
What does July have in store for you?

A private reading with Zoe will draw on your personal birth aspects and give you even more details about what to expect. To learn about the process and costs, email Zoe at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask for the reading breakdown!


July gives you added boost behind home matters, a move, the real estate deal, your family, parents, or roommates so hit the ground running and make it count, luck is with you. You’ve been working to achieve a big goal, make a mark on the career front or do something big with an important person and it climaxes by the 10th when things finally wrap up or come through. The big news this month is Jupiter changing signs on the 16th which kicks off a one year luck cycle in your house of true love, children, creative projects, and fun. You haven’t had this kind of growth opportunity in 12 years. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, get a certification or graduate, get into media, marketing or publishing, wed, or make things legal when it comes to your love life, kids, creative projects, or fun? The New Moon on the 26th gives you added mojo in the same arena so use it to launch that creative effort, fall in love, move kids needs forward, or schedule some recreational time. Expect more attention to the sex life, divorce, financial situation, or third party kicking in on the 20th and 25th when things start moving forward again in these matters, get serious and take action.


Your ideas, talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, pitches, interviews, auditions, short trips, and decisions take center stage from the beginning of July thanks to New Moon energy and Jupiter pushing you out there and getting you noticed. This is very special and favors you so make it count. It may also put you into situations with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics as it does its best to move you into new territory. You’ve been working to reach a legal, media, wedding, travel, educational, or political goal and it looks like you should see things wrap up or come through around the 12th with the FULL MOON so give it your attention at this time. The big news is Jupiter moving into Leo on the 16th which is going to open up a year-long growth cycle for you at home, with real estate deals, a move, renovations, the family, a parent, or roommates. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, market, wed, or deal with the legal needs here to broaden your potential with real estate, renovations, home, family, etc? Think big. A NEW MOON on the 26th opens things up even more, giving you momentum into new territory or the next chapter. At least one key relationship is about to shift gears, really picking up around the 20th and 25th as things start to move forward so look at the partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and such, what can you make happen, where can you commit, end things, or get more ambitious?


Making money, focusing on purchases or dealing with possessions should be your prime motivator as July gets underway thanks to New Moon momentum and Jupiter’s blessings helping you go bigger and further with a little effort. The balls in your court, make it count. You’ve been aiming at reaching a goal with a financial matter, divorce, your sex life, or a third party situation and this should finally culminate around the 12th as things come through, end or are reason for celebration. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into Leo for a year starting on the 16th. This opens up growth opportunities with writing, offers, meetings, talks, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, ideas, and decisions. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, or make it legal to open these themes up? The sky’s the limit! New Moon energy on the 26th will take this out into new territory or the next chapter. A major gear shift is about to occur with work, health, paperwork, or pets starting on the 20th and 25th, expect way more action and serious focus.


July is your month Cancer, start it right with a focus on your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs. New Moon energy along with Jupiter’s blessings are there with you to take you to the next level if you partner with the momentum. You’ve been trying to reach a goal with a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, specialist, or client and now it looks as if you see a breakthrough, ending or achievement as things wrap up or come through around the 12th, do your part. The big news this month is Jupiter exiting your sign and moving into Leo on the 16th. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, you are embarking on another year long journey meant to broaden your income, help with major purchases or do something big with possessions. Is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, involve media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting, to help you earn more, get that possession or make the purchase? The NEW MOON on the 26th will give you even more energy behind this fresh start and broader potential. There is a gear shift coming when it comes to your children, lover, love life, creative projects, or fun and it kicks in on the 20th and 25th. Expect to get serious, take action or react as things start to move.


July asks that you put in efforts behind the scenes, developing projects, working on your art, film, music, or spiritual practices, getting away for romance, healing or dealing with hospitals, researching, and recharging your spirit. You have New Moon energy and Jupiter giving you all you need to take it further so be proactive. You’ve been working towards a goal at work, to land work, with co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, or pets that seems to be climaxing around the 12th. This is when you should see things come through, wrap up, end, or be a reason to celebrate. The big news is Jupiter moving into your sign this month. This opens up a year of growth opportunities on a personal level, with your physical needs/body, your image, brand, name, title, identity, and desires. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, market, wed, or get into media that can get you where you will be happier or more prosperous? This is your year, go for it. The NEW MOON on the 26th gives you even more energy behind furthering your personal or physical interests so take it a step further. Expect a gear shift with what’s going on at home, with real estate deals, a move, renovation, the family, a parent, or roommates kicking in on the 20th and 25th, it’s time to get serious and take action or react to what is happening.


July is social, your opportunities are tied in with pursuing your aspirations with an inclusive feel for others, doing things with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, or expressing your originality. You have New Moon energy and Jupiter both doing their part to further your growth here so do your part and show up. You’ve been working towards a goal in your love life, with kids, on a creative project, or in a recreational interest and it looks like it is going to hit a peak by the 12th. This is when things will come through, wrap up and end or be reason for celebration. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into Leo on the 16th and staying for the next year. This is going to bring a growth year for you in art, film, music, spiritual practices, romance, healing, hospitals, research, Karmic balance, and behind the scenes developments. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, wed, or get into media, marketing or broadcasting to further your artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing/hospital, or research opportunities? The NEW MOON on the 26th will give you even more juice to take off in new directions or to the next level here. Expect a gear shift around brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, a move, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, or local activities kicking in on the 20th and 25th. This is when it starts to get serious again and things begin to happen.


July is your month to go for the golden ring, climb the career ladder, reach for your goals, and further efforts with power types like the boss, parent or judge. This is thanks to New Moon energy and Jupiter propelling you forward with added motion from the get-go so make it count. You’ve been working to achieve something at home, with a move, renovation, real estate deal, the family, roommate, or parent and it seems it will come through or wrap up by the 12th with a major climax, ending or celebration. The real news this month is Jupiter moving into your social field for the first time in 12 years on the 16th. This is about opening up potential through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, your freedom, or original ideas. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, involve foreign interest, media, legal channels, or weddings with the group, internet, friends, or aspirations? Think big, Jupiter will be here a year. The NEW MOON on the 26th gives you even more boost into new territory here. Expect a gear shift involving income, possessions or purchases kicking in on the 20th and 25th as things amp up, get serious and move again.


July is pushing you forward in legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding arenas and it’s from the get-go thanks to New Moon energy and Jupiter boosting the luck factor. Dive in. You’ve been working to reach an agreement, wrap up a sale, finish a writing project, get the offer, have the meeting, talk, interview, audition, or reach some goal with a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, or decision. Now it seems to come through, wrap up, end, or be a reason for celebration by the 12th so work towards this peak. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into Leo on the 16th where he will then tour for a year. This is about something big opening up for your life direction, personal goals, career, reputation, fame, or dealings with power types like the boss, parent or a judge. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, make it legal, wed, or tie in media, marketing, publishing, or publicity to reach these goals or deal with these people? Aim high. The NEW MOON on the 26th will play out in the same arena giving you added momentum with goals, career and authorities. Expect a gear shift on a personal or physical level kicking in on the 20th and 25th. This may be about your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or personal needs kicking back in as you get serious, mark endings, make some long term commitments, get your ambition back on and start making things happen.


July is about moving ahead with financial matters, sexual or reproductive needs, a divorce, or the third party interests around you thanks to New Moon energy and Jupiter’s blessings working to open something up. So be proactive! You’ve been trying to reach some apex with income, possessions or purchases and it seems to be hitting its peak by the 12th. This is when you can mark your endings or celebrate your achievements so again, work towards it. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into your travel, legal, educational, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, wedding, religious, and political arenas on the 16th to stay a year. This is a growth transit meant to take you further, bring more happiness or prosperity in these areas. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, he’s at it again, aim high. The NEW MOON on the 26th will be in the same areas giving you added fuel to launch into new territory or take things further. Expect a gear shift with a period of retreat, your research, film, music or art, spiritual practices, romantic getaways or clandestine romance, healing or hospital needs, or development kicking in on the 20th and 25th. It’s now time to get serious and see things moving forward again.


Partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, the competition, your clients, these key people are what make July such a great month for you with New Moon energy giving you a major boost forward and Jupiter giving you the edge to see growth coming through or with them, it’s time to connect with others Capricorn. You have been working on reaching a personal goal that seems to wrap up by the 12th. This may mean you’ve been healing the body or reaching some health goal, working towards a title, name change or something that brings your identity, image or brand to some conclusion, work towards it in the days building to this so you may celebrate achievements and wrap things up. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into your sex life, divorce, financial areas, and third party situations on the 16th to stay a year. Jupiter wants to see more happiness, expansion and prosperity here. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, make it legal, get into media or marketing arenas with it, or wed? Think big. The NEW MOON on the 26th is also pushing you out there further with your sex life, divorce, finances, or third parties, adding to the momentum. Expect a gear shift when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, a charity, your social networking, parties, freedom, or original ideas kicking in on the 20th and 25th. It’s now time to get serious and take action, moving ahead again.


July is pushing you further with work, health, pets, co-workers, people you hire, or paperwork and it is in motion from day one. This is thanks to the New Moon momentum and Jupiter doing his part to expand things in positive ways, work with this energy. You’ve been trying to reach a goal with an artistic project, spiritual practice, healing or hospital matter, romantic union, behind the scenes development, or research and now it seems to be coming through or wrapping up by the 12th. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into your relationship zone on the 16th to stay for a year. This is all about growth, happiness or prosperity potential opening up through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, and other key relationships. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, wed, get into media, marketing, or legal channels to move things out there? Aim high. The NEW MOON on the 26th is also in this area boosting relationships out there to the next level or leading you to new connections over the weeks ahead. Expect a gear shift with life direction, personal goals, career, or dealings with authorities like the boss, parent or judge kicking in on the 20th and 25th. It’s now time to get serious and take action, movement is back on.


The focus should be on the kids, lover/love life, creative project, or recreational interest as July begins because you have New Moon momentum and Jupiter both pushing you out there over the first weeks and helping you reach new levels. You’ve been working to reach an aspiration or some peak with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charity, gathering, or personal freedom and now by the 12th you should see a culmination of these efforts as something wraps up, ends, comes through, or is celebrated. The big news this month is Jupiter moving into Leo on the 16th and opening up a one year transit aimed at bringing bigger, happier or more prosperous opportunities at work, with organizing, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, and pets. Think back to 2002-2003, 1990-1991, or 1978-1979 when Jupiter last resided here, is there a way to travel, relocate, learn/teach, apply media, marketing, legal channels, or weddings to enhance the growth here? The NEW MOON on the 26th is also in this work, health, paperwork, and pet arena so it brings extra opportunities to go further. Expect a gear shift with the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding topic kicking in on the 20th and 25th. It’s time to get serious and take action.

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