauty assets were God’s gift to humanity, especially to women, they would lose their purpose if people didn’t learn how to make the most them.

Secrets to become beautiful

The Best Beauty Secret – Beyond Makeup and Hair Treatments

Simply looking like a model will NOT qualify you to be called beautiful, and that is the honest truth.

Beauty is more than just the perfect hair, makeup, dress, teeth, skin and clothes. Yes, those things help make a woman look good. But beautiful is a class of its own – a class a woman like you can achieve.

Of course, looking good can help as you make your way toward being beautiful. So here are some tips to get from looking good to becoming beautiful.

- Your crowning gloryYou don’t need to visit the salon every week, but neither should you keep your ‘mane’ looking like a mat on your head.

Take care to keep your hair clean and shiny. On occasion (every 2 months or so), visit a hairstylist who can suggest a good cut that will suit your face and body shape.

- Carry yourself like royaltyThe idea is for you to be able to walk down a street WITHOUT shuffling your feet and with your head bowed down as if apologizing for your existence.

Push your shoulders back with your head resting squarely on your shoulders and stride! Walk as if every hall you pass is a runway – because it is.

- You make the clothes (not the other way around).Be realistic about your body shape. Not everyone’s got an hourglass figure (and guess what? Not everyone desires that either!).

Don’t torture yourself by forcing your body into clothes that will not suit you. It is about as sad a thing as you could do to yourself. Take what you’ve got and dress to highlight what your mama gave you. Consult with a professional to determine what types of clothes will flatter your body shape.

- Makeup not mock-up

The only time too much makeup is a good thing is when it’s on a clown or mime. Otherwise, less is more.

Much like with clothes, use makeup to highlight the nice things about your face. Are those your eyes? Your lips? Your cheeks? Caution though, if you feel your face has got all of those; choose only one part to emphasize or risk looking like a member of K.I.S.S.

Finally, the best beauty secret of all…

…love yourself! It is by far the best beauty treatment you can get. Develop a positive attitude on everything there is about you – from the way you think, to how you talk and of course how you look. People will recognize that there is something about you that makes you irresistible – and that is when you feel great about yourself, no matter what others think or say. You can start being beautiful – now!

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