
Fritz Haeg’s Domestic Integrities, Part I. Photo: Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive

Over the next four months the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive is the site of a grand experiment optimistically titled The Possible. Rather than showcasing finished objects and artifacts, the building is hosting a series of interdisciplinary encounters involving nearly 100 artists and museumgoers organized by Oakland illustrator and renegade impresario David Wilson.

Built around interactive Sunday workshops featuring a dye lab, print shop, ceramics studio, and recording facility, The Possible sprawls through five galleries and, weather permitting, the museum’s sculpture garden, turning the institution into a beehive of activity that runs through May 25. Families are encouraged to attend the Kids Club gallery, which is designed to involve children in the creative process.

In preparing for the building’s closure at the end of the year, BAM seems to be stretching conventional notions of what an art museum is beyond recognition. As works are completed they’ll end up as part of The Possible’s installation.(...)

Read the rest of Discovering ‘The Possible’ at Berkeley Art Museum (732 words)

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Post tags: Alexander Kori Girard, Amy Trachtenberg, Anna Halprin, Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive, Brion Nuda Rosch, David Wilson, Deepa Natarajan, Discovering the Possible, Fibershed, Gautam Tejas Ganeshan, Jana Blankenship, Kori Girard, Lawrence Rinder, Meara O'Reilly, Rebecca Burgess, Rowena Sartin, Sangati Center, Sarah Cahill, The Possible, Yoshiko Wada

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