Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obsessed with natural beauty.
Granted, each civilization has had it’s own definition of what attributes are used to define beauty.
Ancient Egyptian women AND men used various natural pigments to color their bodies in an attempt to appear more favorably to the “gods.”
Head-dresses and jewelry have adorned peoples throughout history with the expectation that these items might improve their appearance.
Roman, Grecian, Arabic and Hindi women used henna to color their hair and tattoo their bodies. The historical artwork of Botticelli depicts women as rounded as cherubs.
Interestingly, current trends toward body piercing and tattooing are nothing new but merely a resurgence of historical practices.
We will take a look at specific tips, old and new, to help you meet the current perception of our societal definition of beauty.
We are adding new bonus home remedy recipes & beauty lotion recipesevery week, so make sure you subscribe to our Blog RSS or just save this page to your favourites by selecting “Ctrl+D” so you can find us again quickly whenever you want a new beauty tip.
Let us begin.
2. Natural Beauty Throughout The Ages
3. Is Natural Beauty Really Only Skin Deep?
4. The Eyes Have It for Natural Beauty!
5. Hand It to Natural Beauty
6. Natural Beauty Foot Care & Pedicure Guide
7. Hair Care for Natural Beauty – how to avoid bad hair days
8. Natural Beauty Teeth Care – how is your smile?
9. It’s The Little Things that Create Natural Beauty
10. Natural Beauty Remedies, Recipes & Articles DIRECTORY
“Herbal treatments for hair”
If you have damaged hair, you may want to try herbs for it. You may find that you can totally revitalize your hair and make it what you want it to be with a little bit of help from herbs. You will see that you can change the way that your hair looks and feels with the help of some herbs. Take some time to check out what you can do for your next hair treatment.
Getting healthy hair does not have to be expensive. You can make your hair beautiful just by doing a few things. You can give your hair that healthy and shinny feel just by using some healthy herbs on it. You will be amazed at what you can do with a little bit of product. Herbal treatments are safe and very useful for just about any type of hair. You can make your hair great by adding a little bit of herbal remedies to it.
“Home Remedies For Bloodshot Eyes”
The blood vessels in the white portion of the eyes are enlarged and irritated causing the redness.
Growing Old Gracefully
Today the average duration of human life in the United States is just about 70 years for women and a little less for men. Conservative experts believe that man is really build to last about 100 years; and that medial advances and more healthful living habits could bring this about within a generation or two.
What good is it to add years to life if we do not also add life to years? In fact, unless people learn to enjoy life and to grow old gracefully, the extra years may be an additional burden.
Homemade Beauty Recipes
Our skin is the largest organ for the human body… did you know that? Yet it gets neglected the most! Here are a selection of natural herbal recipe home remedies for your natural beauty treatments
Homemade Remedy for damaged and dry hair growth care
Many women struggle with dry, hard to manage hair. This can be cause naturally by genetics or improper care such as using harsh chemicals (relaxers, color) or by hot styling products (blow dryer, heat iron). The good news is that some beauty recipes can help restore or re-hydrate your hair leaving it softer and shinier than ever.
“Homemade Shampoo Recipes”
In 1990 I decided not to use the commercially made shampoos after reading Aubrey Hampton’s book, “Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care.” In this book Aubrey tells you how to read the label on any product that you put on your skin or hair.
Manufacturers are constantly using toxic chemicals in their skin and hair products and disregard their toxic effects on your body. This is easily seen in the list of chemicals that they use. Here are a few of these chemicals found in many product labels:
Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep
Research has shown that by taking positive steps toward improving what you eat and how you look and think, you can help your body look younger for a longer period of time.
While wellness begins on the inside by nourishing your cells with the proper balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it’s also essential on the outside of the body.
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