
If you want to change your health, it’s time to switch up your drinks! You’ll be amazed at the huge difference you can make to your life by cutting out store-bought junk drinks and making real drinks using fruit, superfoods and herbs. We’ve a great collection for you here that is not only super healthy but also DELICIOUS.

Most store-bought so-called “refreshing” beverages are hugely loaded with sugar (sometimes over 50 grams!) and calories, causing blood sugar spikes and other health consequences.

However as you now know if you have been reading our blog for a while, diet sodas too have come undermuch criticism over suspected negative health impacts of their artificial ingredients.

We all know that it is important to stay hydrated to maximize healthy organ function and minimize negative consequences of dehydration – but what is the best way to go?

Here we have a super list of 8 super refreshing drinks that will not only replenish your fluid levels but are delicious and super healthy also.

Flat Belly Drink #1 – Fruit-Enhanced Water. There are lots of options here involving adding fresh fruit and herbs to water and then allowing to steep for several hours. Here’s a collection of 5 fruit water recipes to get you going – Citrus Blend, Blackberry Sage, Pineapple Mint, Raspberry Lime, Watermelon Rosemary. More here: How To Make Naturally Flavored Water

Flat Belly Drink #2 – Honey Lemon Ginger Tea. An all-time fav, this one is widely agreed to work wonders if you have a cold or mildly upset tummy – but it has healthful effects that are worthwhile at any time. It also happens to be amazingly delicious! To prepare, chop fresh organic lemon and ginger into a cup and pour on boiling water. Add raw honey to taste. Two tips on the honey – 1) make sure you are getting the real stuff (see this list of raw honey suppliers with explanation of why it’s important). 2) some of the beneficial components in raw honey are destroyed by high temperatures (read: boiling water). So, you might want to do what I do, which is eat the raw honey from the spoon in between sips of the lemon-ginger tea… <img src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f609.png" alt="

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