
Today, I get a real treat, we are interview Dr. Prepper himself – James Talmage Stevens. As I have said several times, his book “Making the Best of Basics” was one of the very first prepper books I ever read, and his philosophy of being adaptable and learning and storing the basics rather than chase the newest prepper tech has done much to form me into the prepper I am today. We share many of the same philosophies when it comes to the industry and personal preparedness, and I was very honored when he asked me to write the first ever gun chapter in his newest revision of “Making the Best of Basics” We dont talk much about his book on the show, but if you have not read it I highly suggest you do so – its worth it… You can get it here. David Nash Owner of the Shepherd School and author of Understanding the Use of Handguns and the upcoming 52 Projects for a Self Reliant Life

the shepherd school | Doctor Prepper | David Nash | Making the Best of Basics | prepper

Excerpt from: 

The Shepherd School – Jun 25,2013

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