
Candida or candidiasis can be termed as a modern disease since the so-called modern lifestyle is the main cause behind it. A lifestyle that lays more stress on saving time and quick recovery rather than a reliance on natural foods and self-healing is probably the main cause of high levels of Candida in the system. High levels of dependence on commercial foods, antibiotics and birth control pills kill friendly bacteria and weaken the body’s natural immune system, which in turn, invite conditions like Candidiasis.

Candida is the overgrowth of a harmless parasitic fungus, Candida albicans, which is present in every individual for gobbling away putrefied matter that remains in the intestines due to improper digestion.

Conventional allopathic Candida treatments are not able to provide a long term Candida cure . The most common drug used is Nystatin, a mold derived from fungi, which restricts the growth of Candida albicans and other molds. Admittedly, the drug does destroy the yeast. However, over time the drug becomes ineffective as Candida albicans develop strains that are resistant to the drug.

Prevention of Candida is always better than cure because once it colonizes the body, driving it out is a long procedure that may take up to a year or more depending upon the severity of the infection.

The ultimate source of the problem is the digestive system and therefore it is imperative that the digestive system be in near perfect health. Low acidity levels that lead to indigestion and improper bowel movements are the contributing factors that promote growth of Candida albicans. Any yeast infection treatment must address this basic cause of candidiasis. Candida herbs provide help in two ways – they help to keep the intestinal tract fully functional and strengthen the immune system as well.

- Garlic has multiple benefits. It counters fungal infections, stimulates the immune system and helps in easy elimination. It is also a powerful agent for killing parasites in the body and helps in regulating blood pressure. Eating raw garlic may be problem with some but it is equally effective if used liberally in your daily diet along with other foods. Natural garlic is the best but if you must use garlic tablets, make sure that they are suitably coated in a manner that the garlic releases deep inside the intestines, which is where it is required.

- Golden Seal, Oregon grape root and Barberry contain Berberine that can effectively combat Candida and its limit its growth. These herbs also help in digestion. Golden seal should not be taken liberally as it tends to irritate the liver. Periodic breaks usually help to overcome this problem. Golden seal can be taken as tea for treating Athlete’s foot, a common condition in fungal infections. However, pregnant women should avoid Golden Seal and Barberry.

- Licorice root is another herb that can indirectly help in treating Candida. It prevents sugar cravings.

- Chamomile tea stimulates the production of stomach acids to maintain the alkali/acid balance in the digestive system. It is most effective immediately before or after meals. Fennel and cardamom are good substitutes for chamomile tea.

A natural diet and herbs that keep the digestive system fully functional and increase immunity are long term solutions for Candida. If you already have Candida, it is important to facilitate cleaning of the digestive tract with increased intake of water and avoid constipation at all costs.


By Tess Thompson

Candida is generally referred to the overgrowth of Candida in the body. The correct name of the disease is candidiasis. Candida is a type of yeast that is present in every one. It is part of the flora that exists in the digestive tract. It is normally countered by what is commonly known as friendly bacteria, which keeps it at low levels. Candida has the potential of converting from yeast to fungus. Once it converts to a fungus it behaves as one and can cause multiple problems. Athlete’s foot is a common example of a fungal infection.

Candidiasis causes multiple symptoms. It can affect the digestive, respiratory, nervous and reproductive systems to a large extent. Some of the significant symptoms of the disease include:

- Digestive system

o Abdominal gas

o Irritable Bowel symptom

o Constipation and/or diarrhea

- Nervous System

o Headaches and migraines

o Anxiety

o Confusion and cognitive impairment

o Depression and mood swings

o Irritability

o Hyperactivity

- Skin

o Acne and eczema

o Athlete’s foot

- General

o Common rheumatoid disorders (not involving the joints) characterized by achy pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles

o Thrush

o Sensitivity to chemicals including perfumes

o Persistent cough and earaches

o Fatigue

o Rectal irritation

- Women

o Inflammation of the vagina

o Post menstrual Syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation

Conventional Candida treatments mostly involve over the counter drugs.

- For genital candiasis, creams containing anti fungal agents like Miconazole, Tioconazole, Butoconazole and Clotrimazole are recommended for topical application.

- For thrush, an anti fungal agent like nystatin is advised for gargling and rinsing the mouth.

- For skin and diaper rashes, Clotrimazole creams and lotions are applied to treat superficial skin infections.

Prescription drugs involve medicines that block the production of ergosterol, a plant sterol that is converted into vitamin D by ultraviolet radiation. Ergosterol is vital for the growth of Candida albicans and its absence weakens the cells walls. The weakened cell walls begin to leak and the yeast is ultimately destroyed. Amphotericin B is used by doctors for systemic yeast infection treatments .

There is a wide difference in the approach taken by those who practice mainstream medicine and those that opt for the holistic approach of alternative medicines for yeast infection treatment. Natural approaches like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda believe that Candida or Candiasis manifests mainly as gastrointestinal distress and skin and oropharyngeal symptoms.

Alternative medicine focuses on Candida cure by diet modifications and colon cleansing. Colon cleansing involves enemas with plain water or water mixed with an antifungal agent derived from soil fungi.

Diet modification normally revolves around avoiding foods with high sugar and carbohydrate content. It is believed that Candida albicans derives its food for growth from sugar. The right way is to balance between your body’s needs and excess that is likely to become fuel for the yeast to grow.

Prognosis is very encouraging. Mild to moderate symptoms can be cured by colon cleansing and topical treatments. Severe instances and patients with a compromised immune system may require hospitalization and intravenous medications. The best preventive measure, however, is a diet that restricts Candida growth by maintaining good oral and general hygiene.

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